Speaker ‘Jay Stoltzfus’

Spirit Of Victory- #2

Thursday June 25, 2020

It’s important that you are with the right people at the right time. Pastor Jay Stoltzfus read out of 1 Timothy 6:12. The Spirit of victory is in our lives because of it’s a faith fight. It’s a good faith fight. It matters who you are plugged in with. What’s happening in your life by faith. 1 Samuel 17:, Philippians 4:19, God just doesn’t stop at one miracle, He will continue. God wants you to have confidence in the Spirit. Life isn’t always good but, God is always good. He showed the God of favor all over your (Isacc) life. I see traveling around the world. Isacc to put a stamp in his heart to make Armada Landmark . Word for Chani.  It’s a good fight. The love the she pours out will increase. Word for  Katie there is something I feel that you wanted to give up numerous times. The Lord has something for her. The Spirit of victory is in this house. Apostle Dale ministered a word to Pastor Jay and Kim. There’s a natural relationship. Have to decern the difference between the natural and Spiritual relationship.God joins hearts together.

Faith In The Blood of Jesus

Sunday December 9, 2018

Pastor Jay Stoltzfus  talked about the faith in the blood of Jesus. Pastor Jay mentioned that we can increase in faith and read out of Romans 3:21. Have faith in His blood. We are born into this world under that nature of sin but, when we get born again we have to get our thinking according to the Word. Pastor Jay read out of 1 Peter 1:2, your mouth is your hyssop today. You can by faith speak the blood over your life. The Holy Spirit can’t go where there is no blood. There is not a thing that the blood doesn’t cover. Pastor Jay read out of Hebrews 10, the law is just a shadow but, we are not pursuing it. We are to pursue God. We need to get to where we are God conscious. Sacrifice happened once. Sanctify means set apart. You condemn yourself with your own mouth. God wants relationship. Combat your thoughts, you are going to live past your feelings. Your focus should be the identity in Him. You start meditating on God it will clean you up. The blood of Jesus is what will get you out of it. God is on your side because the blood has been applied.

Sydney Ropp – The Gifts of the Spirit, Pastor Jay Stoltzfus – Speak to the Dry Bones and Stir Yourselves Up

Friday January 22, 2016

Pastor Syd: Pride has a root of fear, because you see yourself alone and do not see yourself with God (Psalm 131). Pride keeps you from getting out of your comfort zone. Jesus is all that matters. The Spirit of God is not limited to a certain structure. He can minister through anyone. Ask the Lord to use you. First Corinthians 12 is about the gifts of the Spirit. We can say and believe that Jesus is Lord. There are different gifts and ministries, but the same Spirit, different ministries, but the same Lord, different workings, but the same God. The gifts benefit all. There are three revelation gifts, three power gifts, and three speaking gifts. They are distributed to each one as God wills, but we have to cooperate with Him. Do not receive His grace (empowerment) in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1). They are for someone else. The body is made up of many parts, but it is one body. God has placed the parts in the body as He wills. We care about each other and want to see everyone grow. God has placed apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, and variety of tongues in the body. We are to earnestly desire the best gifts, the greater gifts. The best gifts are the most advantageous gifts, the ones that are needed right now. The gifts work because of love (1 Corinthians 13). We are to earnestly desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14). If I ask, I receive. Pastor Syd shared about being filled with the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit is praying in tongues to God. If I want to be built up, I want to know what I am praying for. We must yield to the Spirit. It is the overflow of the Spirit. Prophesying to people is for edification, to build them up. If I come to you speaking in tongues, it needs an interpretation. I can pray to the Lord in the Spirit and with the understanding, and then I pray it out in English. This is how you will walk out the mysteries of God. Pray in tongues, and it will help you to get answers in a test or with a problem in school. Flow in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues until you know what to do. All things must be done for edification. If two or three give a tongue, there must be an interpreter. If two or three give a prophecy, others must evaluate. All can prophesy, one by one, so the others can learn and be encouraged. You may be compelled to use your gift, but you can shut it down. Be eager to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues. It is to be done, but just done in order. What if?… is a question you may have. Sharing a word or tongue at CWI is a safe place, and Pastor Syd is our safety net. Do not give in to fear. Step out in faith, even if you sink. Be willing. Tell God He can use you. Do not be so concerned that you might be wrong. (Pastor Syd talked about a meeting with Pastor Bob, when Syd gave a tongue and interpretation. It encouraged others to do the same.) The church is the body ministering to each other. Jay Stoltzfus: The move of God in CWI in 2006 and the sermons that Pastor Dale preached so touched Pastor Jay with God’s anointing. God wants to re-establish that move in those who were at CWI at the beginning and those who have come since then. God wants to propel the church forward and reattach the parts to move forward and to stir up excitement. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones (Ezekiel 37). God needs a person. He is waiting for a man to agree with Him. Speak to the dry bones. As Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, they came together, and they lived and stood as a great army. There may be people you are speaking to that are like dry bones. That might be you. Speak to yourself. It is possible for the dry bones to come to life. We need to be willing, not dry bones. Be fired up. Believe that God has something for you. (There was ministry to those who were at CWI at the beginning of it.) Do not stop prophesying to the dead bones. Speak to them. They will come alive. (Various people in the congregation shared testimonies.) Jay: It takes action to keep the fires stirred up. We will pick up steam as we go.

Are You at Your There

Sunday August 2, 2015

(We declared the manifest presence, power, and goodness of our Lord and God over those people and jobs that impact our lives.) In 1 Kings 17:1-4 Elijah boldly said to the king of Israel that there would not be dew or rain except at his word. When we have the Word in us, we need to be powerful to speak it out as God’s Word. God promised to feed Elijah with ravens, because He had commanded the ravens, and to supply water for him by the Brook Cherith. If you are not willing to obey what God has already told you, he will not give you any more responsibility. Have you done what He has already told you to do?  1) Believe the Word of God. 2) Trust that God has your best interest in mind. 3) Provision is not necessarily where you are. It is where He has told you to be. Jay shared a testimony of the Lord’s preparing him to sell his business when it looked like the church (in Colorado) was so small and unable to support him. In order to walk on the water, you need to step out of your boat. To get a miracle, you have to be in a tight fix. Be obedient to the Lord. Every blessing carries a responsibility. Be at your “there”. If you are not, you will not be sustained. Face things. Obedience matters. When you hear something that does not line up with the Word, do not receive it. Let the boldness that is in you come out of you. Are you at your there? There is where your provision is.08.02.15    Sunday AM Jay Stoltzfus       “Are You at Your ‘There’?”

(We declared the manifest presence, power, and goodness of our Lord and God over those people and jobs that impact our lives.) In 1 Kings 17:1-4 Elijah boldly said to the king of Israel that there would not be dew or rain except at his word. When we have the Word in us, we need to be powerful to speak it out as God’s Word. God promised to feed Elijah with ravens, because He had commanded the ravens, and to supply water for him by the Brook Cherith. If you are not willing to obey what God has already told you, he will not give you any more responsibility. Have you done what He has already told you to do?  1) Believe the Word of God. 2) Trust that God has your best interest in mind. 3) Provision is not necessarily where you are. It is where He has told you to be. Jay shared a testimony of the Lord’s preparing him to sell his business when it looked like the church (in Colorado) was so small and unable to support him. In order to walk on the water, you need to step out of your boat. To get a miracle, you have to be in a tight fix. Be obedient to the Lord. Every blessing carries a responsibility. Be at your “there”. If you are not, you will not be sustained. Face things. Obedience matters. When you hear something that does not line up with the Word, do not receive it. Let the boldness that is in you come out of you. Are you at your there? There is where your provision is.

The Secret to Joy – Dec 28

Sunday December 28, 2014

(There was a word given about worshiping from our hearts, not from our lips only.) Philippians 4:4 tells us to rejoice in the Lord always. You can always praise God. Paul and Silas ministered to the other prisoners (Acts 16:23-27). The earthquake opened all the doors and loosed all the chains, but no one fled. The prisoners stayed because they were being ministered to. Paul knew what the will of God was, because God had given him a vision (Acts 16:9-10). You need to know what is the will of God for yourself. Sometimes we get ourselves into fixes because we do not obey. Ephesians 5:17 tells us to know what the will of God is.  God knew us long before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:15-16). There is a plan for your life, and it is for you to walk out, and then you will have joy. Trust God that He has your best interest in mind. There is a plan for your life and following it will bring you joy. He gives you the grace to perform His will for you. Know, follow, and fulfill God’s plan for your life. Paul cast out the demon in a girl used by divination, and the forces of hell came out after him. If you cannot follow Him when He gives you something small, He will not trust you with anything larger. Be faithful with little. Romans 12:1-2 is how you can know God’s plan for your life. We need to change our thinking by the Word of God. It is a process. You are responsible for changing your own thinking. It takes effort on your part. Preparation time is not wasted time. Get a vision on something bigger than yourself. We can be selfish. Find someone else who has a problem bigger than you, and it will set you free. Paul’s vision was to minister to others in jail. It was a vision bigger than himself (Philippians 1:3, 4). He was chained in his body but not in his spirit. Do not get impatient.

The Secret to Joy

Saturday December 27, 2014

People are watching us and how we interact with each other. Everywhere Paul went he went there was a revival or a revolt. Paul and Silas were wrongfully-accused and in pain, but they were praising God and ministering to the other prisoners (Acts 16:23-34). The earthquake opened all the doors and loosed all the chains, but no one fled. The prisoners stayed because they heard something they wanted. You must know, follow, and fulfill the will of God for your life. Paul knew what the will of God was, because God had given him a vision (Acts 16:9-10). At the beginning of 2014 Pastor Jay and his wife, Kim, prayed and fasted to pay off their debt. God taught him to be faithful in little things, so that they paid it off much faster. You must be faithful in the small things where you are now. Romans 12:1-2 is where following God’s will begins: by renewing your mind by the Word of God. You have the good, acceptable, and the perfect will of God. As you grow, you move onto another level. When you are in the perfect will of God you can have joy. You can sing because you know you are where you are to be. In Acts 16:16-22 Paul cast out a demon spirit in a girl used by divination. It was a hard road and cost him a jail sentence. When things come against us, we have what it takes to overcome it. We cannot go by our circumstances. Pastor Jay shared a story about a job he did in a multi-million dollar house. He stood on Philippians 4:19 for God to supply his need. He had joy, and it turned into a financial miracle that kept growing, because he was in the will of God. We have a tendency to look at our situation as the worst, if you cannot believe for things bigger than yourself. Say, “I will think on something other than my problem.” You end up being what you think in your heart. Meditate on the Word and the good, and the good will come out. Paul and Silas worshiped because they loved God not because they were trying to get out of something. When you are going through things, get your eyes onto our Creator and onto other people. When you are in a bad situation, find someone who is in a worse place than you are that you can help. If you will get your eyes off yourself, then you can have joy. Live for things bigger than yourself. Paul’s vision was bigger than himself (Philippians 1:3, 4). Get your eyes on Jesus and other people, and the joy of the Lord will bubble out of you. When you know the will of God, you immediately do something (Acts 16:10). Knowing, following, and fulfilling the will of the Lord will bring you joy.

Let No One Despise Your Youth

Wednesday June 26, 2013

Text: 1 Tim. 4:12-16. You can be an example of the Word in your conduct, love, faith, and purity. People are watching you, and they will notice a difference in you. 1) Minister to the Lord through people. 2) Be humble in serving. 3) Show faithfulness to people. 4) Be and stay teachable. 5) Don’t allow offense in your life. Bible examples of young people who made a big difference are Samuel and David. Samuel ministered to the Lord by serving Eli (1 Samuel 3:1-19). His obedience to the Word changed him. David didn’t take offense when his father “forgot” about him when Samuel came to anoint the next king (1 Samuel 16:12-18). He also was very gifted, and it was apparent that the Lord was with him, as Saul’s servant perceived. He was faithful in that he kept tending his father’s sheep even after he was serving King Saul in the palace. There are times of preparation that will propel us later in life and for the battles ahead. David had to be properly trained to face the lion and the bear. Even when he lost everything in Ziklag, and people close to him wanted to kill him, he strengthened himself in the Lord. If it worked for David and Samuel, it will work for you. Don’t waste your youth.