Text: John 21:15-17. Jesus affirmed Peter by asking him three times if he loved Him and then He told him to feed His sheep and lambs. Jesus must be more important to you than anything else. The phileo (responsive love) that Jesus and Peter talked about required the action of Peter’s feeding His lambs and sheep. Here “feed” means to pastor. He was saying, “If you love Me, take your place.” People get out of their place, and then they get into trouble. David was supposed to be going to war, but instead he saw a woman and gave into temptation. One of the roles of a pastor is to feed his sheep. The second role is to protect the sheep. Peter wasn’t a pastor, but he was an apostle. In other words, he was an apostle, pastoring. Don’t put church roles into a box. Pastor/Apostle Dale shares about being an apostle and a pastor. An apostle needs to keep his feet in the local church and his hands in the world. He shared that Sydney Ropp will be the CWI pastor, so that Apostle Dale can fulfill the apostolic role in CWI. What happens to Ukraine is happening to us, because of our connections. Pastor Demeke’s church will be joining CWI. Gene English is reaching to Washington, D. C. Our sister church is in Colorado.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM