Year ‘2016’

God’s Word and His Presence Are One: Speak the Truth in Love

Sunday January 3, 2016

Offering Message: The Word is working mightily in me. Just as your soul prospers, which is mind renewal with the Word, so will you be in health (3 John 1, 2). We believe in our heart (our spirit) and confess with our mouth (our flesh). Deliverance does not give you mind-renewal. Thinking God’s thoughts in our soul prospers us. We will work Your Word, Lord. Sermon Message: Political correctness is a cancer in this nation and is trying to shut down truth. It started in the church by our allowing political correctness, and what the church allows, grows. The earth is our place, and we have God’s authority here. We must repent, walk in a love of truth, and be able to discern when and what to speak. We need to speak the truth in love. Ezekiel 3:10, 11 tell us to receive God’s Word into our hearts and hear with our ears. Jesus said that he who comes, listens, and does is a wise man. Speaking truth does not depend on the other person’s receptivity to it. Jesus is the truth. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. His Word gives us access to His presence (John 1:1-18). His Word is the doorway and leads us into God’s presence. Let’s love the Word. Let’s love Jesus. Matthew 8:5-13. God sent His Word and healed them. His Word brings the Presence of God. His Word and His Presence are one.

Serving Jesus – Jan 10

Sunday January 10, 2016

(There was a word given about shakings, the church awakening, changed lives, digging deeper into the Word, and Christ as the living sacrifice.) Offering sermon: Finances are a grace of the Lord. God is able to make every grace abound to you (2 Corinthians 6:8). Sermon text: Matthew 25:31-40. Jesus separates the sheep and the goats, which means that those who are saved (the sheep) are those who believe and confess Him as their Lord. However, we are judged (not saved) by our works. Every act of service that we do horizontally, to other believers, we do vertically in spiritual service or worship to God. We are to be living sacrifices, choosing to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, holy, acceptable, which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1). Service is spiritual worship. It is not lip-service, but it is doing, waiting on as a waiter waits on customers. We should ask ourselves: What is my personal service to God and to the Body of Christ? We are to use our freedom to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:13). Fruitless Christians are selfish Christians. The five-fold ministry gifts are for the training and equipping of the Body so they can serve one another (Ephesians4:11). Serving is work, and we can do it as onto the Lord. There should be two to three people deep in each position on the “service teams” in the body at CWI. Jesus gave us the example of being a servant when He humbled Himself and took the place of a slave by washing the feet of His disciples (John 13:4-17). Take the lowliest job and serve each other. If you know these things, you are blessed (happy) if you do them. Want to be happy? Serve others. Colossians 2:23 and Ephesians 6:7 relate about serving enthusiastically and with a good attitude as to the Lord and not to men.

Healing – Is It God’s Will to Heal Today

Sunday January 17, 2016

When we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. Then we can know that we have what we ask (1 John 5:14). Luke 5:12, 13 is about Jesus being willing to cleanse the leper. Jesus is always willing, but the hindrance is our lack of faith. We are told in Isaiah 52:14 – 53:5 that Jesus bore our sicknesses and diseases (incorrectly translated “griefs” in some translations), and carried our pains (sometimes translated “sorrows”), and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed. Matthew 8:14-17 says that He healed all who were sick, and quoting Isaiah, he wrote, He took our weaknesses (infirmities) and bore our sicknesses. First Peter 2:24 notes that He bore our sins, by whose stripes we were healed (past tense). He already provided for our healing. We enforce His Word in our healing. We take it. Acts 3:1-10 is about the lame man who was healed in the name of Jesus Christ. He did not just stand, but he leaped, praising God. The Greek word for “saved” is sozo, meaning physical healing, deliverance, well-being, and more. It is by the name of Jesus Christ that the man was made whole (Acts 4:8-12). There is no other name under heaven that is given among men by which we must be saved. Christ redeemed us from the law (Galatians 3:13). What does that mean? Deuteronomy 28:16-68 are the things that are curses. [They are the curses we have been redeemed from.] We are to go and preach, and those who believe and are baptized will be saved. There would be signs to those who believe, such as laying hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:15-18). If you are suffering, pray for yourself. If you are sick, call for the elders of the church and let them pray over you and anoint you in the name of Jesus, and if you believe, the Lord will raise him up. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man makes great power available. We need meekness of heart to believe and receive. The humble get the grace.

Four speakers – Monday evening – Jan 18

Monday January 18, 2016

Pastor Syd (Hearing and Listening for God’s Spirit’s Leading): Isaiah 50:4, 5. We need open ears to hear what the Lord is saying. Pastor Syd told of how he stood in faith to hear what the Holy Spirit wanted him to do concerning a school for his son, but no answer was coming. He asked the Lord about it, and he heard all the word curses he had spoken against school when he was a child. He immediately repented and put the blood of Jesus over those he had cursed. Immediately He gave him the name of the school and the first grade teacher, and so he knew which was God’s choice. In Mark 4:9 Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” This was the Parable of the Sower. Mark 4:22 tells about the hidden and revealed things, and also says in verse 23, “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” We have to pay attention to what we hear. He will show you more if you recognize that the Lord is speaking to you. Then be careful how you hear. We need God’s Spirit to know His hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:6-3:3). He has revealed the hidden things of what He has prepared for us. The deep things are the things we need to develop and cultivate. The natural mind does not receive the things of the Spirit of God. We have the mind of Christ. Paul tired to speak of spiritual things to the people, but they were too carnal to receive them.

Bob Hawk gave a word about shifting, preparation, an awakening, a stirring within us, removing weights, running with new shoes and with the Word. This is a new day and hour of God’s power.

Rocky Veach: A great thing is ahead of us. There is preparation. Rocky shared how one month after he was born-again, the Lord showed him a photograph and said that she was his wife. Expect to hear. Expect Him to surprise you. Expect Him to speak to you. Put yourself in a position to hear. He said that 2016 is “The Year of the Angler”. Put your line with a big hook in the water and let the Lord give you a big catch, some big fish. Jesus used parables because the ones who do not have a heart to hear, will not hear. Parables bypassed the natural mind and were meant to go to the heart. We are open to subliminal things, but open yourselves to the Word and hear what God has to say.

Ron Cohn: Secrets. Hearing. Changing. We should hear the secrets of God and then change. The secret things belong to the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 29:29). Everyday God does something to us, for us, and through us. He shared about paying attention to God connections, like seeing “Rocky” on a TV in a business he was in the same day he was going to meet Rocky Veach for the first time. The body of Christ needs to be ready to hear God’s revelations. Some things God reveals to you are never to be shared, if people are not ready to hear them. There is an alignment of heaven and earth. Ron shared about a “God meeting” with a young man at the gas station and how he knows that his obedience caused that man’s life to be forever changed. Are you willing to pay the price to get God’s secrets? To do that you must cut some things off and consecrate yourself. When God’s secrets are given to a person, they become revelations. God does not hide things from us but for us. In Daniel1:20 Daniel and the three other Hebrews were willing to pay the price and were ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers. God reveals secrets (Daniel 2:21, 28, 29). Ron shared four recent occurrences, such as words from God and open visions that he was to share with people. Can God trust you with His secrets? Will you be willing to pay the price? God knows what is in the darkness. God has His own noise cancellation system. It is not praise and worship. It is a joyful noise.

The Mystery of the Body of Christ – Together – Tuesday Jan 19

Tuesday January 19, 2016

Pastor Syd encouraged all to be careful listeners and doers. Rocky Veach: Coming back from Australia, Rocky sensed a spiritual darkness upon arriving in the USA. This is a critical time. We have become familiar with the ways things are, but we need to remember who we are and who Jesus is. We need to walk as God has laid out for us to walk. His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but it is still a yoke and a burden. We are to make a difference here and to hold back darkness, doing what God wants us to do. There are some teachers, and there are some builders. We are to build in the Spirit. Expect to finish your race. Believe that you are going to make it. There are two things happening in the world. One is the mystery of iniquity, which is the world system, which is against the body of Christ. The other is the mystery of godliness and faith. The book of Revelation talks first to the church. Church is a bad word. The right word is the call of God. We are a body. The vision of a believer is to do the will of God. Do not go with the flow but make a difference. We should be impacting issues like abortion and stop looking like everyone else. The Word is deadly. You do not play with it. God wants us to get things working and stop acting like everything is fine. Text: Ephesians 2. God, in His mercy and great love, made us alive (quickened us), who were dead in sins. He made us alive (quickened us) together with Christ. He raised us up together. He made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He fitted us together. We are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. The books Paul wrote were to groups of people. God, wake us up. We are the ones to choose to walk out the call of God for ourselves. Take what you can and move with it. The opposition we may face is nothing compared to the glory. We are not to treat God as common. We should not be that easy to figure out, because we are a secret society (Ephesians1). The Ephesians 1 and 3 prayers are powerful. God wants to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. God is working with the energy in us that was in Jesus. Spiritual issues manifest in more obvious problems, such as in areas of relationships, finances, and health. Darkness is the working of Satan. The workings of God are in our coming to Him, specifically in prayer. We have to work with Him and step into spiritual things. Do we want the spirit of revelation? Find out who God is and the power He has. Expect supernatural things. If you keep coming up to a wall, come into the secret place with God and find out what is the spiritual barrier. We need to be in our prayer closet. God hears the voice of the Spirit. Pray in the Spirit. Get the armor on and get into the Spirit. Build what builds the heart of God. We need to be difference-makers. The Ephesians prayers, chapters 1 and 3, are about what should happen in us. The mystery needs to be working. Prayer is spiritual warfare. Satan copies what God does. Sadly, many in the body do not even believe in the devil. Bohemian Grove is an evil and real place. Many in the church ignore or refuse to believe the evil that is happening, BUT GOD!

Rocky – The Mystery of the Body of Christ: Working Together Ron – You Are Not Here, But There

Wednesday January 20, 2016

Offering Message (Jay Stoltzfus): Philippians 4:10, 19. Believe God to receive more. The blessing is not just for us but for the people we are ministering to. Pastor Jay shared how God turned an $8,000 mistake into a $20,000 blessing. Pastor Syd Ropp: Those who hear the Word and keep it are blessed (Luke 11). Be careful how you hear and do it. Ask, seek, and knock. How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Daily ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Sermon Message (Rocky Veach): God is building His body on the earth. We are to do His will. Matthew 17. The key words are “mystery” and “workings”. The church is a mystery, a secret society, but we have made it common.  There are more than 30,000 denominations. The real church is mysterious, and it will overcome. We are to know Him. We are to love. There is only one church. Rocky shared his testimony about a small church near his grandmother’s house. He was drawn to that mysterious place at the age of four. The Lord drew him; it was a mystery, and that is what drew him when he was eighteen years old. The church is the force that restrains. We must know God and recover the church, one person at a time, one church at a time. The church is “the call”. The church is about the call to follow Jesus Christ together, to come out into public together. It is not a building. We just keep doing church. Jesus paid the price. Is Jesus in the body? What are we gifted to do? What have You called us into to do? Solve problems in the spirit realm with God and come to Jesus. The mindset of Jesus is found in Acts. Jesus shows how to teach people the mystery of God. Jesus used the word “church” at a place of iniquity, a place where the fallen angels had come down and corrupted mankind (Matthew 16:13). He came to tell them how to stop the mystery of iniquity. Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was, and Peter said that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16). Right now being an agnostic is the thing. That just means people who have some knowledge, wisdom, and religion, but are without God. Many people will fall away from the faith, if they do not have the Word in them. God works through the Word. It works in the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Be in the Word all the time. Truth in your life enables you to detect deception. There are many wrong spirits in the church today. We should want what is God’s will. God deliver me from me. We should want the mysterious church, the church that is led by the Spirit of God. We should not do what we want to do. With faith all things are possible, so that we can be the real church. The remnant church is the underground church. The underground church in China is not free to worship, but they are sending out missionaries. They are willing to take the land and die if needed. (He talked about The Heavenly Man and The Underground Church.) Help us. We want to do God’s will. Deal with your heart first. We must have the Word, the Spirit, and the body of Christ. This is the mystery of godliness, the mystery of faith. Who do you say Jesus is? Jesus was saying that He was the man to help mankind and to stand in the gap for us. We must hear from God. We are built to succeed spiritually and militarily. We have the keys in Him, but we must think like God. In Revelation 1:9 John was in prison because he was a Christian and shared the testimony of Jesus Christ. We should be out in the world to preach the truth. There can be trouble when you preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep going in following God’s call. Follow Him and trust in Him. Be a Joshua, Caleb, or a David. John was in the Spirit. It is like we are not really here, but we are there (Revelation 1:10). “We’re not really here, but we’re there.” The Bible says we are Jesus! As He is, so are we. We are His body. He raised us up together. It is a mystery, because we do not know how that can be true. God was in Christ. We should speak the Gospel. It is powerful and mysterious. God spoke to John that He is the beginning and the end. John turned to see the voice Who spoke to him, and he saw seven golden candlesticks. He saw the glory of God and the anointing of God.  The seven candlesticks are the seven churches (Revelation 1:20). The first thing John saw was the church before he saw Jesus. What God fulfills, He does through the real, mysterious church. Our job is a high calling. His grace is a burden of responsibility that works by faith. We should let His grace work through us. When we are in Jesus, there is a revelation of the church in Him. God wants us to come back to Him. God is calling you. Answer your call. What is the way You are showing me? When we see You, we shall be like You. Ron Cohn: The way the Father sees things if that we are no longer here, but there. We are to see things eternally, not temporally. As you have walked life facing problems and care, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. As you walked in the earth, and Satan tried to get you to stare, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. As you walked in the earth, sometimes weather that was bad, and weather that was fair, you now realize you are no longer here, but there. When things seemed short, and there was not enough to share, you realize now you are no longer here, but there. The day that you gather around the throne, and there’ll be no care nor fear, you will no longer be there, but here. Bob Hawk: God wants to activate the stirring of the healing anointing in the CWI body. We will need to step out in uncomfortable situations. Jesus taught, preached, and healing.  God anointed Jesus, and He healed all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him (Acts 10:38). Act on what you believe. Think, if the house was burning, you’d get everyone out. We are to take out the good news. We need to help others. There are places we need to be for divine appointment and assignments. Walk out of your comfort zones. Separate yourself so you can know your sonship and the maturity that He is calling you to. Maturity is walking by His Spirit and listening to God’s voice. He will show us what to do, if we pay attention to Him. We have to lay down the sin. He has instructed us. Our part is to submit and obey to His voice. Things are subject to change very quickly in this nation. His healing virtue shall flow from your hands. Lay your hands on the sick, and they will recover in the name of Jesus Christ. God has called you to Himself. Ask, seek, and knock. God wants to visit us as a church. There is a spiritual fire in you. Expect to receive the tangible presence of God’s healing power and for signs following. Step out if you hear a word. He has anointed us to be His hands. It is the hour.

