Speaker ‘Ron Cohn’

Passion for God

Wednesday November 16, 2016

If you want to hear from God, be willing to listen and be willing to record what He tells you. Ron Cohn share several incidences of dreams of or finding coins and how God told him the meanings. The government follows the church. Righteousness exalts a nation. Brother Ron talked about the super-moon which appeared around the time of the election. The last one was in 1948, when Israel was given its statehood. He said that the Lord told him that there are some conditions that are the beginning of the third great awakening. Genesis 1:14 God said that the sun, moon, and stars are signs for the seasons and days and nights. He shared how the sun, moon, eclipses, and stars are signs pointing to God. John Bevere said that passion and an eternal perspective are needed in the Body of Christ. Revelation 3:15, 16 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. God does want us to be lukewarm! You can not know where lukewarm people stand. If you are hot or cold, everyone knows where you stand. Daniel had passion for God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego had passion for God (Daniel 3:8-30). When you are put in the fire, God is with you. God had someone in the fire before they were thrown in. Jesus’ disciples had passion for Jesus (Acts 1-3). Jim Elliot was passionate for God as he ministered to the headhunter pygmies. He asked God, “Am I ignitable? Oh Lord, deliver me from the asbestos of other things.” What you do with the cross determines where you will spend eternity. Obedience or disobedience, the way you live as a believer, will determine how you will spend eternity. The church has been praying for eighteen months. A country wakes up when the church wakes up. The sin that is in the world is the same corruption that is in the church. The church is the gatekeeper to righteous living. The church is poised for revival. Praying earnestly is a protest against the devil. Jesus lived in the passion of God. Gethsemane means “oil press,” and that is where Jesus sweat like drops of blood. The blood of God came out of Him. Jesus took the sins on Him when He was in the garden. Other passionate men were: David, Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Stephen, and Paul. America has not known persecution, only disagreement and strife. ISIL stands for I’m Satan, I Lie; ISIS – I’m Satan, I Steal. SIGN – Secrets Indicating God’s News. It is important how we treat Israel. Martyrdom is coming to America. There is only one Body. Those who are being martyred are part of us. We are not so special in America. We are part of the Body. Donald Trump’s middle name is John. John was a forerunner. Trump is a forerunner of the re-establishing of a constitutional democracy. Luke 22:32 (I pray that your faith will fail you not.) We will have tribulation and persecution. Be willing to die for what you believe. Ron had a dream of a parking lot where all kinds of demonic activities were going on. He came and all the people were set free. Sick men were healed. Then he consecrated the land, and it disappeared. He had a dream of a white cloud and out of it poured blood, spraying blood over everything. Do not be afraid of dying. Be afraid of not pleasing God. Passionate living is powerful living. Between ordinary and extraordinary is passion. Deny the ordinary. Passion is the fuel to dream, the dare to believe, and goes where too many are afraid to go. Desire an understanding heart. A martyr is one who brings a witness. We think of being a martyr as being someone who dies for their faith. Live in faith, not in fear.


Wednesday July 20, 2016


Pre-sermon notes: There is a spirit of man, and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding. We have authority to bind and loose and have the spirit of seeing and of knowledge. Why was it necessary for not one bone of Jesus’ body to be broken? 1) Jesus had to be fully dead when the Roman soldiers checked Him. 2) It would have violated the Word. 3) The Word had to be fully fulfilled.

Sermon: Contentment in the Spirit is not wanting anything but God. Seek God first, and then other things will be added to you. The lack of contentment in the body of Christ gives Satan a great opening into our lives. God wants our lives full and joyful. Unforgiveness and sin are other doors for Satan, but discontentment is a big one. Discontentment is unrest, apathy, a loss of passion for God, an unbalanced focus, and a critical, judgmental, and fault-finding spirit. Let God inspire (being God-breathed) and teach you. Enjoy Him. Proverbs 11:1 tells about the abomination of false balances. Contentment affects everything in you, such as your attitude. Do not look to the world for confirmation. Balance is very important. Learn how to combine the spiritual and the natural. Adam was operating in both the spiritual and natural realms simultaneously. There is redemption for animals. They were innocent in the curse brought on by Adam. Jesus is the last Adam, and He will redeem the creatures. Discontentment comes through people and situations to show you what you do not have. Contentment shows you what you do have. There is no such thing as blind faith. Walk by faith, seeing faith. Discontentment is a task-master and is ungrateful. It makes you a slave. Contentment is grateful and appreciative. Be spiritually-minded. Would to God that we had been content (Joshua 7:7). Possessions do not make you godly. Gaining is not godliness. Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:1-6). Paul said that whatever state he was in, he was content (Philippians 4:11). It is not the things that you have that produce contentment. Possessions do not equal contentment. God is the source of our joy, not possessions. To be content is to be satisfied- sufficient, raise a barrier (archeo). Put up a barrier of contentment. Discontentment is self-serving and is about me. Our joy is because of God, and then we bring it to other people. Joy is spiritual. We cannot expect others to make us happy. Godly contentment serves God and others and brings you into the rest of God. Prepare your life for God. Jesus is your source (Philippians 4:19). Discontentment drives you to long for something else. Contentment keeps you on course and will ensure the growth and maturity of the fruit of the Spirit. God is our Shepherd, and He has already supplied all things. He daily loads us with good things (Psalm 68:19). He took the weight of sin, guilt, and darkness off of us. Now we can carry the weights of the benefits of God that lift us up. There is no lack in heaven. He is our provider (Matthew 6:9).

Rocky – The Mystery of the Body of Christ: Working Together Ron – You Are Not Here, But There

Wednesday January 20, 2016

Offering Message (Jay Stoltzfus): Philippians 4:10, 19. Believe God to receive more. The blessing is not just for us but for the people we are ministering to. Pastor Jay shared how God turned an $8,000 mistake into a $20,000 blessing. Pastor Syd Ropp: Those who hear the Word and keep it are blessed (Luke 11). Be careful how you hear and do it. Ask, seek, and knock. How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Daily ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Sermon Message (Rocky Veach): God is building His body on the earth. We are to do His will. Matthew 17. The key words are “mystery” and “workings”. The church is a mystery, a secret society, but we have made it common.  There are more than 30,000 denominations. The real church is mysterious, and it will overcome. We are to know Him. We are to love. There is only one church. Rocky shared his testimony about a small church near his grandmother’s house. He was drawn to that mysterious place at the age of four. The Lord drew him; it was a mystery, and that is what drew him when he was eighteen years old. The church is the force that restrains. We must know God and recover the church, one person at a time, one church at a time. The church is “the call”. The church is about the call to follow Jesus Christ together, to come out into public together. It is not a building. We just keep doing church. Jesus paid the price. Is Jesus in the body? What are we gifted to do? What have You called us into to do? Solve problems in the spirit realm with God and come to Jesus. The mindset of Jesus is found in Acts. Jesus shows how to teach people the mystery of God. Jesus used the word “church” at a place of iniquity, a place where the fallen angels had come down and corrupted mankind (Matthew 16:13). He came to tell them how to stop the mystery of iniquity. Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was, and Peter said that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16). Right now being an agnostic is the thing. That just means people who have some knowledge, wisdom, and religion, but are without God. Many people will fall away from the faith, if they do not have the Word in them. God works through the Word. It works in the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Be in the Word all the time. Truth in your life enables you to detect deception. There are many wrong spirits in the church today. We should want what is God’s will. God deliver me from me. We should want the mysterious church, the church that is led by the Spirit of God. We should not do what we want to do. With faith all things are possible, so that we can be the real church. The remnant church is the underground church. The underground church in China is not free to worship, but they are sending out missionaries. They are willing to take the land and die if needed. (He talked about The Heavenly Man and The Underground Church.) Help us. We want to do God’s will. Deal with your heart first. We must have the Word, the Spirit, and the body of Christ. This is the mystery of godliness, the mystery of faith. Who do you say Jesus is? Jesus was saying that He was the man to help mankind and to stand in the gap for us. We must hear from God. We are built to succeed spiritually and militarily. We have the keys in Him, but we must think like God. In Revelation 1:9 John was in prison because he was a Christian and shared the testimony of Jesus Christ. We should be out in the world to preach the truth. There can be trouble when you preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep going in following God’s call. Follow Him and trust in Him. Be a Joshua, Caleb, or a David. John was in the Spirit. It is like we are not really here, but we are there (Revelation 1:10). “We’re not really here, but we’re there.” The Bible says we are Jesus! As He is, so are we. We are His body. He raised us up together. It is a mystery, because we do not know how that can be true. God was in Christ. We should speak the Gospel. It is powerful and mysterious. God spoke to John that He is the beginning and the end. John turned to see the voice Who spoke to him, and he saw seven golden candlesticks. He saw the glory of God and the anointing of God.  The seven candlesticks are the seven churches (Revelation 1:20). The first thing John saw was the church before he saw Jesus. What God fulfills, He does through the real, mysterious church. Our job is a high calling. His grace is a burden of responsibility that works by faith. We should let His grace work through us. When we are in Jesus, there is a revelation of the church in Him. God wants us to come back to Him. God is calling you. Answer your call. What is the way You are showing me? When we see You, we shall be like You. Ron Cohn: The way the Father sees things if that we are no longer here, but there. We are to see things eternally, not temporally. As you have walked life facing problems and care, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. As you walked in the earth, and Satan tried to get you to stare, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. As you walked in the earth, sometimes weather that was bad, and weather that was fair, you now realize you are no longer here, but there. When things seemed short, and there was not enough to share, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. The day that you gather around the throne, and there’ll be no care nor fear, you will no longer be there, but here. Bob Hawk: God wants to activate the stirring of the healing anointing in the CWI body. We will need to step out in uncomfortable situations. Jesus taught, preached, and healing.  God anointed Jesus, and He healed all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him (Acts 10:38). Act on what you believe. Think, if the house was burning, you’d get everyone out. We are to take out the good news. We need to help others. There are places we need to be for divine appointment and assignments. Walk out of your comfort zones. Separate yourself so you can know your sonship and the maturity that He is calling you to. Maturity is walking by His Spirit and listening to God’s voice. He will show us what to do, if we pay attention to Him. We have to lay down the sin. He has instructed us. Our part is to submit and obey to His voice. Things are subject to change very quickly in this nation. His healing virtue shall flow from your hands. Lay your hands on the sick, and they will recover in the name of Jesus Christ. God has called you to Himself. Ask, seek, and knock. God wants to visit us as a church. There is a spiritual fire in you. Expect to receive the tangible presence of God’s healing power and for signs following. Step out if you hear a word. He has anointed us to be His hands. It is the hour.

Four speakers – Monday evening – Jan 18

Monday January 18, 2016

Pastor Syd (Hearing and Listening for God’s Spirit’s Leading): Isaiah 50:4, 5. We need open ears to hear what the Lord is saying. Pastor Syd told of how he stood in faith to hear what the Holy Spirit wanted him to do concerning a school for his son, but no answer was coming. He asked the Lord about it, and he heard all the word curses he had spoken against school when he was a child. He immediately repented and put the blood of Jesus over those he had cursed. Immediately He gave him the name of the school and the first grade teacher, and so he knew which was God’s choice. In Mark 4:9 Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” This was the Parable of the Sower. Mark 4:22 tells about the hidden and revealed things, and also says in verse 23, “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” We have to pay attention to what we hear. He will show you more if you recognize that the Lord is speaking to you. Then be careful how you hear. We need God’s Spirit to know His hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:6-3:3). He has revealed the hidden things of what He has prepared for us. The deep things are the things we need to develop and cultivate. The natural mind does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. We have the mind of Christ. Paul tired to speak of spiritual things to the people, but they were too carnal to receive them.

Bob Hawk gave a word about shifting, preparation, an awakening, a stirring within us, removing weights, running with new shoes and with the Word. This is a new day and hour of God’s power.

Rocky Veach: A great thing is ahead of us. There is preparation. Rocky shared how one month after he was born-again, the Lord showed him a photograph and said that she was his wife. Expect to hear. Expect Him to surprise you. Expect Him to speak to you. Put yourself in a position to hear. He said that 2016 is “The Year of the Angler”. Put your line with a big hook in the water and let the Lord give you a big catch, some big fish. Jesus used parables because the ones who do not have a heart to hear, will not hear. Parables bypassed the natural mind and were meant to go to the heart. We are open to subliminal things, but open yourselves to the Word and hear what God has to say.

Ron Cohn: Secrets. Hearing. Changing. We should hear the secrets of God and then change. The secret things belong to the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 29:29). Everyday God does something to us, for us, and through us. He shared about paying attention to God connections, like seeing “Rocky” on a TV in a business he was in the same day he was going to meet Rocky Veach for the first time. The body of Christ needs to be ready to hear God’s revelations. Some things God reveals to you are never to be shared, if people are not ready to hear them. There is an alignment of heaven and earth. Ron shared about a “God meeting” with a young man at the gas station and how he knows that his obedience caused that man’s life to be forever changed. Are you willing to pay the price to get God’s secrets? To do that you must cut some things off and consecrate yourself. When God’s secrets are given to a person, they become revelations. God does not hide things from us but for us. In Daniel1:20 Daniel and the three other Hebrews were willing to pay the price and were ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers. God reveals secrets (Daniel 2:21, 28, 29). Ron shared four recent occurrences, such as words from God and open visions that he was to share with people. Can God trust you with His secrets? Will you be willing to pay the price? God knows what is in the darkness. God has His own noise cancellation system. It is not praise and worship. It is a joyful noise.

God Made Man in His Image – July 12

Sunday July 12, 2015

[Brother Cohn ministered under the anointing to an individual.] Praise puts a beautiful garment on you. God hides things for us, and the way to find them is to dig into the Word night and day. Then He can make our way prosperous, and then we can have good success. Even unbelievers can get results if they apply Biblical principles. The last great frontier is walking in the life of God every day. You can see God on people. Genesis 1:26-28 shows us that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit were in the creation of man. God turned to Jesus and the Holy Spirit when He said, “Let Us make man in our image.” We were made after God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and their image. In the Hebrew language this Scripture means that when God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all came together, Jesus and the Holy Spirit got their instructions from the Father. They yielded to the Father. Image means representation. In Ephesians 5:1 we are told to be followers or imitators of God as dear children. We should imitate Him in everything. Be a creator by the words of your mouth. Create a new world. We can frame our world by our words. God made man to look, sound, act, create, and speak like God.

Prophetic Conference – Feb 6

Friday February 6, 2015

A word was given about the need to surrender to God. Pastor Syd shared about how they raised on his childhood farm. By changing the atmosphere with more oxygen for the ostrich eggs the mortality rate extremely improved. A prepared heart, praising God and without unforgiveness, changes the atmosphere. A prepared heart brings life and allows us to go from glory to glory. Communion was served: 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 (examine yourself, be in unity, and forsake all to follow Jesus). Pastor Syd told of a hurt that he had because someone said he did not have a good-enough singing voice. That hurt stifled the Spirit. Dennis See prophesied over Pastor Syd: laser-focus fro God; out of old into new. To the congregation: launch out to the deep and unfamiliar in worship; get off the edge and get thirsty for the real; do not keep doing things the same way, but move with the Spirit. Brother Cohn “interpreted” the Spirit’s moving with the congregation.

Prophetic Conference – Translation, Transformation, and Transfiguration – Feb 3

Tuesday February 3, 2015

(Prophet Bob gave a word.) My God loves me so much that He will not let me stay where I am. Are you where God wants you? Man wants comfort, but God wants obedience. Comfort is the siren-call of destruction. Are we ignitable? A revival spirit comes when man talks about heaven. Consider the eternal things of God. Humble men want God to be seen, not themselves. God is searching man’s heart. Teach me Your ways. Show me Your paths. You may be in the will of God and be totally out of comfort and be in danger. Darkness can increase either by evil or by the increase of light. Satan’s darkness will be seen as darker because of the glory of God. The more glory of God is present, the darker and obvious the darkness is. If you cannot see darkness, you need an increase of light in your life. Ninety percent of Brother Ron’s prayer life is spent in tongues. There are two sins of America and the church: 1) pride, and 2) the church has lost its awe of God. Only when a man knows that he does not know anything does he know anything. God knows everything. Show us Your perspective of earth. Pray the Ephesians 1:17-23 prayer in the first person. Sing and make melody in your heart. You allow the world to serve you and glorify God. Keep a pad and pen with you, writing down His thoughts. The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel (Proverbs 20:15). These three words will change your lives: translation, transformation, and transfiguration. 1) Translation: We have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated (conveyed) into the God’s kingdom (Colossians 1:13). “Translation” means moved from one place to another. We are dead! We need to stop being afraid of man and of dying. Ask God: “Is there anything in my life that does not please You?” 2) Transformation: We are to be living sacrifices (Romans 12:1, 2). Living sacrifices do not stink! Under the Old Testament the sacrifices had to be dead. Man’s sacrifice is a stench in God’s nostrils. Transformation means getting your mind renewed, changed from glory to glory. The Spirit of God is deposited in us for a return. “Father, do not let Your investment in me fail.” 3) Transfigured: Means to undergo a change. Mark 9:2 says that “after six days” Jesus took three of His disciples on a high mountain. Be a fool for God so He can set you free. It is like chewing a cud. (Brother Ron shared more connections.) The order of the church is: translation, transformation, and transfiguration. During the last days man will run to and fro because of knowledge. It will be because of a lack of imagination. Jesus laid down His glory. After 6,000 years, the church will undergo a transfiguration. John saw it on the Island of Patmos.


Prophecy Conference: First Evening – Silence – Feb 2

Monday February 2, 2015

(Song: Lord, roll me out to get the lumps out of me.) Everything that is done by the Spirit should honor the Lord. The greatest thing is to be alone with God. God made us in His image. Carry a pencil and paper to write down what He speaks. God has a voice. When someone refuses to get alone with God, they are saying that they do not want to invest in themselves. Silence does not mean God is not speaking. The problem is that He is trying to get us to listen. God’s nature is to reveal Himself. Brother Ron shares many revelations that God has given him about silence. Silence is the invitation to hear the voice of God. It is not silence people fear; it is hearing God that they fear. Silence is the teacher calling people to serve. Hitler was a preacher, but he preached the wrong message. He studied mannerisms and how to influence people, but it was demonic. Silence does not shout from the stage, but whispers from the side. Silence invites participation. Silence is the dessert. God had to keep Jesus’ death and resurrection a secret. Why did God send a flood? Satan was trying to produce a different DNA of mixing angels and humans, which would have prevented Jesus from coming through man. Stay in the Word, and let it wash you, and it will change you by the level of consecration. Silence brings about discovery. Silence’s twin brother is solitude. Silence is when your heartbeat matches God’s. Silence is a canvas where God paints His thoughts. Silence helps the mind focus and the heart soar.  Silence brings worlds together. Silence asks for permission to speak. God wants to know if you can be nudged. God never walks in the shadow of Satan. Satan only counterfeits what is real. David had five stones, because he planned to kill Goliath and his four brothers. If we are silent in these last days, we enable man to speak. A sign gives information and points you to something. Do not walk by what you see, but by the Spirit. Spend time with the Spirit, not quenching or grieving Him. There is a sword coming, trying to quiet the preaching of the Gospel. America is sick and weak. We need to wake up and do something about it! We are only alive if we stay connected to God. There are no coincidences in God’s kingdom. If you are walking with God, you will look different. Brother Ron shared different connections confirming God’s voice to him.

Prophetic Conference – Rivers of Living Water

Wednesday January 8, 2014

Listen to God and wait for the unction of God. Those who believe in Jesus, out of their hearts will flow rivers of living water (John 7:37-38). There is a pure river of water of life proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb (Revelations 22:1-2), and in the middle of the street was the tree of life. One river flowed into the Garden of Eden and four flowed out. Your heart is the garden of God, and in the center of your heart, is the tree of life. The river flowing in is the New Birth, the Spirit within us, and the rivers flowing out are the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. God drove man out of the Garden, and cherubim were placed at the east gate, and a flaming sword turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life, which he should have been eating from (Genesis 3:22-24). Since Adam and Eve sinned, they became spiritually dead, but they could create with their mouths. Although the tree of life was locked up, when we are born-again, He puts His tree of life in us, which is the ability to speak, confess, and create with our words. He opened up what was locked up, because He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). The Word changes our lives. Because of Jesus (the Word), our lives are hid in Christ. We overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11) (There was a time of testimony.) When the veil was torn from the top to the bottom, God was saying that He would not live anymore in a temple built by man, but He would live in a temple made by Him. The prophet’s ministry is a sudden inspiration, light of a sudden revelation at the moment, seems to be fundamental to future events or the mind of the Spirit in general. The prophet of God is preeminently the ministry that reveals the emotion of God to the people. He communicates things to the prophet so he can change them.

Prophetic Conference – Personal Wisdom and Discernment

Tuesday January 7, 2014

The end of things is at hand (1 Peter 4:7). There is a convergence of what God has said and what the devil is doing. What have we learned in the last twenty-five years? We’ve learned about the spirit of wisdom (Ephesians 1:17-18) and wisdom (what is needed when a problem comes up, and you don’t have an immediate solution). Jesus became for us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). We’ve learned how to be led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18). We’ve learned about the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16). We’ve learned about the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12, 13; Hebrews 2:4). Here the struggle is, are we off the path or are we needing to break through something that the devil is hindering? Can we walk in discernment, personal Christian discernment, which is not the gift of the Spirit, and is resident in each one of us? Especially now, we need personal discernment because of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. We need alertness and awareness in God to perceive what God is saying. This can save your life. To discern is to recognize or identify as distinct what is of the soul or of the spirit. Be cautious of people who try to give you their dream. Find out the will of God. To discern also means to separate what’s of God, what’s of this church or of this group. Furthermore, it means to distinguish, compare, like weighing things out on a scale, to perceive, to discriminate. If we know the real God and truth, we will be able to discern the false and counterfeit. Have you become dull of hearing (Hebrews 5:11-14)? Are you choking on solid food, or can you discern good and evil? We must become masters of the sword of the Spirit, the Word. Paul’s perception saved lives (Acts 27:10). There are lost, unlearned, and ignorant people. Do you live the Word? Experiences are the lowest level, then come our prayer life, meditation in the Scriptures, and spending time with God, and then being sensitive to God. The Word of God is above His name and is an eternal constant. (Prophet Cohn shared how the Lord reveals things to him that connect and direct him to minister. There were many other Scriptures confirming the teaching.)