Larry Mills, a missionary shared about an earthquake and God’s protection on his family and all the members of his church. He shared their vision for ministry expansion. He taught on “Getting God’s Glory and Presence Back in His House (Temple).” We are His temple. The main thing is our personal heart of love for Him. We are to influence the world for His glory. Shake the enemy. Be strong. May the harvest be drawn to us. May there be a great increase of miracles, signs, and wonders, and may our ability to hear God increase. Scriptures: 1 Peter 2:5; Heb. 3:6; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 6:19;; 2 Cor. 6:19; James 4:4; Eze. 47:1-9; Gen. 2:10; John 7:38; Eze. 8:6; 2 Chron. 5:13-14; Rom. 8:19; Is. 60:1-4. Troy Pfoutz gave a word.
Getting God’s Glory Back Into The House
Double Blessing
Jesus said that it was better than He go away (John 15:26; 16:7). He would empower us two ways. One way was within us through salvation, and the second way was on us, to empower us to be witnesses and to make us a blessing to others. There is a top-line, working in you and a bottom-line, working on you to make you a blessing. Because of Abraham in Genesis 12, God said that all families on earth will be blessed. Hebrews 6:14 gives us the double blessing. Salvation, the top-line, must happen first. The second work is of the Holy Spirit, rivers for healing (John 4:13-14; 7:38). 1 Corinthians 6:19; John 20:14-17. Jesus reconciled Himself to the whole world. Hebrews 9:24. He did not let Mary hug Him after He was raised from the dead, because He had not yet gone to the Father, but afterward He told Thomas to touch Him (John 20:19-23). His disciples were the first ones to be saved. It is a privilege to share the gospel to others. The bottom-line is to receive the Holy Spirit. The disciples had to wait for His empowerment (Acts 1:4-5,8; 2:1-4). After they were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, they saw miracles and mighty works, but they stayed in the area, witnessing to the Jews. It was Paul (Acts 8:1; Acts 9) who ministered to the Gentiles. Can the work of the Holy Spirit make a difference? Dr. Wilson, a French missionary, prayed to give his body to the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1-2), saying that God owned him, and he became evangelistically fruitful. Holy Spirit changed the disciples: Acts 4:33; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. We have a connection with heaven through the Holy Spirit. Get your eyes on what has been given to you. Step into more. His power is in us and on us. We are well equipped to do His work. Larry Mills shared about his ministry of preaching, translating books. He also runs a coffeehouse there.
Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing
Pastor Larry mentioned that his church is going to be a sending church. The Word of God in prayer. If we don’t learn to be led by the Holy Spirit then we are in trouble. Just because you didn’t get your healing instantly doesn’t mean that God won’t heal you. There needs to be more travailing the church for there be more births in the body of Christ. Distractions is what the Lord was talking to Pastor Larry about. The gospel of Jesus Christ is still the answer. Keeping the main thing the main thing. Our job is to find out what He is doing and saying. Ammunition means warning. You are the temple of God. We are here because, God has a Word. We are spirit, soul, and body. Your soul is the mind, will, and emotion. Then there is your spirit which, is the most holy. We try to imitate the glory but, it is not the same and it doesn’t carry the same value. God’s glory is not brass. Building the temple will give the Lord pleasure. Turn back to the main thing. What is it that God is calling us to.
1 Corinthians 10:11 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 2 Corinthians 6:16 Hebrews 10:24-25 Hebrews 3:13 Haggai 2:7-9 Haggai 1:2-9 Isaiah 60:1-3 Ezekiel 43:4-5 Genesis 2:10
Let It Rain
You see what God is going to do with His body. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached. Who is the farmer? God is. Who is he waiting for? The farmer. He tells us don’t be anxious. Don’t let your heart be troubled. The work within is to salvation. The church was birth in John:20. You causing people to sin is to not to be forgiving. There’s a responsibility of the the gift of forgiveness. To empower you to be witnesses. If the majority goes a certain way it is not always right.
Isaiah 34:2 Isaiah 35:4-6 Matthew 24:14 James 5:7 John 20:22-23 1 Corinthians 15 Acts 1:5-8 James 5:7 Hosea 6:3 Isaiah 60:1 Zechariah 10:1
Considering Missions?
Pastor Sydney interviews a missionary couple, Larry and Kay, and their daughter, Lori, in a living room type setting. Larry, Kay have been missionaries years. In 1979, God touch Larry with a call for missions.
Love For The Father
God is waiting on us. Pastor Larry Mills read from Genesis 3:15, the beginning of of God showing that He was rebuilding relationships. Genesis 12:2 was read from. Joshua 5:5-7, circumsision and obedience . Gil Guile means to roll away,. There are no enemies to change conquer in heaven. Pastor Larry read out of Deuteronomy 30, Mark 12:30, Galatians 2, Philippians 3:2-3, and John 14:15, if you love me you would obey me. It is as if we are loving Him. You can live this life if you learn to love him. There is no fear in love. We need to recalibrate our hearts. Go back to Calvary. When He has your love, he has everything. Those who love Him, He will go to .
To Walk in the Spirit
Larry Mills shared a story of a blimp and how that there was a gentleman that tied the rope of the blimp to himself. The blimp just held onto him and the gentleman just enjoyed the ride. Larry mentioned that there is a rest that the people can hold onto. It is just that we have to tie the rope and trust God. Let Him hold onto us and enjoy the ride. We need to depend on God and trust Him more. God is the God of the impossible. Larry mentioned that we need to pray for continued wisdom. Larry referenced Galatians 5:25. He shared what God is doing throughout his ministry with couples and families and the new building for their cafe. All the years til now has prepared him for this year and it is not a cliche. Larry encourages the people not to sit but, to rise up. He questions, ” What’s it mean to walk in the Spirit?” Larry mentions three things that must be a part of our lives. 1) Reading the word of God. 2) Prayer, get into a habit of talking to God. Choose something you do everyday and attach it to that to get into the habit of talking with God. 3) Sharing your faith with someone. Larry mentions that most people have difficulty sharing faith. He references John 20:21, the first disciples saved. With this great gift of eternal life, the salvation comes with great responsibility. If you just sit back and don’t share than there are others who won’t have the opportunity to experience salvation. Larry references Philemon 1:6, acknowledge every good thing. There two tips Larry had given and gave statistics of how many people could get saved over the span of sixteen years. 1) Write down five people’s names who may be open to the gospel. Pray for them desperately daily. Declare an open Heaven over them. 2) Pray for the other laborers that would come along, show them how to lead people to Jesus. Show the unconditional love of God. Meditate on Philemon 1:6. He encourages us to trust God and to not to be afraid. If you can’t get excited about what He has done in you, don’t even try. However, if you can get excited about every good thing He has done in you then you have a voice. Larry mentioned that if the Body of Christ can rise up that revival would come. He mentions about blood covenant and the importance of understanding it. Jesus walked the path for you and I. We were in His Loins as He walked the path. If anyone be a new creation in Christ old things have past away behold all things have become new.
Keys that God has Given Us
1 Corinthians 9:8, Galatians 5:25, and Acts 13:4 were bible verses looked at. Larry Mills spoke about holding a position as a janitor. He held all the keys to the building, which made him feel a sense of authority. What are you doing with the keys that God has given you? Was a questioned asked by Larry. Matthew 16:18. If you ask someone what the meaning of a church is you would get various responses. Larry mentioned about being more interested in what God says the meaning of church is. It was the first time in the bible that the word church is being used in representing the keys of authority, Matthew 16. a) The church will be built on the revelation of who Jesus is. Matthew 24:14. b) Not even the government of hell can stop the move of the Church. c) Matthew 18:18–Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Jesus talks about giving His church keys, which is in the context of building the church. Larry read out of Colossians 1:13. Larry expanded on the fact that all we need is one word from the highest authority. Matthew 28:19. We have been given authority=keys for healing, casting out devils, and raising the dead. Larry had given and example of one of his granddaughters where she was given a fork to try to learn how to eat with it. He expressed that his granddaughter had gotten the food everywhere else but in her mouth, but the fork wasn’t taken from her hand. That fork is parallel to what our keys are. God didn’t give us keys and then take them from us. We have been given keys now what are you going to do with them?