Pastor Demeke Getahun referred to Jonah 1:6. He talks about hearing the voice of Jonah. Pastor Demeke mentioned the message he got from the Lord is that the church is sleeping and that it is time to stand up. “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray”. Pastor Demeke talked about how Mary knew how to sit at the feet of Jesus. When the Lord was ready for Mary, she got up and went. Everyone else followed. Pastor Demeke mentioned that there is no time to sleep. It’s time to pray and let the Holy Spirit manifest. Pastor Demeke referred to the Song of Solomon, there is a beautiful bride. The groom continued to knock at her door. However, she was not ready. So, the groom left. Pastor Demeke talked about how Jesus started His ministry with prayer and ended it with prayer. He is still God but, he had to pray.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM