It’s important that you are with the right people at the right time. Pastor Jay Stoltzfus read out of 1 Timothy 6:12. The Spirit of victory is in our lives because of it’s a faith fight. It’s a good faith fight. It matters who you are plugged in with. What’s happening in your life by faith. 1 Samuel 17:, Philippians 4:19, God just doesn’t stop at one miracle, He will continue. God wants you to have confidence in the Spirit. Life isn’t always good but, God is always good. He showed the God of favor all over your (Isacc) life. I see traveling around the world. Isacc to put a stamp in his heart to make Armada Landmark . Word for Chani. It’s a good fight. The love the she pours out will increase. Word for Katie there is something I feel that you wanted to give up numerous times. The Lord has something for her. The Spirit of victory is in this house. Apostle Dale ministered a word to Pastor Jay and Kim. There’s a natural relationship. Have to decern the difference between the natural and Spiritual relationship.God joins hearts together.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM