Texts: Acts 4:33-34; James 4:6. With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all, and the result was that no one lacked, because they share their possessions. God gives more grace to the humble. Throughout the New Testament letters, Paul wrote about grace, often opening and closing his letters with a blessing of grace, but it was more than just a greeting. Just as God said, “Light be!” in Genesis, Paul said, “Grace be upon you.” Grace can be increased. We can grow in grace. We can take a stand in grace. A dictionary definition of grace is unmerited favor. The Greek word for grace is the same as for favor. “Grace” conveys the picture of a superior stooping down to help an inferior. Mainly, grace is God’s ability and empowerment. We are told to come boldly to the throne of grace (God’s ability), so that we can obtain God’s strength, wisdom, and ability. If grace would be increased in our lives, hard things would become easy. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Grace is NOT mercy. Mercy is not getting the judgment you deserve. Grace helps you with the ability and empowerment to get out of what you needed mercy for. In Genesis 6:5-8, God saw man’s wickedness and regretted He created him, and if Noah wouldn’t have found grace in the eyes of the Lord, He would have wiped out all men and animals from the earth. We’re here because He gave grace to Noah- grace to build an ark and to do what he needed to do. Grace picks us where mercy ends. It was God’s mercy to the Israelites when they complained, that His wrath didn’t wipe them out, but His grace was shown when Moses extended his rod and the Red Sea parted. God’s grace was shown when Peter walked on the water, and Jesus’ mercy was demonstrated when Jesus reached out for Peter when his focus turned away from Him, and he doubted. We need God’s grace!
Grace: We Need It
More Grace
Word Given During CWI Service
“Get Ready for the Outpouring” Given by Larry Hostetter:
My children, the shaking is coming. Get yourselves ready. Get yourselves in the Word, because you have to trust in Me like you’ve needed trusted in Me before, but My power and My love is sufficient. I have a boldness, a boldness for you, a boldness you have never experienced in your life, and a love, and a power, and an anointing that you’ve never experienced in your life, because it’s time for the outpouring. So, get ready! Get ready! Get on your knees. It’s time to be holy. It’s time to put things aside. It’s time to shake yourselves. Shake off those things that have a hold on you. They don’t belong to Me! They don’t belong to Me, and you need all of Me that you can get.
Be ready, My children! Be ready, My children for I’m coming soon! I’m coming soon! I’m coming soon! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!
It seems like a long time coming, but time is very, very short, so be ready. Be ready! Be in your Word. Be on your knees. Be opened to hear the Holy Spirit, and do what He says.
There’s so much to be done. I want to see souls come flooding into My kingdom. I want to see peoples’ lives changed by the power of a living God, because you can’t do it on your own. It’s not by might. It’s not by power. It’s by the Spirit of the living God. You need to know Me more and more and more. You need to know Me more and more and more.
Pastor Sydney Ropp “More Grace”
Texts: James 4:6; Acts 4:33. The grace of God is His favor, His wisdom, and His empowerment. Our part is to be humble, living to do His will, not our own will. We are to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). With enough grace I can do anything He asks me to do. We have to come to God boldly and humbly (Hebrews 4:16). Grace is NOT God covering-up or overlooking my sin. It is God’s empowerment for me not to sin. Sin should no longer be our master (Romans 6:14). If you are in a “wilderness experience”, it could be because of hardness of heart. God graces you to come out of the wilderness, but you still will have to face enemies, and then His grace is there for you, if you are obedient. Grace, proclaimed to her by the angel Gabriel, made a huge difference in Mary’s life (Luke 1:26-30). God’s grace was on Jesus (Luke 2:40). God does give more grace to some people than to others. Jesus grew in wisdom, grace, and stature as a child (Luke 2:52). John 1:14-17 says that Jesus was full of grace and truth. We have received grace upon grace from Jesus’ fullness. It is by His grace that we can go through the valleys in life. We need God’s grace now more than ever, because there are more people on the earth than ever before. Ask Him for more of His grace.
His Presence, His Grace
Texts: Acts 4:33; Exodus 33:1-6, 11-17. Moses told God that he would not leave Sinai and go into the Promised Land without the Lord. He asked God for grace for Him to show Moses His way and that Moses would know Him. God said that Moses found grace in His sight and that His presence would go with him. God’s presence is God’s grace. Greater grace results in greater peace. Peace is the indicator of God’s grace. Pastor Sydney and his wife, Jenn, tell of the grace that God gave Jenn after surrendering and submitting to Him when He told them that they were to move to Lancaster at a very inconvenient time. You eat the good of the land if you are obedient and willing. You have to submit to God’s will (James 4:6-7). Get into His presence. Get into His grace. You can get out of God’s grace by regarding the wind and the waves, the outside pressures, and worries. The “Yeah, buts” will sink you. An idol is anything that takes the place of your Source. It’s you thinking you can do it yourself in your own ability. God’s grace is in everything. Don’t think you can do it on your own. The time is short. We need great grace. The word of grace is to empower you (Acts 20:32). Rotten talk tears you down (Ephesians 4:29). Minister life and encouragement. Grace is the opportunity for you to have faith.
Grace: Pleasing God
(There was communion and children departments’ participation.) Text: Acts 4:33. Pastor Sydney reviewed about grace. When we are in God’s presence and experiencing His grace, we enter into peace, joy, and victory (Psalm16:11; Psalm 5:11-12; Psalm 30:5, 7). How can we receive more of God’s grace? Psalm 89:17 tells us that pleasing God releases His grace. Even your enemies are at peace with you (Proverbs 16:7) and they don’t triumph over you (Psalm 41:10-11) when you please God. It was the grace of God that protected Jesus, and He had that grace because He always did what pleased the Father (John 8:29). We should walk as He did, always pleasing the Father. You can choose to delight to do His will by agreeing with Him quickly.