Prophetic Conference – Translation, Transformation, and Transfiguration – Feb 3

Tuesday February 3, 2015

(Prophet Bob gave a word.) My God loves me so much that He will not let me stay where I am. Are you where God wants you? Man wants comfort, but God wants obedience. Comfort is the siren-call of destruction. Are we ignitable? A revival spirit comes when man talks about heaven. Consider the eternal things of God. Humble men want God to be seen, not themselves. God is searching man’s heart. Teach me Your ways. Show me Your paths. You may be in the will of God and be totally out of comfort and be in danger. Darkness can increase either by evil or by the increase of light. Satan’s darkness will be seen as darker because of the glory of God. The more glory of God is present, the darker and obvious the darkness is. If you cannot see darkness, you need an increase of light in your life. Ninety percent of Brother Ron’s prayer life is spent in tongues. There are two sins of America and the church: 1) pride, and 2) the church has lost its awe of God. Only when a man knows that he does not know anything does he know anything. God knows everything. Show us Your perspective of earth. Pray the Ephesians 1:17-23 prayer in the first person. Sing and make melody in your heart. You allow the world to serve you and glorify God. Keep a pad and pen with you, writing down His thoughts. The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel (Proverbs 20:15). These three words will change your lives: translation, transformation, and transfiguration. 1) Translation: We have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated (conveyed) into the God’s kingdom (Colossians 1:13). “Translation” means moved from one place to another. We are dead! We need to stop being afraid of man and of dying. Ask God: “Is there anything in my life that does not please You?” 2) Transformation: We are to be living sacrifices (Romans 12:1, 2). Living sacrifices do not stink! Under the Old Testament the sacrifices had to be dead. Man’s sacrifice is a stench in God’s nostrils. Transformation means getting your mind renewed, changed from glory to glory. The Spirit of God is deposited in us for a return. “Father, do not let Your investment in me fail.” 3) Transfigured: Means to undergo a change. Mark 9:2 says that “after six days” Jesus took three of His disciples on a high mountain. Be a fool for God so He can set you free. It is like chewing a cud. (Brother Ron shared more connections.) The order of the church is: translation, transformation, and transfiguration. During the last days man will run to and fro because of knowledge. It will be because of a lack of imagination. Jesus laid down His glory. After 6,000 years, the church will undergo a transfiguration. John saw it on the Island of Patmos.