Prayer #5 Love – b

Sunday February 4, 2018

Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned that proper prayer is to pray to the Father through Jesus. Pastor Sydney read Luke 6:27 and talked about cutting off strife and to forgive wrongdoing. He also mentioned that it is easier to love a friend then our enemies. If your enemy is your spouse, they need to be loved too. Do good things to those who hate you. You cannot remain in hate or unforgiveness. God’s love will overflow. The goodness of God is what leads a person to repentance. Luke 6:32, credit means grace. God loves justice. If we see people through the Father’s eyes, we would forget about the wrongdoing people have done to us personally. Pastor Sydney read from John 13:31. He talked about where there is no place in the bible where Jesus directly says ” I love you”. Jesus talks in third person. Jesus went to the cross because of His love for the Father. Our motivation is not our love for one another. It is that our focus is to be on the love for our Father. Pastor Sydney read Mark 14:35, approach Him as Father. It is up to us to pray things as it is in heaven that it shall be done on earth. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 6:9-14. God is our source. If you are not seeing answers go back and pray about the situation and ask what is hindering your prayer(s), 1 Peter 3:7. Pastor Sydney read from Mark 11:25 and Matthew 18:15. Rebuking means prayer in private. If a person dosen’t know that they had offended you, go and forgive them in private!