Pastor Sydney Ropp read of Psalms 119:1 and Psalms 138:2, understand the character of God. Build relationship with Him. It’s so important to know the word of God. Because, what you don’t know will hurt you. Pastor Sydney read out of Psalms 119:130. We want the renewal of the mind. Romans 12:2 and Joshua 1:7, quote the scripture because you love Him. Pastor Sydney mentions that your brain isn’t your mind. Speak the word of God. In His word is life, in His word there is light. He read out of John 8:30, believing is not enough. It’s dependent on you knowing God’s word and doing it. Romans 10:8, it’s important that they believe in their heart. There is action, you have to believe it in your heart. Acts 20:32, be doers of the word. Self deceit is harder to get out of. You can’t get into heaven because of your works. We are asking for a lot of things but, the word is not in you. Pastor Sydney encourages us to put action to our faith.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 3
Sunday October 7, 2018
Tithe Message:
Jen Ropp read out of Malachi 3:8. She mentioned we are not suppose to steel from God. Don’t try to tell God how to do His job. It has the potential to hurt your faith when you do that. Believe God and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. There’s a great danger when we begin to change the nature of God.