Larry Mills shared a story of a blimp and how that there was a gentleman that tied the rope of the blimp to himself. The blimp just held onto him and the gentleman just enjoyed the ride. Larry mentioned that there is a rest that the people can hold onto. It is just that we have to tie the rope and trust God. Let Him hold onto us and enjoy the ride. We need to depend on God and trust Him more. God is the God of the impossible. Larry mentioned that we need to pray for continued wisdom. Larry referenced Galatians 5:25. He shared what God is doing throughout his ministry with couples and families and the new building for their cafe. All the years til now has prepared him for this year and it is not a cliche. Larry encourages the people not to sit but, to rise up. He questions, ” What’s it mean to walk in the Spirit?” Larry mentions three things that must be a part of our lives. 1) Reading the word of God. 2) Prayer, get into a habit of talking to God. Choose something you do everyday and attach it to that to get into the habit of talking with God. 3) Sharing your faith with someone. Larry mentions that most people have difficulty sharing faith. He references John 20:21, the first disciples saved. With this great gift of eternal life, the salvation comes with great responsibility. If you just sit back and don’t share than there are others who won’t have the opportunity to experience salvation. Larry references Philemon 1:6, acknowledge every good thing. There two tips Larry had given and gave statistics of how many people could get saved over the span of sixteen years. 1) Write down five people’s names who may be open to the gospel. Pray for them desperately daily. Declare an open Heaven over them. 2) Pray for the other laborers that would come along, show them how to lead people to Jesus. Show the unconditional love of God. Meditate on Philemon 1:6. He encourages us to trust God and to not to be afraid. If you can’t get excited about what He has done in you, don’t even try. However, if you can get excited about every good thing He has done in you then you have a voice. Larry mentioned that if the Body of Christ can rise up that revival would come. He mentions about blood covenant and the importance of understanding it. Jesus walked the path for you and I. We were in His Loins as He walked the path. If anyone be a new creation in Christ old things have past away behold all things have become new.
To Walk in the Spirit
Prayer #3 What Is Prayer – b
Pastor Sydney read from James 5:16. How did Jesus tell us to pray? Why pray? Prayer changes things. 1) We pray because we believe that there is a God. 2) We have to know that He wants to reward us for seeking Him. When you talk to the Father you are going to Him in the legal right of Jesus. Jesus is your attorney. Prayer is a legal thing. Luke 5:16, Jesus prayed often. Most times we are looking to get something when going into prayer. When prayer goes from something we do to something we do to spend time with and have relationship with the Lord. We treat prayer as if it is something we have to do when it should be something we want to do. Pastor Sydney uses him spending time with his wife as an example. How it is a privilege to spend time with her. That is how our prayer with the Father should be. It should be a privilege to be able to go and pray and talk with the Father. You receive major revelation when you pray. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 9:2. Pastor Sydney asked if there is value an hour of prayer? An hour of prayer could be of value or not depending on your outlook. If you are looking to put in a certain amount of time or pray in unbelief, it is equivalent to having no value in prayer. Take time and get away with the Lord. Take a date and get past the surface and back to the basics. Don’t forget that the Father is always with you. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 18:9, still talking about what prayer is. Prayer is a two way conversation or a dialogue. Prayer is not talking to other people but over God’s shoulder. Prayer is not people preaching to other people through prayer. Prayer is not talking to the devil. It is not losing and binding, we are not talking to God when we do that. In the throne of Heaven or courtroom there is no need for the sword. God is our judge. Pastor Sydney read from Isaiah 56:6-7. Prayer is not mournful. Matthew 6:5-6, there is a correct way to pray and there is wrong way to pray. You pray to the Father. You do not pray to Jesus or the Holly Spirit. Deuteronomy 5:4, do not pray to other gods. Pastor Sydney referenced Matthew 12:4 and John 16. Pastor Sydney encourages us to pray like Mary did. Pastor Sydney mentioned that we want answered prayers but, we do not honor His name. He talks about using God’s name in vein. We are to honor His name.

Prayer #4 Love – a
Pastor Sydney read out of James 5:13. Pastor Sydney mentioned that he cannot force anyone to believe anything. He talks about being aware of when you hear yourself say things like “we prayed them in”. It can put the wrong impression on others. Pastor Sydney continues to teach on the reason why we pray. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. Prayer is a legal thing. His love for humanity has not changed. God is not in control of everything. Pastor Sydney read from Ephesians 6:19, their success is dependent on our prayers. Philippians 4:5, remember that God is near. There is rest in faith. Pastor Sydney read out of Colossians 4:2, are you devoted to prayer. He encourages us to assess ourselves. He also read out of Ephesians 5:15. Your prayers can make a tremendous difference. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2, prayer brings about change. Just because something is God’s will, you still need to pray. When praying make sure you are praying in faith. 1 John 5, pray accordingly. Luke 18:10, being self conscious. Matthew 6:5, praying in public is not public speaking. Pastor Sydney also read from John 16:23-24 and Luke 6:27. Pastor Sydney encourages us to pray in love.
Storm Conquering Faith
Pastor Bruce Ladebu read out of 2 Corinthians 11. We make Christianity so complicated. He talks about how we need to come to a place where we don’t doubt. We should never limit God. We need to get our faith out there and start expecting. God is taking anyone who is willing, teachable, and available. Pastor Bruce talked about a undeniable or unquenchable faith. We put God in a box when he is the God who created the Earth. Pastor Bruce mentioned that faith begins where the will of God is known. He mentions that we are the living book of Acts 29. He read out of Hebrews 11, faith is ownership. Diligence means that there is a lot of heart that goes into something. Pastor Bruce uses Pastor Sydney and Jen as an example. Pastor Sydney sought Jen out diligently. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are at a time where we have to be established. Faith has action to it. The arc is a place of protection. When we start obeying God revival comes. Pastor Bruce read Hebrews 11:33, it was through faith. Faith is being fully convinced.
Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Romans 1. Faith is our decision to act on His integrity. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. We seed the power of salvation to everyone. Romans 1:17, power of God equals salvation. It is from faith to faith and moving from glory to glory is an increase. God wants our faith to increase. Apostle Dale read from 2 Thessalonians 1:3. Apostle Dale referenced Romans 4:19, weak faith.Romans 4:20, strong faith. Apostle Dale references Mark 4:40. Acts 6:5, full of faith. James 2:22. 1 Timothy 1:5, sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:19. 1 John 5:4, overcoming faith. Apostle Dale compares a car and its gas tank to how our spiritual life is. He read from Mark 11:20. Apostle Dale encourages us to enlarge our perception and receptivity or our inner man. He read from Hebrews 11:3, when God spoke He created life. Use faith the way God is speaking faith, Mark 11:23. Jesus raised their expectations. He raised our capacity. Apostle Dale read Hebrews 10:35 and II Corinthians 4:13. He mentioned that we are going to have use some sort of imagination or vision. You have to see it before you believe. If you don’t enlarge your heart you wont be able to take your faith at a greater magnitude. Meditation is soaking in the word. Biblical meditation fill our minds with the living word of God. You can gain more on the inside with meditation. If you are not careful you’ll start to looking for experiences. Which is equivalent to being a substitute neglecting the word of God. Meditation will scar you in a good way. Apostle Dale continued to read out of Mark 11:24. When we meditate we develop desires. Faith gives substance. Things hoped for or desire is the common denominator. Your desire is for the righteous.
Faith Begins Where the Will of God is Known
Pastor Bruce Ladebu read out of 2 Corinthians 11. We make Christianity so complicated. He talks about how we need to come to a place where we don’t doubt. We should never limit God. We need to get our faith out there and start expecting. God is taking anyone who is willing, teachable, and available. Pastor Bruce talked about a undeniable or unquenchable faith. We put God in a box when he is the God who created the Earth. Pastor Bruce mentioned that faith begins where the will of God is known. He mentions that we are the living book of Acts 29. He read out of Hebrews 11, faith is ownership. Diligence means that there is a lot of heart that goes into something. Pastor Bruce uses Pastor Sydney and Jen as an example. Pastor Sydney sought Jen out diligently. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are at a time where we have to be established. Faith has action to it. The arc is a place of protection. When we start obeying God revival comes. Pastor Bruce read Hebrews 11:33, it was through faith. Faith is being fully convinced.
Pastor Bruce Ladabu talked about how we need to see ourselves as the Lord sees us. Pastor Bruce read Luke 4:17 and John 14. We have small portions of the church doing what they are suppose to do. Pastor Ladabu read Ephesians 4. He mentioned that a church that does not evangelize will fossilized, quoted by another author. We have to become the living church. Pastor Ladabu read from John 8:31. Abide means to live in permanently. Disciple is a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ. 1) You must believe in Jesus. 2) Live permanently in Jesus, abide in the word. 3) Become disciples. We need to seek out someone to disciple us. Romans 12, present you bodies as a living sacrifice to God. You can’t connect with God unless you have a transformed mind. Pastor Bruce read from Matthew 8 and Matthew 9:27. Jesus wants you to dream so big. Get a vision. We haven’t stepped out. You are a champion of God. You have to understand that the power is within you, anyone filled with the Holy Spirit. Faith begins when the Will of God is found. Meditate and memorize the Word. It will begin to change you. Don’t look at your circumstances. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Pray and obey. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are to know God, find freedom, and discover your purpose. God wants to make us into warriors. We all have stuff that may anchor us down. Our hearts desire should be that we want to cleanse ourselves of the junk. God wants to utilize us for His kingdom.
Pastor Bruce Ladebu mention you have to experience your faith. There is some pain in the process. It is supernatural to love your enemies. We can be fear filled Christians or faith filled Christians. Pastor Bruce read from James 1:2. If we understand the dynamics of God we can live extraordinary lives. We don’t want to be unstoppable. 2 Peter 3, desire brings pursuit and pursuit brings capture. Pastor Bruce talked about a person can choose to let pornography or whatever it is to get a hold a hold of them or they can choose to follow God. No one can fulfill your calling and destiny. Put feet to your faith, God responds. You can pray for the poor but, until you get up and go feed them or clothed them we are not doing the action piece of things. We got to get to the point where our life is not our own.
Prayer #5 Love – b
Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned that proper prayer is to pray to the Father through Jesus. Pastor Sydney read Luke 6:27 and talked about cutting off strife and to forgive wrongdoing. He also mentioned that it is easier to love a friend then our enemies. If your enemy is your spouse, they need to be loved too. Do good things to those who hate you. You cannot remain in hate or unforgiveness. God’s love will overflow. The goodness of God is what leads a person to repentance. Luke 6:32, credit means grace. God loves justice. If we see people through the Father’s eyes, we would forget about the wrongdoing people have done to us personally. Pastor Sydney read from John 13:31. He talked about where there is no place in the bible where Jesus directly says ” I love you”. Jesus talks in third person. Jesus went to the cross because of His love for the Father. Our motivation is not our love for one another. It is that our focus is to be on the love for our Father. Pastor Sydney read Mark 14:35, approach Him as Father. It is up to us to pray things as it is in heaven that it shall be done on earth. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 6:9-14. God is our source. If you are not seeing answers go back and pray about the situation and ask what is hindering your prayer(s), 1 Peter 3:7. Pastor Sydney read from Mark 11:25 and Matthew 18:15. Rebuking means prayer in private. If a person dosen’t know that they had offended you, go and forgive them in private!
Prayer #6 Prayer of Faith
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Galatians 5:6, our faith works by love. God is love. Pastor Sydney read from Ephesians 6:18. Prayer is specific and is where two or more are gathered to come into agreement. Prayer is an area we have become lazy in. Pastor Sydney encouraged us to find someone we can trust to be able to be specific in what we need prayer for. He mentioned that our desires will always override someone elses’s prayers. That is why it it is key for our desires to line up with the word of God. There are various types of prayer. Pastor Sydney read from 1 Timothy 2:1. Supplication means request or prayers. Petitions, prayers, intercession (an appeal or on our behalf), and thanksgiving (actual, greatful, vocal language) are four ways of prayer. Pastor Sydney read from James 5:13 and Matthew 21:22. The key component is believing. Prayer of faith cannot be prayed until there is belief. John 15:7, if you remain in Me. You have to know what the Word says about your situation. Understanding the will of God, there will be effective prayer. 1 John 5, ask God for His wisdom and thank Him in advanced for showing you. Pray the Word over your situation. Get in faith and then pray, 1 John 5:14. Ask the Lord for scripture about your situation. Your desires have to be according to His will, Mark 11:23. Trying is never doing. Let the Word become your reality, Mark 11:22.
Developing a Strong Spirit
Jen Ropp read Proverbs 4:20, developing a strong spirit. Jen mentions about guarding your heart and checking for the weak areas. Jen reads from Proverbs 18:14, the tendencies we have is to be body conscious versus spirit. Often people don’t recognize that they are a spirit. If you have strength in your spirit, you would be able to stand. Proverbs 24:10, adversity meaning tightness or troubled. Faint means to slack in, to fail, to be feeble, slothful, weak, or to withdrawal. Being faint is like just laying down and letting the devil eat your lunch. She encourages us to see our way through the situation (s). You have to first determine that there is a way through. You got to fight! Jen tells us not to ignore that there is a problem. It doesn’t please the Lord to shrink back. She reads from 2 Corinthians 1:8. Despair means no hope or to faint. Jen tells us to quit, get up, and not to stay in despair. Because, the Lord is with us. 2 Corinthians 4:8, you can hear that fight or the roar of the lion. Perplexed is when things are questionable and can lead to despair. Do know that you just don’t have to lay down. We need to prepare ourselves before the storm. 2 Corinthians 4:6, what is the state of your heart? If you are in a weak moment, you can move out of that. It’s not the time for condemnation. When despair comes, it should be your indicator to check where you are at spiritually. We are expected to grow and mature. Three things we need for spiritual strong growth are: 1) Good diet- Jesus is bread of life, 2) Exercise – bible reading, prayer, confessing, or worshiping, and 3) Rest. Don’t let your diet be full of junk to take the edge off. Do know that a spirit at rest is a spirit at peace. We have to learn how to cast our cares. We have got to live strong!
Wake Up
Pastor Demeke Getahun referred to Jonah 1:6. He talks about hearing the voice of Jonah. Pastor Demeke mentioned the message he got from the Lord is that the church is sleeping and that it is time to stand up. “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray”. Pastor Demeke talked about how Mary knew how to sit at the feet of Jesus. When the Lord was ready for Mary, she got up and went. Everyone else followed. Pastor Demeke mentioned that there is no time to sleep. It’s time to pray and let the Holy Spirit manifest. Pastor Demeke referred to the Song of Solomon, there is a beautiful bride. The groom continued to knock at her door. However, she was not ready. So, the groom left. Pastor Demeke talked about how Jesus started His ministry with prayer and ended it with prayer. He is still God but, he had to pray.
Title- God is Listening
Pastor Sydney mentioned that prayer should touch every area of our lives. When we go to the Father in prayer we are not trying get His attention or to change His decision. Pastor Sydney read from Hebrews 4, high priest is a go between. It is between just you and the Lord. Where you find His compassion, is where you will find His mercy and grace. Receive mercy and you will have grace. Pastor Sydney mentioned that as a believer we have been given several weapons. 1). The name of Jesus. 2). The Word (when we pray/speak the Word), remember that the believing comes first. 3). The power of the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:26-29. We must enter into His rest!
Saying vs Praying
Pastor Sydney read from Hebrews 10:19. What are you confessing? Promote or provoke love in someone. Act into accordance where our faith is. He mentioned that we live in a society that praises rebellion. Rebellion is never of God. When a person rebels he is under another’s authority and he would be rebelling against their authority. Use the word resist instead. Pastor Sydney mentioned that prayer and faith have to be grounded. You have to know the Will of God. We have the desire but, no faith. Stir yourself up first and then pray. John 14:13, we are not demanding God. We demand for the situation to change. Praying and say are two different things. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 10:21 and Acts 3, if God gave you the authority, you can’t put it back onto Him.
Persistent Intercession
Pastor Sydney gave an overview of the difference between saying and praying. He read from John 16:23 (saying/requiring part) and John 14. We have to do something first, 1 Timothy 2:1. We don’t pray to Jesus, the angels, or to Saint Mary. We pray to the Father through Jesus Christ. 1) Intercession be made. 2) Luke 18:1, pray always and be conscious of His Spirit. Prayer is proper and is a legal thing. God is not an unjust God.2) God will not delay to help us. God is looking for someone that will take Him at His word. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 13:1. Repenting is our way out. Part of repentance is to judge yourself truthfully. We don’t want to reap the bad seed that had been planted. He took our harvest and gave us His (eternal life). Being an intercessor is where a person stands in the gap asking God for mercy instead of judgement. Pastor Sydney encourages us to allow ourselves to be an intercessor.
Capture What it Takes To Succeed
Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of Deuteronomy 6:23, bondage meaning the past. God makes promises . We need to realize that it takes work. Things just don’t happen. It takes time, work, and effort. Capture what it takes to succeed. When you think it’s one way and it is not, you will get disappointed. Recognize that you are building your life every time you open the bible. You are not looking for a quick fix. When you open your bible you are swinging a sledge hammer. He brought you out to get you into His promises. The coming out of Egypt by analogy of faith is the experience of the believer in new birth but, we just don’t stay there. There are actions we are to take in our Christian lives from babes, sons, and fathers. Recognition in doing God’s will and getting to where God wants you to be. Apostle Dale referenced 1 Corinthians 10, this is for us. Apostle Dale read from Ephesians 6, the first promise had been made to the children. Honor your father and mother and it shall be well with you. Teach the children at a young age. We ought to be getting our kids’ interested in long life. Choices are important. The old testament was written for our sake and displays His promises. Some will posses His promises and some will not. An unpossessed promise does not weaken God’s promises. Apostle Dale talked about when he first got fill with the Holy Spirit. He thought to himself that there were two types of Christians. There were those that always wondered why people don’t receive. Then there were those who wondered why people to receive. He mentioned that if you spend your time studying why people don’t receive, then you’ll learn not to receive. If you spend your time studying why people receive, then you’ll learn to receive. There are things that will destroy you, but you have to cut it off. Colossians 3:1, your focus on life is everything. There is no way that selfishness remains why are giving. Your value system isn’t on earthly things. Matthew 6:33, set your affection on things above. “If somebody is going to get it’s going to be me.” Apostle Dale gave a testimony of a missions trip he went on in the Philippines. If you are dealing with an addiction, get your mind off the addiction and get it on to Jesus. You thinking about the problem is not the solution. Keep your eyes on Jesus, worship Him!
The Greatest Day in History
Pastor Sydney talked about how his children asked him why Good Friday is called Good Friday if Jesus was put onto the cross? He mentioned that it is called Good Friday because Jesus had given everything for us. “Because, I should have been on the cross”. Pastor Sydney read Jeremiah 17:5 and 1Corinthians 13. Pastor Sydney mentioned the greatest of the three (faith, love, and hope) is love. God is the light of heaven. Love will remain. Pastor Sydney talked about the story of Adam and Eve. Condemnation was among them when God came to the garden. Pastor Sydney compared Adam and Eve to a container, the gasoline represented the sin, and the fire represented God. The gasoline and fire cannot sustain together. Just like what happens when we go to the Lord, we cannot bare the environment. Jesus could have a relationship with God because, He wasn’t full of gasoline. Take the gasoline out of the container and place oil instead. Set it in the fire, the oil burns instead with being the light. Pastor Sydney referenced John 3:16, God sent His only son. He read out of 2 Corinthians 5:21 and mentioned about going out on dates with the Lord. God had created Adam and Eve because He wanted that relationship. He read out of Matthew 27:50 and Hebrews 2:9. 1 Corinthians 15, not everyone will die. Colossians 1:18, He was made sin. Jesus died spiritually. Revelation 1:18 and Acts 2:14, righteousness and justice had to be accomplished through Jesus Christ. Acts 13:30, His Spirit bears witness within us. The gasoline had to be gotten rid of out of the container. It had to be dealt with, so that he could have a relationship with mankind!
Intercessor Prayer
Pastor Sydney Ropp read Luke 18:1, the need to pray. In Luke 18:7 it shows that we are His elect or chosen people. Pastor Sydney read II Kings 4:11, persistent prayer. Honor what God puts in front of you. In II Kings 4:23, when the Shunammite woman was asked if everything was alright, her response was “Shalom shalom everthing is alright”. Despite all the things that had been going on in her life..”It is well”. The Shunammite woman was persistent and she received an answer swiftly. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 13:6 and Exodus 32:7, he talked about how vastly intercession is underestimated. Exodus 32:14, repented doesn’t mean that he sinned. It just means he changed his mind. Pastor Sydney read from Isaiah 59:16. A video of Kent Christmas Prophecy 2018 had been shared: “And this prophecy deals with the nation, it deals with the lukewarm, it deals with the wicked, and it deals with the righteous”.
Prayer & Fasting
Pastor Sydney read out of James 5:13, we have instructions from the Lord. Pray the prayer of faith. Don’t ever look at your circumstances to line up with truth. Declare the word of God over your situation. You cannot forgive if you don’t love. Jesus taught us that it’s our responsibility to ask Him for what we need. Pastor Sydney gave a recap of his teachings on prayer. A time to say and time to pray, Mark 11. Learn to be persistent prayer and in faith. Pastor Sydney talks about intercession.
Praying In The Holy Spirit
Karen Burrows mentioned that you can’t just assume that because a person goes to church are truly saved and has a relationship with Jesus. Karen talked about praying in our prayer language.
Fight the Good Fight of Faith
Other References:
2 Timothy 4:6
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Ephesians 6:12
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of 2 Timothy 1:5 and Romans 16:13. Apostle Dale pointed out that Paul was mothered and it was acknowledged by him. He also read out of 1 Corinthians 14:33, Galatians 3:1, and Galatians 3:26. Submit to the word of God, submit to relationships, submit to the anointing when the Holy Spirit moves. None of has to do with being male or female. Apostle Dale referenced Ephesians 5:1-2 and Ephesians 6. Long life, we should be starting to teach our children fr the very beginning. Honor your father and mother. Look for the good. Find the good in your past. Apostle Dale mentioned that women are more spiritual. However, It’s not an issue of male or female. It is an issue of truth and righteousness!
Lifestyle of Praise
Toda– Extension of the hand
Tehillim– Singing a hymn of praise
Zamar– To strike a stringed instrument with your fingers
Yadah– To hold out the hand
Barak– To kneel in worship
Halal– To be clear, to shine, to boast, not hidden
Lifestyle of Praise – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp talked about when, where, and why we praise the Lord. Pastor Sydney read from John 4:19, truth not concealed or hidden. Self deceit is when you think you’re doing something because you know think you know about it.
What’s In A Name
Pastor Andrew Taylor spoke on “What is in a Name”. Pastor Andrew mentioned that it’s not the label on the outside of the bottle. It is the content that is contained in the bottle to show interest in. Pastor Andrew read Proverbs 22:1 and John 1. He talked about John the Baptist. First disciple of John the Baptist was Andrew. Abram was then named Abraham (Father of many nations). Jacob was then named Israel (Prince). Simon was then named Peter (Cedar). The meaning of Andrew is “strong man of God”. “Are you an Andrew or Andrea on the inside?” Pastor Andrew read John 1:35 and John 1:40-43, Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. The first thing that took place was the Andrew brought Peter to the Father. The hardest place to be a witness is among your own family. In talking about Philip Pastor Andrew read from John 6:5 and Isiah 53:1, to bring the lad or the five loaves of bread and two fish. Acts 1:8, Pastor Andrew mentioned to serve God faithfully, to wait patiently, and to receive gloriously.
Priority is His family. When we pray we things will get better. Things will get better when holding family (relationships, spouses) at great value. We inspite of not liking eachother very much and agreeing on everything. Kingdom currency equals relationships. The main target of the enemy are relationships. The enemy will try to bring division, divorce, or suspicion. However, when we huddle together like this (with other believers ), the enemy cannot divide. Us in unity will triumph, 1 Corinthians 12:4. No matter how many parts of the body, you are still connected as one body. Sometimes we try to take our own shots. The attitude of “I don’t need you, immaturity, or independence”. God has the final word. Labels (Greek, Jew) are set aside, it is not of importance. If the body was one eye, how can you hear? All parts Iif the body are nedded. It’s only because of what you are a part of is important. We are all on a journey of accepting others. Recognize how God has created each person. Moses felt responsible to fix the world. He lost self control and killed someone. Moses had low self-esteem. He didn’t have the have the revelation of grace. Aaron tried to create a party to keep people happy. Saw’s was Paul (little one). Paul had the I don’t care attitude. Paul had a thorn in his side. (to become humble). Jacob, known as a rose bush, had productivity and maturity. Jacob had a sharp tongue (natural gift). Peter was know as a Palm tree. Peter had all the answers and confidence. He was a smooth talker. Peter had joy and had the ability to pull people in. Peter was also daring and learned from experience. Abraham was known as the pine tree(steady person) and avoided conflict. Abraham would do whatever was asked of him. A lot of people who are characterized as pines trees become spectators because they don’t know they have an opportunity. Every part of the body is important and are all needed to help encourage and guide others into their calling.
Karen Burrows mentioned that you can choose, we have the choice today. Karen read out of John 8:31. She mentioned that our experiences do not change the word of God. Experiences do not form the word of God. Experiences come and go. If you want more faith, then you need to get more word. What is inside of you is what will come out. Revelation 19:13, Father of faith is Abram who was then named Abraham being the Father of Many Nations. Karen mentioned that God honors our faith. 2 Peter 1:2, knowledge of the word of God. He says “I am, I is the healed”. Karen read from Numbers 13. Karen referenced John 5. She mentioned for us to get out of the murmuring and complaining because if you stay in that place, then the voice of God becomes faint. Karen encourages us to take our problems and look at it, we may even have to repent. Karen read out of 2 Corinthians 1:20. Go to the Father with His word. You got to know the word first so you know what and how to go to the Father with about your situation. Karen read out of Romans 4:2 and Romans 4:18. Declare God’s word, walk alongside Him. Get to a place where what Jesus says about you is greater! A person of faith is a person of gratitude. Look at what the word says and it is equivalent to being supreme.
Lifestyle of Praise – Part 3
Salvation Comes First
Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of John 3:16 and questioned who is eligible for salvation? Apostle Dale questioned why aren’t people going to church? It’s because they are going to hell. Jesus says obey this gospel if you don’t you’ll be damned. Sin has to be reckoned with. Until you recognize sin you won’t recognize that God had given His son so that we all might be saved. Apostle Dale mentioned that education is not salvation. He read out of John 14:15. Salvation comes first. The Holy Spirit is involved in salvation. 1 Corinthians 12, the Holy Spirit baptizes you into the Body of Christ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent. 1) Receive salvation . 2) Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Luke 24:49, be a blessing to others. Apostle Dale read out of John 7:37 and Acts 1:2. He also references Acts 2, Acts, 8, Acts 9, Acts 10, and Acts 19. Apostle Dale asked, “is there was enough power in your life that someone would want to buy it”?
Lifestyle of Praise – Part 4
Pastor Sydney told the story about the life of a man who that he had a lot time on earth. He had not chosen to make Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. The man had gotten into an accident and died. Pastor Sydney encourages for those who haven’t given their lives to Jesus, that today is the day! If you walked away from the Lord, today is the day to turn back to Jesus. Pastor Sydney read from Exodus 18:20, pray for a constitutional judge. Roe verses Wade need to be overturned. Untie your shoe before you can put it on. Protect the citizen. Be active when you are suppose to. Keep our government in prayer. Chosen by our executive branch. Four qualifiers 1) Able man, 2) God fearing, 3) Men of truth, and 4) Hating bribes. Psalm 34:1, praise is prayer. The result of having Lordship in my life. David was poor (being troubled) but, later on he is not poor. The Lord preserves me! Why should we praise the Lord? Pastor Sydney read from Revelations 19:5 and Psalm 150:6. You don’t have to understand “why” to obey the Lord. Teach your kids to obey because you said so. Why should we praise the Lord? Because, He told us to. The Lord knows that if you praise Him will open the door and increase your capacity to receive. You’ll get into agreement with Him. Pastor Sydney read from Psalm 18:1-3. God is my strength, my rock, and my shield are reasons why we should praise the Lord. Some things are praise worthy. Whatever the Lord does is praise worthy. God provides peace which, is worthy. Pastor Sydney read from Psalm 107:1. Pastor Sydney mentioned that if you’ve known that you haven’t been walking right with the Lord that it is not too late to turn back to Jesus. Gift giving is an offering.
Lifestyle of Praise – Part 5
Pastor Sydney spoke out of Psalms 37. Again and again it says do not be agitated. Do not worry. Pastor Sydney encouraged us to focus on God. Wait for the Lord. Do not do things in your own strength. Pastor Sydney read out of Isaiah 53. The prophet is prophesying many years. The prophesy says that Jesus bore our sickness and disease. Peter says that by His stripes we were healed (where it had happened). Isaiah said by His wounds we are healed ( said in the future). In salvation is the right that belongs to us. Shalom, part of salvation, means peace. Overwhelming peace in every facet of our lives belongs to you. Pastor Sydney mentioned that David had a covenant that he lived under. The wolf comes and even when adversity comes the righteous have not gone without. David is speaking the Lord’s word rebuking the devil. The battle is the Lords. Speak the Lords word and condemn the devil. You just can’t wait for the Lord to do something. Pastor Sydney mentioned that the Lord said He will bless you. You just need to speak life and blessings over yourself. Pastor Sydney read out of Psalms 34 and Hebrews 13:15-16. “What could you give the greatest giver (the Lord), Pastor Sydney asked?” You could give Him your praise. Offering is not just about money. There are three types of offerings. 1) Praise, 2) To do good, and 3) To share. Your words lay out the highway for what is to come. In the bible the Lord mentions that if you don’t have a gift don’t come. Pastor Sydney read out of Ephesians 5:18-20, Genesis 8:20, Hosea 14:2, and 1 Peter 2:15. Pastor Sydney mentioned that priest offered sacrifice. Now we don’t have people doing that. Now we do it personally for the Lord. Philippians 4:15, fragrant offering. Pastor Sydney read out of Revelation 5:8, Revelation 8:1, and 2 Corinthians 2.
Lifestyle of Praise Part 6
Pastor Sydney read out of Hebrews 13:15, continually offer sacrifice of praise. Sacrifice is the gift to the Lord when it is mentioned in this verse. Praise, do good, and to share is what we are to do. Pastor Sydney read from Acts 10:1 and Psalms 34:1-2. It starts with personal responsibility. It is the doer who sees the results. Pastor Sydney read from 1 Samuel 17:34, people spend their time magnifying the problem. Stand up and remind your problem and boast on the Lord. They are measuring themselves with the problem.
Ron Cohn referenced Colossians 3:16. The Lord had given two songs through Rohn Cohn: Braggadocious When life gets to be a drag you should brag. When strength in your life begins to lag, on the Lord God you should brag. When the devil’s tongue begins to wag, strike back! On the Lord begin to brag. When in life you need a brand new bag, just praise the Lord and begin to brag. When the lies of the devil become a nag, rise up in victory and on God brag. When the only dancing has become a shag, stand up begin to dance and give God a brag. When in life you are it, satan wants to tag, just touch him back and on God brag, brag, brag. Magnifying the Lord When you magnify the Lord, H will get big. He will get so large you’ll dance a jig. And when you magnify Him, He will get tall. If you don’t magnify Him, He will stay small. So when life gets tough and you want to cry. See God bigger and start to magnify.
2nd annual Mission Sunday
A video was played. Pastor Dan Betzer gave a message on faith promise. Pastor Dan read out of Acts 13: He mentioned that God blesses mission churches.
Apostle Dale Armstrong read Deuteronomy 1:1. He mentioned that in the book of Psalms, it talks about boasting the Lord. We need to brag on the Lord. God sees the future and He is a good God. Apostle Dale mentioned that you have to start looking with God’s perspective. You go to to demand over yourself the victory because others depend on you (your part in the Body). Apostle Dale read from Joshua 1:1. If God sent you somewhere you are walking in His Authority. Boldness and righteousness is what He told Joshua to be like. It’s to give inheritance for others to be strong. There are some things that we believe but, we have to be strong about it. Sin is bad because it you don’t hit the mark. Sin destroys, robs, and kills. Sin is incipient death. Apostle Dale read from 1 John 1:7. You got to walk in the light that you so that we can fellowship. It’s not a feeling or an emotion. The authority of a believer. Turning to right or turning to the left, you don’t want to miss the mark. Don’t miss the mark, stay in the light. God wants you in placed geographically. The purpose of sin is to destroy.
Lifestyle of Praise Part 7
Pastor Sydney mentioned that we should have a habit of praise. Praise the Lord everywhere you go. 1) When should we praise Him. 2) Where we should praise Him. 3) Why we should praise Him. 3) What praising the Lord looks like. Pastor Sydney mentioned that we should not praise our problems. To not magnify the problem. Praise or bragging, thanksgiving, and worship are things that should be included in praising. Pride will not allow you to be thankful. Pastor Sydney mentioned that without God he is nothing. Pride doesn’t want us to acknowledge the Father. Humility is knowing who you are without Him and who you are with Him. Humility is a thankful person. Pastor Sydney read Psalms 18:146 and Psalms 30:1. Acknowledge the Lord for what He did. Thank the Lord for your healing. Be grateful for what you have. A selfish is someone who is not thankful. Pastor Sydney read out of Psalms 103. We don’t give thanks for what we don’t deserve. We don’t give thanks for things we don’t remember. He renews, he heals, and He satisfies. Pastor Sydney read from Psalms 50, unrighteousness will suppress the truth. Pastor Sydney mentioned not to look to your job as the source. Don’t look to the doctors as your healer.
Lifestyle of Praise Part 8
Pastor Sydney Ropp continued teaching on praise, thanksgiving, and worship. He read out of Psalms 34, acknowledge what the Father has done. Thankfulness prepares the way. Pastor Sydney refers to Romans 1:21, you are a river not a lake. He read out of John 4. How we come to worship is important. We come on His merit and His righteousness. We can come to Him as our daddy. The Lord will always have time for you. If He tells you to wait it is because He has something to minister to you. Pastor Sydney read from John 4:21-24 and Isaiah 29:13. You are not your feelings. Pastor Sydney mentioned that you are a spirit being. That the Father desires true worship. Sanctify means to be set apart for something special. Pastor Sydney read out of Romans 8:5. The Spirit is life because of His righteousness. Pastor Sydney read out of John 3:6 and 1 Corinthians 12. What will help us discern what is spirit and what is flesh? Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 28:9. In worshiping the Lord, He’ll give you the instructions you need. Make worship your problem. Pastor Sydney read from Psalms 95, 96, and 97. Romans 12:1 and Hebrews 12:28-29 were read from.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 1
Pastor Sydney read from Genesis 1:1. The integrity of God’s word. His instructions to us don’t change. God’s word is His bond. Pastor Sydney read out of Jeremiah 1:12, we need to grow in the understanding of patience. God is a God of faith. Pastor Sydney read from John 1:1, Isaiah 51:5, and Hebrews 11:3. By faith they did this. God is the subject He created the earth and did it by faith. The link of bridged gap is linked faith filled words. Pastor Sydney read from Psalms 119:89, Do not use the name of Jesus for self gain. Get a hold of the simplicity of God’s promise. Psalms 103:20, James 3:2, 1 John 5:4, Mark 16:15, and Mark 4:10. Pastor Sydney mentions that God watches over His word to perform it. His faith now becomes your faith. Faith is the fruit of the spirit. If you would believe Him, then you will see.
A Vision for the House
Pastor Pradeep Perera read from Luke 2:26-32 and Mark 9:23. God wants to use ordinary people like you and I. When you are faithful God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him. He is a just man. “Put your leg on the accelerator and don’t stop”. Pastor Pradeep talked about how he determined that he wasn’t going to serve the Lord. He mentioned that sin may seem good and feel good but, it will zap the life out of you. Pastor Pradeep referenced James 5:16. There is a prayer anointing being released. Pastor Pradeep encourages us to continue to pray and intercede. The Gospel is powerful and chains are going to break. Church of the Word is going to be an Apostolic center, do not give up. God rewards and if two or three gather together in agreement in His name, it shall be done. We are to give honor where honor is due. It all starts with small groups. The language of the Holy Spirit is love. God is going to release His love upon you. When the Holy Spirit is upon you the love of God is upon you and love is activated. Walk in the Spirit. This world has a deficit of love. The enemy just wants to kill, steal, and destroy. The enemy can come in destroy you. The Lord is saying to walk in love. We need to be teachable like children. Whatever you are going through, God will give you the victory. Build the person now walking in the Spirit. God is releasing a vision for the house. He rewards your faithfulness. Pastor Pradeep read from Romans 15:30. Unbelief and doubt is demonic. He mentions that Ana committed her life to fasting and praying.
Karen Burrows speaks about what honor means respecting the gifts each person has. You are well able to be a lover of people. Karen read out of Romans 1:16. If you are not pressing into the Holy Spirit you could be deceived. There is an importance to knowing the word of God. Get into the righteousness of God and in the peace of God. The revivalist is in you. The power of the Holy Spirit is in you. We don’t need to look to someone else to light a fire in you because He is already in you. Karen read from Luke 24:46, you got to talk to yourself and build yourself up. It is acceptable to admit that you are wrong. Karen read from Acts 2:38, the power of God comes from the filling of the word of God. Joshua 1:8, It’s God’s will that you read His will everyday. Karen read from Acts 19:1-6, don’t allow the devil to disconnect the Holy Spirits from you. Karen read from Luke 3 and Luke 4. Speak the Word of God. Karen read from John 14:16-17, Romans 8:26, Jude 20. People’s lives are at stake and it is important to have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. How can you pray in the Holy Spirit if you had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit? God the Father needs you to be personally edified. Why is it important that we build up the most holy faith? It’s the hear of God. Karen read from Ephesians 6.
Karen Burrows talked about how change is good. Transforming power of the Holy Spirit. seeks, convicts, and sanctifies. You go to want and know that you need the transformation. You have to discern between good and evil. 1 Corinthians 2:10 and Ephesians 4:29-30, that is a command. Karen read from 1 Corinthians 12:11, John 14:26, Romans 14, and Romans 8:26. Karen read from Matthew 6:33, we often get the cart before the horse. Karen read from Romans 12:1-2, John 4:24, John 14:26, John 10:10, and 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Correction will keep you track. Recognize, repent, and think less of me and more of Him. Karen encourages us to be good receivers of what the Holy Spirit is saying. Karen read form Hebrews 13:8, make it a priority in your life. Galatians 5:22, It’s our job to renew our minds. It is the Father’s will that no one shall perish. There needs to be redemption, reconciliation, and relationship. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for your personal edification. Make a melody in your heart to the Lord. True worshipers should worship in Spirit and truth!
Integrity of God’s Word – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned to buy the truth but, don’t sell it. The integrity of God’s word does not change. Salvation depends upon you believing God’s word. Pastor Sydney read from Genesis 1:1 and Psalms 103:20. Obeying the will of His word. He who believes should be saved. One who doesn’t will not be saved. Pastor Sydney talked about faith filled words and that you should make them yours. Fear will stop the faith filled word. Don’t take ownership of fear.There is the fear of God that is necessary, the link between spiritual and physical realms. Preach the Gospel and preach the good news. Reproduce life with your words.
Jen Ropp read out of Luke 12:29. Don’t be consumed by what you think you might need. The absence of fear, just know that you are taken care of. Seek first the Kingdom of God. You can make a switch and not have to be in condemnation about it.
Testimonies from trips during mission day
The gift starts from the grievances within you. Jacob Makris wants to give bibles. You are faithful with little, you will be trusted with the bigger things. Jacob had shared God’s word with his family while in Greece. The Lord mentioned to Jacob that He did not quote Lazareth’s name because it is blot out from the lamb’s book of life. Honor you name that your parents have given you. Most of all honor His name. Jacob encourages us not to harden our hearts towards the Lord. Jacob talked about what happened at a place called the Rock while in Greece. Jacob encourages us not to miss an opportunity to witness to anyone. Levi and Andrea Lapp gave testimonies of when they went to refugee camps in Turkey. The main reason for them going there was to minister to the people and encouraging them during this time period of new leadership. Levi mention that we should be the yeast in the bread. To be the seed planted and expect for things to change. Levi encourages us to be bold in our faith.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 3
Pastor Sydney Ropp read of Psalms 119:1 and Psalms 138:2, understand the character of God. Build relationship with Him. It’s so important to know the word of God. Because, what you don’t know will hurt you. Pastor Sydney read out of Psalms 119:130. We want the renewal of the mind. Romans 12:2 and Joshua 1:7, quote the scripture because you love Him. Pastor Sydney mentions that your brain isn’t your mind. Speak the word of God. In His word is life, in His word there is light. He read out of John 8:30, believing is not enough. It’s dependent on you knowing God’s word and doing it. Romans 10:8, it’s important that they believe in their heart. There is action, you have to believe it in your heart. Acts 20:32, be doers of the word. Self deceit is harder to get out of. You can’t get into heaven because of your works. We are asking for a lot of things but, the word is not in you. Pastor Sydney encourages us to put action to our faith.
Are You Actually On Fire For the Truth?
Pastor Jen Ropp mentions for us to have a greater desire for the truth. She challenges us with a couple of questions. Are you actually on fire for the truth? Are you a lover for God’s truth? The truth of the word will save you, it will protect you. Pastor Jen read out of 1 Peter 1:22 and John 8. Joshua 1:8, meditate on the truth and become single minded. John 14:6, Jesus is the truth. John 17:17, Jesus is truth, God’s word is truth. John 18::37, to testify the truth. Examine what you believe in and question why you believe it. We should always be pressing in. 2 Timothy 2:15. the rightly dividing, there is also the wrongly diving. Romans 1:8 and 2 Peter 3:16, twisting the truth. Twisted you don’t just make up a doctrine when you don’t understand something. Pastor Jen read out of 2 Timothy 4:3-5, people will become lovers of themselves and not the truth. You want to be focused, check your heart, and question what your motive is. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-15, they refused to believe the truth. Some believed and were saved. Changing mindsets. Paul reasoned and spoke boldly. You have the freedom to believe whatever you want but, it’s not the truth. Ask yourself what am I believing right now that needs adjustment? Do you love something so much that you can make that switch? Proverbs 22:23, it will cost you something. There is a price for following the truth. New things to embrace, new things to pick up. You got to make the choice. Do you want to be a lover of truth. 1). There is a price 2). Humble and be able to receive, correct, and make changes 3). Recognize the lack of love for truth. If the truth has cost you nothing, have you bought it? A lover of truth is a doer of the word. John 8:31-32, if you abide in Him. If you want to be more free then you need to get more of His word!
Integrity of God’s Word – part 4
Pastor Sydney encourages us to engage with the Lord and His word. Take the word and work it. Taste and see that the Lord is good. If we don’t know what the word says, we can’t stand on it. Problem of the church today is how we start measuring or equating the anointing by our feelings. The anointing is Jesus, the anointing is the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sydney read out of 1 John 2:20 and 1 John 2:27. Your heart determines what you would receive from the word. Romans 12:2, be continuous action. We are still in the ministry and not in our own, Hebrews 4:12. If you don’t love the word, it’s not true for you. We are to think God thoughts and not flesh thoughts. The only way we will get the of knowledge, Colossians 3:9-10. We are to become word minded. Pastor Sydney read from John 15:7. He mentioned that our brain is not our mind. Our word becomes His words. What will come out is God’s word over the situation but, you have to stay in His word. It’s important to have his heartbeat on the issue. Declare His love over your situation, 1 Peter 1:2. Pastor Sydney read from Ephesians 6, it is His grace and Him helping you. In verse Ephesians 6:17, the helmet of salvation protects your mind. The offensive weapon is the sword is how you advance. You do your part in staying in His word, the victory is yours. Why does He say be alert? The tendency of our flesh is to fall asleep. Persevere don’t stop, be alert in His word. Blessed assurance Heaven on Earth err of salvation.
Pastor Jen Ropp mentioned that God doesn’t take the tithe. It’s an option. You don’t have to choose to be a part of God’s blessing. Luke 6:38, you don’t believe the scripture if you think God to be the taker.
The Law of Cause and Effect
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Proverbs 26, sowing and reaping. As the bird by wonders swallowed by flying. In determinate. If you don’t watch them you don’t see the details. So the curse causeless it shall not come. “In the supernatural sphere there is a law of cause and effect”. That law you can cooperate with it. I am not saying you can manipulate it or control it. You can cooperate with it because it is God’s law. Electricity when it is controlled it is a blessing. When it is not controlled it is a curse. The wages of sin is death and most of us don’t believe we should have those wages. Ig your view of sin is weak than you view of grace will be weaker still. When you understand the terror of sin than you will understand the greatness of God’s grace and mercy. Galatians 6:7, I want to live in His grace. Don’t be deceived. Where the tree falls that is where it ends. God is not mocked. No matter how many good thing you do you cannot be saved. There is a life of salvation , a fullness of life. If you sow the flesh you going to reap corruption. If you reap to the Spirit you will reap life. 1) The words that you are the words that you sow. Psalms 34, keep your tongue from speaking evil. 2) Look for opportunities to give because you begin to create momentum that would push you further in the right direction. 3) Actions, taking the step in helping someone. Be sensitive to the atmosphere. We need to recognize that life has consequences. Matthew 6, you give and you give the right way then you would get a reward from the Father. God blesses now. Galatians 6:9, keep giving. You want to sow to the Spirit!
Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Galatians 6:7, asking the Lord quite humbly where you are deceived at. Everything has significance. Actions are seeds. Some who are deserving and some who are not deserving. Those who are, they are of the household of faith. Moral courage to choose. Apostle Dale read from Psalms 149:5. We fail to believe the book of Romans. If it wasn’t for the grace of God. His grace covers us. Ezekiel 22:30, why we intercede. There is a role of God’s church to be the sector. If the church will stand and say what is right. Judgment is a good thing. An absence of judgment brings lawlessness and sin. If we don’t have courage out on the sidewalks then we don’t have courage in our prayer life. Just as there is a harvest of blessing, there is a harvest of judgment. God honors delegated authority. Apostle Dale read from Proverbs 10:22, Proverbs 11:31, Psalms 9:16, Psalms 58:11, and Jeremiah 5:4. If we forget the judgement of God we would get off course. Intercession, God uses you to stand in between. The way of the Lord, you need to see it. The way of the Lord comes before the great judgement of God. Learn about the way of the Lord, Psalms 9:16.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 5
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Joshua 1:8 and 2 Kings 22:8. A heart that is quick to change or repent. Demonstrate and allowing the word to shake them. Pastor Sydney read from Isaiah 66:2. It is important to know why you believe what you believe. Where is the scripture that lines up with what you believe? Pastor Sydney mentioned that about how he was brought up Mennonite and saw what the word said about wearing head coverings and found out that he was wrong. He mentioned that he loved truth more than trying to fit in. We need the whole counsel of God. We are quick to answer to something we are confident in. Pastor Sydney read from 2 Timothy 2:15. Rightly divided the word of truth. Giving the true word in the right way. Don’t just take one scripture, look at many scriptures and build on that. Focus on the important things. Don’t give importance to the smaller things. Pastor Sydney referenced Ephesians 5 and Matthew 19. Pastor Sydney read from 1 Timothy 1:9, any kind of sexual sin is included. These sins are all wrong. Pastor Sydney talked about 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:21, and Leviticus 18:22.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 6
Integrity of God’s Word – part 7
Integrity of God’s Word – part 8
Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned that we are not going to define truth by our circumstance and our. Pastor Sydney referenced Psalms 119:162. What are you believing? Are you letting the bible shape your beliefs? 2 Timothy 3:16, teaching, rebuking, correction, and training. Teaching tells you the road to walk on. Rebuking tells you that you have gotten off the road. Correction tells you how to get back on the road. Training tells you how to stay on the road. Exodus 21:22-23, accidental injury and is not intentional. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 1:34-39 and Exodus 20:19. Romans 13:9 had been referenced. 2 Samuel 1, message about Saw being killed. Assistant suicide is another way of murdering someone. Genesis 9:5-6, God demands justice. Romans 1, talking about capital punishment. Government authority is instituted by God. Hosea 4:19, Acts 4:19, God has set government to punish the evil doers. Personal vengeance and God’s justice are two different things.
Faith In The Blood of Jesus
Pastor Jay Stoltzfus talked about the faith in the blood of Jesus. Pastor Jay mentioned that we can increase in faith and read out of Romans 3:21. Have faith in His blood. We are born into this world under that nature of sin but, when we get born again we have to get our thinking according to the Word. Pastor Jay read out of 1 Peter 1:2, your mouth is your hyssop today. You can by faith speak the blood over your life. The Holy Spirit can’t go where there is no blood. There is not a thing that the blood doesn’t cover. Pastor Jay read out of Hebrews 10, the law is just a shadow but, we are not pursuing it. We are to pursue God. We need to get to where we are God conscious. Sacrifice happened once. Sanctify means set apart. You condemn yourself with your own mouth. God wants relationship. Combat your thoughts, you are going to live past your feelings. Your focus should be the identity in Him. You start meditating on God it will clean you up. The blood of Jesus is what will get you out of it. God is on your side because the blood has been applied.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 9
Pastor Sydney Ropp referenced John 17. Pastor Sydney read from Ephesians 1:17, when we are speaking in the name of Jesus it is on His behalf. When using His name, it is to continue the work He started on the Earth. Pastor Sydney read out of James 4:6 and Acts 3:1. Peter is setting precedence the authority of Jesus’ name has not gotten any weaker. Acts 3:1, Hew was carried there and begged people going out of the temple. Faith in His name has made this man strong. Season of refreshing. They heard the word of God. There is salvation in no one else. Pastor Sydney read from Revelation 12:7, bringing about what God said about the situation.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 10
Pastor Sydney Ropp spoke out of James 1:6, don’t be deceived. Pastor Sydney gave the example of home or renters insurance, they list it as an act of God whenever a catastrophic storm damages property. No that is not the case. Pastor Sydney referenced Romans 10:17. He read from Romans 10:8, a preacher is anyone who opens their mouth and preach the gospel. Pastor Sydney read Isaiah 53:1. Steve Lavenice shared a testimony on how he began attending at Church of the Word International. Pastor Sydney and Jen gave testimony about the births of their children. Pastor Sydney referenced John 14:12, turning point of their lives. Pastor Sydney read out of Mark 11 adnd Psalms 23, hold fast to your confession.
Who Is The Real You?
Apostle Dale Armstrong read from 1 Peter 4:1 and mentioned that your mind is a weapon. Apostle Dale read from Romans 8:1, it reflected the opinion of ow people think of what words mean. Talks about sin nature. We are to walk according to the Spirit. Your mind should be on the will of the Father or you can mind the will of the Father. There is a sin nature in man. It will be sin if you do something contrary to your nature. Identity means a lot. Put your body under, keep your body under. Apostle Dale read from Romans 6:12. Sin reigns in you mortal body. The physical body is not the real you. Apostle Dale referenced 1 Thessalonians 35:22. Apostle Dale read from Mark 7, the true Spirit of man wants righteousness. There was no new birth or guilty conscious. He read from Mark 7:20, Jesus was speaking. Apostle Dale read from Galatians 5:16, the spirit and flesh are contrary. Christian still sin because of their flesh. We need to walk in the Spirit. To get to a place of holiness to fast to get to a place of a break through (get born again). Arm yourself, deliberately choose love.