Retune Your Sensitivity

Thursday January 21, 2016

God wants to use CWI in God’s healing ministry. Expect God to use you in praying, healing, and giving words. It is harvest time. We all reap the harvest. We represent Jesus, not being ashamed of the Gospel. The Greater One lives in us. We are anointed. God crowns us. Be sensitive to His leadership. He still loves people. We must be yielded and willing. Faith comes by hearing the Word. We carry Jesus. We should reveal Him. We walk by faith. Faith pleases God. No devil can stop your doing God’s will. His name is above every other name. Let the glory of God shine through you. You have what it takes to change this nation. This is your appointed time. Stand up and do what you have not done before. Our nation needs us to show Jesus and the answer to all the problems. We are the answer, because we are the body of Christ. We carry the Spirit. Romans 8:26-30. Christians should reflect the love of Jesus. We should be like Jesus. He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Our assignment is to do the will of God for us. We were called to do what we cannot do in the natural. We are called to do the supernatural, because we are not of this world system. We are called according to His purpose, which is to get people saved. We are to be conformed to the image of His Son. This is His will. We are predestined, called, justified, glorified to do His way. The anointing comes from the head (Jesus). (Psalm 133:1). In the CWI “house” people should see a house of prayer, the generator and power house of intercession. Prayer will propel you into what He has prepared you for. This world needs to see the real Jesus in the church. We need each other. God is in us. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:14-18). We represent Jesus. He is love. We are to be in love. He who fears has not been made perfect in love. He is aligning us to conform us to Him. We are being made into His image. Where are we headed? We need to know our destination, so we can plan our journey. Cooperate with the vision of this house (CWI). We all must operate in the sensitivities. We have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren (1 John 3:14). God’s grace is enough. Do not hold back the goods to those who are in need. We are not alone. One broken link in the chain can stop everything. Love in deed and in truth. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows all things. We must do it His way. Have the right attitude in what you do. Have a right heart, and give from a right heart. Repent! God wants us, individually and corporately, to clean up the church. Check up on your heart. Our hearts must be connected. Rightly divide the Word. We are desperate without Him. If our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. We ask. We receive, because we keep His commandments, obey, and follow His plan. Prayer makes a difference in a region. We need to know what we are called to do. We are possessed with the Holy Spirit. There are some things we need to clean up in our lives. Those things can cause us to lose our sensitivity. Meditate on the Word of God (1 Timothy 1). What is God saying to us? CWI’s assignment is to change the world. Do your part. The end (aim, purpose) of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. All things are possible to those who believe. Together as one we are in agreement with Him. We will not settle for what the devil wants to do. We must come together as one, moving with sensitivity, and a pure heart. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We are a pattern of mercy. Love never fails. Stay full of love. Paul tells Timothy, I want you to walk in victory and whatever God has called you to do (1 Timothy 1:15-18). The good warfare is having faith and a good conscience. We sometimes do not see the fulfillment of a prophecy, because we are in a war. We have to do our part. By ignoring their conscience, their faith has shipwrecked. An exercise for us to do: Acts 24:16 Say: “I strive to always have a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” Other Scriptures: Titus 1:15; Romans 9:1; Psalm 139:24; 26; Mark 4:9. We need to hear the Holy Spirit, but we will not hear Him if we have a polluted conscience or if we are distracted. What stops the sensitivity is offense. What deep things are in me? (There were  words about an umbrella that is being expanded over this (CWI) house; increased and changed influence; higher level of flow of revelation; dimension of truth being released to open hearts; price that comes with responsibility; more things to be responsible for; watchmen on the wall; the voice of authority will increase with a new level of power and demonstration; your words will carry more weight than they did in the past; things will change many times and almost immediately, like speaking to the tree or mountain; the tongue’s power is for blessing or curse; God has held back because of His mercy when we have cursed. We become responsible because of what He has shown us. Watch your words. Hold your tongue, if you need to. Out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water upon the people. His life will spring forth from our lips. The authority has changed. The anointing has risen. Speak to the atmosphere. Speak to the things that distract and hold back. Use your voice to be heard, in faith and authority. I will take you into the place of the dream, and when you wake, it will be as though you have already done it. Walk it out one day at a time. Release and don’t hold back the words I lay within your heart. Bring forth My blessing and speak My Word over the circumstances over this region. My Word will prevail, and it will not fail. You’ve know that I would confirm My Word. It will accomplish what I please. There are some things that I please to do. There are some changes that must come to pass. Prepare yourselves to be a voice to speak the things that will bring change and bring in the harvest.) With responsibility comes authority. (There were personal words: a relationship that has been going through things- pain, destruction; God is healing that. Fear because of pain in your body; that is not the truth; put it in its place; you don’t have the spirit of intimidation; the pain and inflammation is a strategy to get you to doubt; you will see the hand of My power in this hour; what which was on your family will not come on you. More children in this hour; prepare yourselves to teach and minister; they won’t know anything; to help their families to raise My children. Intercessors: believe for a harvest of children; they will watch how you raise your children. Lady concerned about her husband’s well-being; God is working underneath the natural; God is still flowing and showing who He is; God will take care of the situation and give you your heart’s desire; don’t underestimate what I can do if you will be obedient to Me to do what God shows you to do, God will be able to take care of your front door, because you watch God’s back door. A couple is to get ready for another child; make the adjustments in your heart; it’s the season and time for new life to come; prepare; be open and willing because it’s going to come.) A pure heart, a clean conscience, and sincere faith. Pastor Syd: The more you wait on Him, the faster He can accomplish what He wants.

Sydney Ropp – The Gifts of the Spirit, Pastor Jay Stoltzfus – Speak to the Dry Bones and Stir Yourselves Up

Friday January 22, 2016

Pastor Syd: Pride has a root of fear, because you see yourself alone and do not see yourself with God (Psalm 131). Pride keeps you from getting out of your comfort zone. Jesus is all that matters. The Spirit of God is not limited to a certain structure. He can minister through anyone. Ask the Lord to use you. First Corinthians 12 is about the gifts of the Spirit. We can say and believe that Jesus is Lord. There are different gifts and ministries, but the same Spirit, different ministries, but the same Lord, different workings, but the same God. The gifts benefit all. There are three revelation gifts, three power gifts, and three speaking gifts. They are distributed to each one as God wills, but we have to cooperate with Him. Do not receive His grace (empowerment) in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1). They are for someone else. The body is made up of many parts, but it is one body. God has placed the parts in the body as He wills. We care about each other and want to see everyone grow. God has placed apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, and variety of tongues in the body. We are to earnestly desire the best gifts, the greater gifts. The best gifts are the most advantageous gifts, the ones that are needed right now. The gifts work because of love (1 Corinthians 13). We are to earnestly desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14). If I ask, I receive. Pastor Syd shared about being filled with the Spirit. Praying in the Spirit is praying in tongues to God. If I want to be built up, I want to know what I am praying for. We must yield to the Spirit. It is the overflow of the Spirit. Prophesying to people is for edification, to build them up. If I come to you speaking in tongues, it needs an interpretation. I can pray to the Lord in the Spirit and with the understanding, and then I pray it out in English. This is how you will walk out the mysteries of God. Pray in tongues, and it will help you to get answers in a test or with a problem in school. Flow in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues until you know what to do. All things must be done for edification. If two or three give a tongue, there must be an interpreter. If two or three give a prophecy, others must evaluate. All can prophesy, one by one, so the others can learn and be encouraged. You may be compelled to use your gift, but you can shut it down. Be eager to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues. It is to be done, but just done in order. What if?… is a question you may have. Sharing a word or tongue at CWI is a safe place, and Pastor Syd is our safety net. Do not give in to fear. Step out in faith, even if you sink. Be willing. Tell God He can use you. Do not be so concerned that you might be wrong. (Pastor Syd talked about a meeting with Pastor Bob, when Syd gave a tongue and interpretation. It encouraged others to do the same.) The church is the body ministering to each other. Jay Stoltzfus: The move of God in CWI in 2006 and the sermons that Pastor Dale preached so touched Pastor Jay with God’s anointing. God wants to re-establish that move in those who were at CWI at the beginning and those who have come since then. God wants to propel the church forward and reattach the parts to move forward and to stir up excitement. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones (Ezekiel 37). God needs a person. He is waiting for a man to agree with Him. Speak to the dry bones. As Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, they came together, and they lived and stood as a great army. There may be people you are speaking to that are like dry bones. That might be you. Speak to yourself. It is possible for the dry bones to come to life. We need to be willing, not dry bones. Be fired up. Believe that God has something for you. (There was ministry to those who were at CWI at the beginning of it.) Do not stop prophesying to the dead bones. Speak to them. They will come alive. (Various people in the congregation shared testimonies.) Jay: It takes action to keep the fires stirred up. We will pick up steam as we go.

Serving Jesus – Jan 31

Sunday January 31, 2016

Text: Matthew 25:31-40. We serve God by serving one another. Serving other believers is horizontal service, and vertical serving God is worship. Romans 12:1 tells us to present our own bodies as living sacrifices to God, which is our reasonable service. We should be worship and service- minded. The church should be overflowing with serving people. Serving the church includes the service you do for your own family. There should be no lack in the church. SERVICE means to wait on, to serve. Where am I serving the Lord? Am I serving Him? Talk to the Lord about what you should be doing. If you are not serving, you are not loving. Galatians 5:13 says that we are called to freedom, the freedom to serve one another through love. Secret serving is openly rewarded. The churches of Macedonia first gave of themselves to the Lord and then to others by the will of God (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). God gave the Levites to the Israelites as a gift to serve the people, which was service to the Lord (Number 18:6, 7). Now we are priests and are to serve each other and God. What is my service to the Lord? You can serve, but if it is working to earn something, it will cause you to burn out, or instead, you can serve as unto the Lord. The women whom Jesus healed served Him (Luke 8:1-3). Peter’s mother-in-law was healed and immediately served Jesus. Dorcas, a widow, was known for serving others. She became sick and died, but Peter raised her from the dead, so she could continue serving others and God. Serving others is a commandment, and Jesus said that if we keep His commands and abide in His love, His joy will be complete in us. It is a joy to lay down one’s life for his friends. This may literally mean dying for someone else, but it can also mean first putting others’ wants and needs before ours.


Wrestling With God in Travail

Sunday February 7, 2016

LaVere reported on the increase of born again believers and churches around the world, especially in China. The vision for the end-time harvest has already started. In Matthew 21:28‘s parable of the two sons, one said he would not go, but he went, and the other one said he would go, but he did not. Which one are you? God wants to do in America what He is doing elsewhere. Mission work may look different. We must be awake in this harvest. Where is your focus, your drive? The widow in 1 Kings 17:9-16 was under the command of God to take care of the prophet, Elijah. He told her to take what looked like her last meal and to provide for him first. Her obedience and yielding to God’s command and will brought supernatural provision for her and her son for a long time. Do you know that you are under the command of God? He has a plan for your life. We are under God’s command. Satan tries to keep us from seeking God and to get us into fear. In Genesis 32:1, 2 An angel told Jacob what to do. He was under a command of God. When he heard that his avenging brother was coming toward him, he was afraid. Jacob wrestled with a man, who was God. God touched the socket of Jacob’s hip, and Jacob told God, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” God told him that his name was to be Israel instead of Jacob. Jacob prevailed, which means overwhelmed, such as when David cut off Goliath’s head. He said, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.”  How can man prevail over God and win? How can a man talk to God that way? Romans 15:4 says that the Scriptures were written for our learning, that through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope. The Word is our example, so we can understand our purposes (1 Corinthians 10:6). GOD HAS A PLAN FOR EACH ONE OF US (Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 2:8-10; Psalm 139:16). We have to find His plan for us and for the end-time harvest. If you are saved, you are called according to His purpose and grace (2 Timothy 1:9). If you are not called, you are not saved. There is a balance between God and man. Isaiah 45:9-12 says “Woe to him who strives with his Maker!” Does that statement conflict with what Jacob did with God? Jacob was striving, but in Isaiah 45:11 the Bible says, “Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.” One striving, as in verse 9, is against God and His will for your life; the other is striving with God to be able to fulfill His word to and will for you. We can strive with Him for the things He has already commanded us. God had made a covenant with Jacob where he had the vision (Genesis 32:1, 2). He won what God had already spoken. The Word is even above the name of Jesus. In John 1:1 all of God was involved in creation. The God of creation became man. Jesus was the Master of creation. He incarnated Himself in the Word. The Word is living. Jesus is the Word. You have a personal covenant with God. There is a difference between the promises and the covenants of God. God cannot prevail against the Word He has spoken. God has made a covenant with you. Find out God’s plan for your life. Meet and fellowship with Him in order to hear His voice. What He says will work. Do what the Father says and does. There is a corporate plan for the body of Christ. Ask, “What is God’s plan for the church and this community? What is God saying for us to do?” Seek God corporately. God will speak. Individuals, seek God with all your hearts, and find out what the covenant is. Nothing can stop God’s will when we line up with Him. You are not free to do what you want to do. You are not your own. You were bought by Jesus’ blood (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 1 Peter 1:18, 19). You will limp after God’s test for you to fulfill God’s plan. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE. DO NOT MISS GOD!

Jesus I AM – Feb 14

Sunday February 14, 2016

John 10:10. Jesus is the Life-Giver. He said, I AM the life.” We have the “Son” in us. The Word was with God. The Word was God. All things were by the Word. Jesus is the Word. The Word was life, and the life was the light of men (John 1:1-4). Our tongues were made to create. Our words create our world. Death and life are in the power of our tongues. We are producing either life or death. Speak life to your possessions. Value God’s Word. Jesus said, “I AM the living water” in John 4:10, 13, and 14. The water that He gives is a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. Jesus said, “I AM the bread of life.” He is the living bread of heaven. The bread of life is the Word of God. When we speak, we should be speaking life. The words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life (John 6:63). Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25, 26). Do you believe Jesus can resurrect the dead parts of your life? In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life.” There is only one way to God, the Father, and that is through Jesus, the Son of God. In Acts 3:12-15 Peter called Jesus the Prince of life (the Prince of Peace). The life-robbers in men’s lives are: 1. The traditions of men (The way you thought your whole life.) 2. Condemnation (There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.) 3. Legalism (The law. We are set free by the Spirit of God. 2 Corinthians 3:6). 4. Sin (Colossians 3:1-5). [We watched the video by Toby Mack about speaking life.] We speak life to the darkest, deadest parts of our lives. Speak hope, life, and love. The Life-Giver is inside of you. Encourage yourself by what God says about you. Be a good believer in the Word. The Word washes His life in you. Feed on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8). Jesus spoke the already written Word, because He valued it. We are to be spiritually-minded (Romans 8:6). We default to something and that tells us who we are. If you default to the negative, repent. Say, “I am a child of the living God. Help me.” The book of 2 Corinthians tells us how to live out the New Covenant. We are born from above. Jesus never leaves us. Speak life. Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord (Ezra 7:10). We are called to be strong believers. All of heaven is attracted to the Jesus in you. We are separated to the Lord. Moses said that he would not go without God presence. I want to be aware of God’s presence with me always. [We practiced speaking life to the others in the congregation.]

The Attitude of Our Hearts to the Word of God

Sunday February 21, 2016

We are to come under the Word of God, the authority of God. Gene read many Scriptures that tell us who we are, if we are under the authority of God. We need a right response to the Word of God and a willingness to receive the Word. Text: James 1:18-22. We are to be doers of the Word. When we come to the Word of God, we need to come with a submissive heart. Be eager toward the Word of God. James tells us to be swift to hear the Word of God. Be an eager hearer. Believers have a right response that involves three attributes. The first is willingness to receive the Word with submission. We enter with a submissive heart to the Word. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word. James also tells us to be slow to speak and slow to wrath. Anger builds barriers. Not only do we come to the Word with a submissive heart, but secondly, we lay aside and lay apart all filthiness and wickedness and receive the Word with purity. We have to cast off works of darkness (Romans 13:12). We can compare it to taking off smelly, dirty clothes. We need to be cleansed, or filthiness will make us “stink” and unable to hear because we “have wax in our ears”. We need purity of heart, so we can hear and receive the life we need. The third attribute of willingness to receive the Word is humility (James 1:21). We pray that we can live out the truth that we receive.

As Christ’s Representatives, We Need to Change

Wednesday February 24, 2016

Matthew 16:13. God wants to show Himself strong on your behalf. It takes a yielded life, dependent on Him. It is up to the body of Christ to make a difference for this country. All of powers of hell will not prevail against the church. Where do we see the church in the earth today? Where are you individually as a part of the body? Where are we as a church in the workings of what Jesus is doing today? We are the temple of the living God. The Spirit of the living God lives in you. How are you functioning today? 1 Timothy 3:15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. This is who we are supposed to be, what the church is supposed to be. We are the household of faith. Judge yourself, where you are. We are to examine ourselves whether we are in faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Christ is in you. Are you holding to your faith? Are you showing faith? Our lives are to be lived in relationship with the King of Glory. Glory means the revealed nature and manifestations of God. The glory of God and intimacy with God change us. We must change and be transformed to Christ in us. We represent Jesus on earth. Are people seeing Jesus in us? If you had known Me, you would have known the Father. He who has seen Jesus, has seen the Father (John 14:7). Can we say: When you’ve seen us, you’ve seen the Father? We need to change. We are to be imitators of our Father, walking in love (Ephesians 5:1, 2). We need to know God intimately, esteeming and delighting in one another. Selfishness is in the church, and it will keep us from expressing our love for the Father. We should be living our lives to glorify the Father. Are people experiencing the love of God when we show up? Do people think of us as faithful? Are we a sweet fragrance to people? We are called according to His purpose. We are predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:26-30). To be conformed, we must be jointly formed and have corresponding moral qualities. Am I in agreement with what I know? If not, I need grace to change. Allow the change to happen to you, so you can resist Satan. I am transformed when I keep my eyes on Him. We present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1, 2). We represent God. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are to put on Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14). We must put Him on and keep Him on. If I want to walk in the Spirit, I cannot walk in the flesh. We need to clothe ourselves with the praises of His people. How much should we be thankful? We must have a rejoicing spirit. People should see the glory of God on His people. We put on the new man and put off the old one (Colossians 3:8). The glory of the Lord will change us. If you do not like your thoughts, repent and ask forgiveness (1 John 1:9). The church must abide in God (John 15:7). It is a lifestyle. We need to be alive with the life of God. We are under the control of the Holy God. Press in to know Him. God is raising up a reflection of Himself.


Thursday February 25, 2016

Job 22:20-30 (Amplified Bible). Pray people into their calling. We need to show up in person. Job prayed for his friends. God wants us in His perfect will. He is holy. We must put away unrighteousness. The love of money is the root of all evil. Only God is to own and control you. Make the Almighty your gold and the Lord your precious silver treasure. Intercessors lift up their faces to God. You will fulfill your vows. We shall decide and declare a thing, and it shall be established for you. You must put a guard on our mouths. If you do not like the things in your life, change your heart and your mouth. The Word of God must be in your heart and in your mouth. You need the unction of the Holy Spirit. He lifts up and saves the humble person. He will even deliver the one for whom you intercede who is not innocent; yes, he will be delivered through the cleanness and purity of your hands. You are free to do the will of God. Call people to the place of grace. The intercessor who will stand with clean hands and a pure heart will be dynamic. We are to exercise ourselves with a conscience void of offense (Acts 24:16). We have to choose not to be offended. Philippians 1:10 tells us to be without offense until the day of Christ. Psalm 119:165 says, Great peace have they who love the Word and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 24 is about the King of glory. The prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working (James 5:13-16). We are to have clean hands and a pure heart, be righteous, and pray earnestly. If anyone among you strays from the truth and falls into error and another person brings him back to God (converts him), you save a soul from death. We have the ability to convert a sinner from death. The Lord hears the prayer of the righteous.

Peace, A Mind Stayed on God

Sunday February 28, 2016

(There was a word given about not fearing when you face “a Red Sea” while trying to get into your “Promised Land.” Trust Him, walk in the anointing. The Blood of Jesus is before you. Put Him on the throne of your heart, so He can lead and direct you and bring you through.) (There was a miracle anointing service.) Texts: Isaiah 26:3 and Philippians 4:6-8. God will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because that person trusts in God. If you are not in perfect peace, your mind is not stayed on God. Peace is more than a cessation of war. Peace is goodness in your life. God’s plan is for you to have peace. The safest place to be is in the will of God. If you lose your peace, it is a sign that things are not okay. What does it mean to have your mind stayed on Him? It is like jamming a chair under a doorknob, so that the door cannot be moved. Peace is when you do not waver, ever! You will encounter things. Look at them with the lenses of a mind stayed on Him. When you are distracted, look at the distractions through the lens of God. Recognize who you are in Christ. Do not be worried and care-filled. Would it help to worry? BUT, in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. It is an opportunity for prayer and praise. It is not enough to just rebuke and resist the devil and his thoughts. You must replace those thoughts with prayer, praise, and the Word. Fill your house with praise. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard, keep, and garrison your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Deal with fear quickly, or it will grow. Praise the Lord. Whatever you are dealing with, think on those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue, and praiseworthy. Filter your mind so certain thoughts do not enter your mind. Even if it is true, is it honest? Is it true, honest, and just…? Do we keep our minds on Him? What is negative may be your imagination. Take every thought captive and make it come into obedience to Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5). Make God’s Word your filter. God is a rewarder of the those who diligently seek Him. Do not waste your time on assumptions. Imagine the victory and God’s Word. How are you using your imagination? Fill your mind with the Word.

Our Witness and God’s Power

Sunday March 6, 2016

Pastor Syd showed pictures and told of his trip with Apostle Dale in the Ukraine. He reported on his travels there and his time with Apostle Dale at a Bible School of over 500 students, some of whom were from Russia. They preached to pastors and cell group leaders. Apostle Dale preached a powerful sermon about the church and the country. Our hearts should be stirred up to pray for Apostle Dale and what he is doing in Ukraine. The church there can change that nation. Pastor Syd told about the importance of chaplains who go to the front lines to minister. He told about a movie on Netflix called Winter on (or of?) Fire, which is a documentary of what happened in Ukraine two years ago. Pastor Syd also went to Istanbul, Turkey. Much of the New Testament happened in Greece and what is now Turkey. He showed a map where the different churches were that Paul started or preached at. Now only about .2% (about 2,000) of Turkey’s people are Protestant. It is a problem when comfortable becomes more important than the kingdom of God. Is our testimony touching those around us? We are to be witnesses to what God has done in our lives, where we live, and then beyond (Acts 1:7, 8). When we share our testimony, it releases and enacts the power of the Holy Spirit. If we are not fishing, we are not followers. There was a physical flood (Genesis 7:11, 17), and now we need a spiritual flood of the Holy Spirit, symbolized by water. This year (2016) is critical as far as electing officials at all levels. There are 469 Congressional seats for reelection. There are 7,383 legislative positions through the states for reelection. There are 36,000 municipal, township, and other offices to be filled. We need to fill these positions. We need to be salt by words and actions. We need to come together. We are to be the Good News. God’s power is available now because He poured out His Spirit. It is the power to save. Give your testimony and the power of God will be there. Offering message: Philippians 4:10-20. Our God does supply your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. What is important is the fruit that comes from the gift. Shannon Flynn shared about her mission trip to Kenya.

The Authority of the Believer

Sunday March 13, 2016

God has established strength from the mouth of babes and infants (Psalm 8). When Psalm 8:2 is repeated in Matthew 21:16, instead of “strength”, the word “praise” is used. There is a connection between strength and praise. In Psalm 8:4 the word “angels” is translated “God” other places in the Word, so God made man a little lower than Himself. When we look up into the heavens, we see what God has put in place. We are the reason for creation. We are not insignificant. We are the apple of God’s eye. Man is to have dominion and to rule with authority over the works of God’s hands. The Lord remembers us and will bless us. May He give you increase to you and your children. He gave the earth to man. Dead men do not praise God, but we will (Psalm 115:12-18). He talks about authority and praise and worship together, because they are linked. Genesis 1:26-2:19 tells us that He made us in His likeness. We are three parts, just like the Trinity. We are to have dominion over the earth and all that is in it. God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to multiply. He told them that they had complete authority. They were to subdue it because they had full authority. To have dominion over something is to rule and reign. Our authority came from God because He created everything, including us. Genesis2:19 says that God brought the animals to Adam for him to name them, showing that he had authority. With authority comes responsibility. Jesus did no miracles until He was baptized. Jesus had to operate in faith, just like we do. Satan immediately tried to make sure Jesus would not use His authority to take back the earth from him, but Jesus did not take his bait (Luke 4:1-7). Temptation is not sin, but it can be by what we do with it. Adam chose to give his authority away. Satan got the authority from Satan, not from God. Jesus came to get back man’s authority from Satan. Satan wanted Jesus’ worship. See how worship and authority are tied together? God gave the authority to man, then man gave it to Satan. God created Satan as an angel to glorify God. He did not create him as the devil, but Satan chose to turn against God. Romans 5:12-17. Death reigned from Adam to Moses. The overflow of grace and the gift of righteousness is the blood of Jesus. We reign in life through Jesus Christ now. Reign means to rule, have dominion, and to have authority. Jesus was a man like us who had to walk in faith. He emptied Himself and came in the likeness of man. John 14:12; Matthew 28:19, 20. Stay where God wants you to be. That authority is yours.

The Authority of the Believer

Sunday March 20, 2016

[Pre-sermon notes: Jesus defeated the enemy and shed His blood for our victory. We have been healed. Light immediately dispels darkness. Declare health over your body. When we look at Him, His wisdom comes to us, and then we give heed to it. The church is compromising if we vote for someone who is not a Christian. This nation is at the tipping point, about to fall to a sudden and extreme drop. Take a stand. Vote for righteousness.] Sermon: text – Psalm 8. God told Adam to subdue, have dominion, and rule the earth and everything that is on it (Genesis 1:26-28). This is demonstrated in Genesis 2:19 when God commissioned Adam to name the animals. In Luke 4:5, 6 Satan tempted Jesus by telling Him that he would give Jesus the authority over all the kingdoms of the earth, if He would worship him. How did he get that authority? Satan is a fallen angel. Adam gave the authority that God had given him to Satan when he disobeyed God (Romans 5:17). Jesus came to restore the authority over the earth back to man. In Psalm 8:5 in the KJV it says that God made man a little lower than the angels. The same Hebrew word translated here as “angels” is translated “Elohim”. This word is used over 2600 times and never translated angels anywhere else. The correct translation is that God made man a little lower than Himself. In Hebrews 1:1-4 it says that Jesus bore a more excellent name than angels. In 2:6-8 it says that God made Jesus a little lower than the angels. Hebrews 1:5-14 we find that angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who inherit salvation. The saints inherit salvation. Are you giving your angels anything to do? Do you give them orders? Speak to your angels using the (Word of God) commands that God has already given them. You pray to God in Jesus’ name; you can talk to and thank Jesus and the Holy Spirit but you only pray to the Father. The authority has been given to us in heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18-20), whereas Adam’s authority was just on earth before he fell (Psalm 8). Our purpose is to take dominion with the authority Jesus gave us, to go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptize, and teach what He taught. The saints will judge the world and angels (1 Corinthians 6:1-3). God will confirm His Word with signs, wonders, and miracles. God originally made man a little lower than Himself and higher than the angels. Since Adam fell and gave his authority on earth to Satan (a fallen angel), unredeemed man became lower than the angels. Redeemed men (those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior) are lower than God but restored higher than any angel.

The Authority of the Believer

Sunday March 27, 2016

Texts: Psalm 8:3-8; Hebrews 2:6-18. Originally God gave the authority on earth to Adam. After Adam sinned by disobeying God, the authority was given over to Satan. Satan could have given Jesus the authority over earth (Luke 4), but Jesus knew how He was going to get the authority back to man. After Adam’s fall, man became lower than angels. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus said that all authority of both heaven and earth was given to Him and He gave it to us. His will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven (the Lord’s Prayer). He gave us power to bind and to loose (Matthew 18:18-20). We have authority over angels. What did Jesus have to do to get that authority back to us? Hebrews 2:6-18. He had to die spiritually. He became sin so that we might become His righteousness. Jesus knew that He was going to be separated from God. Separation from God is death and hell. Jesus experienced spiritual death for us. Not everyone will die. Those who are alive with be caught up with Him. Jesus said that if anyone keeps His word, he will never taste death (John 8:44-53). He is talking about spiritual death. Concerning when Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus said that He is the resurrection and the life, and that whoever believes in Him, though he may die, he shall not die spiritually (John 11:20, 26). Jesus went to hell. He had to become sin for us, because there was no sin in Him. Our sin would send us to hell, if He had not gone there for us. Jesus was born again from death and hell, and we need to be born again, too. Jesus died and was made alive again in the Spirit. God raised Him up, so His soul was not left in hell, nor did it see corruption (Acts 2:22, 23; Acts 13:33). A separation came, and Jesus had to be born again. Before the resurrection, Jesus is referred to as the only begotten Son of God, but after the resurrection, He is referred to as the firstborn from the dead among many brothers (Colossians 1:18). Through His death He might destroy the devil (when He went to hell and came out of it). Satan never had power of physical death. God did. The power of spiritual death is the fear of death. As soon as Adam and Eve fell, fear of death came. That fear is the fear of being separated from God. Isaiah 11:2 tells about the seven spirits that were upon Jesus. Revelation 1:4-18 again notes that Jesus is the firstborn from the dead, and that He made us kings and priests to God the Father. He was dead, but now He is alive, and He has the keys to hell and death. We have His authority if we have made Him our Lord and Savior. We are victorious. We reign in life by Jesus Christ. Pastor Syd closed by reading the Ephesians prayer (Ephesians 1:17-23).

Tithes and Offerings

Sunday April 3, 2016

This service was orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. The Word benefits us only when we hear and do what it says. We are to give God our best. The tithes, the first tenth, belong to Him. What we give beyond that is an offering (Malachi 3:8-12). Second Corinthians 8:9 is in the context of giving an offering. You cannot sow your tithe, because that belongs to God (2 Corinthians 9:6-15). You sow when you give what belongs to you. Our needs are met by our giving. Pastor Syd shared how the Lord blessed him and his family in multiplication when he was obedient to sow the only money he had, which was four dollars. Larry Hostetter gave a word that we make God too small. We prayed for those who need miracles in their lives. An offering was taken to bless Pastor Syd and Jen. Karen Burrows shared a testimony of how the Lord provided for her to go to Andrew Wommack’s pastors’ conference when she was obedient to sow her $192 in coins. There was ministry to those people who need jobs.

The Authority of the Believer: What’s Our Purpose?

Sunday April 10, 2016

In Genesis 1:26-28 God told Adam, man, to have dominion. In Revelation 22:1-5 God speaks about the future, saying that we are to reign forever and ever. We are here to take dominion. Our purpose is to reign and take dominion, and worship to God is the fruit of our taking dominion. Revelation 5:9, 10 says that He has made us kings and priests to our God, and we shall reign on the earth. This is also stated in Revelation 1:6. Death reigned by Adam’s trespass, but we are to reign in life (now) through Jesus Christ. We are in training. We need to pay attention as to how we are to rule and reign. How does a king reign? He reigns with his words (Ecclesiastes 8:4; Job 22:21, 22, 26-28). He reigns by delegating authority (Luke 9:1-42). We see this in a policeman. His power is in the courts, the law, and his gun. His authority is because of his power. The kingdom of God is in us. It is where God is exercising authority and His will is being done. It is the coming of His kingdom that allows His will to be done. The disciples were to preach the kingdom of God. Jesus delegated His authority (Luke 10:20). We have been given authority over the enemy (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16). We restore divine favor, which is the ministry of reconciliation. We are authorized to take this message to others. Fill yourself with the Word. Expect what you speak to be fulfilled. A king reigns by his word, and we reign by preaching God’s Word and that the kingdom has come. (There was explanation concerning last week’s service, finances, and prayer needs in the CWI body.)

Our God Is Faithful

Sunday April 24, 2016

Dr. Panicker shared about living in Kenya when they had no church support and during a time of famine. They fasted and prayed for a month, declaring that they would not lack. A man from Morocco blessed them, and a woman they did not know came with two boxes for them. It was at a time when they had no food, and the boxes were filled with all the food they needed. They wanted to send their son to school, but they had no money. Dr. Panicker went to the headmaster to ask him to keep his son there for two weeks and at the end of the two weeks he would have the money for him. He was impressed by the Lord to go to the headmaster after just one week. The headmaster informed Dr. Panicker that someone had come in the first day he came with his son and paid for the whole year. Our most precious times are as we sit at the feet of the Lord. Prayer is talking and listening to God. Do we truly pray, or do we assume that God will do this or that? Are you always engaged with the Father? We talk and listen to the Lord. Daddy God will minister to your every need. Learn to talk to the Lord in prayer. We need silence with Him, too, to hear His voice. If you do not walk with Him, you will not talk with Him. Be inspired to pray and pray for the American church-goers to read the Bible. Jonah was called to the city of Ninevah, which was Assyrian, but he was afraid to go. God’s heart was broken by all of its sin. He had a heart for the people of Ninevah. God’s character is love, mercy, and holiness. He knew He had to punish the people, so He called Jonah to warn them to repent. Jonah tried to escape God’s call for him to go to warn Ninevah, so he ended up spending time in the belly of a fish. Jonah did obey God and warned the people of Ninevah to repent and turn to God. Assyrians were fighting the Jews, but the people believed God and proclaimed a fast. God touches the hearts of the wicked, and this happened in Ninevah. The wicked king was afraid of God’s judgment, humbled himself by stepping down from his throne, repented, and cried out to the Jewish God, declaring a fast of food and water, even for the animals, and Ninevah was spared. Prayer has the power to humble the proud. Much of the American church is a coffee-club. When your belly is full, it is easy to sleep and hard to pray. God listens to the cry of the wicked, because His character is love, mercy, and holiness. We say “no” to “political correctness.” Another city was Sodom in Genesis 18 and 19. Ezekiel (16:49-50) referred to Sodom and Gomorrah as arrogant, overfed, unconcerned, haughty, not helping the poor and needy, and detestable (morally disgusting). It takes both prayer and action. The righteous are bold as a lion. God destroyed Sodom. Why did God destroy Sodom and save Ninevah? Sodom did not repent, and it was burned. Ninevah repented and was spared. [Dr. Panicker had said in 2012 that it was wrong for the United States to invade Iraq. Some countries need a dictator because the people are not able to handle the responsibility. In Iraq churches were protected and even built under the Iraqi dictator, but that all stopped when he was killed.] In 2012 the president of Uganda brought his nation’s people together. He repented and called the people to come together to God. Dr. Panicker read the prayer of repentance that the Ugandan president prayed asking for God’s forgiveness of many sins, such as idolatry, witchcraft, shedding innocent blood, and pride. Our national leaders need to repent. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Authority of the Believer: Being Made Righteous

Sunday May 1, 2016

Review: The earth is the Lord’s (Psalm 24:10); God gave the earth to man (Psalm 115:16); Man has been made to have dominion over God’s creation (Psalm 8:3-9). Pastor Syd compared it to the fact that their house belongs to him (Pastor), but his sons may do what they want in their own rooms within certain guidelines. God owns the earth and gave authority over it to Adam, but Adam gave it to Satan. Jesus took the keys away from Satan when He went into hell after His crucifixion. Through Adam’s trespass, death reigned, how much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:17). Jesus is seated to the right hand of God, interceding for us. If we do not have a sense of righteousness, we will not reign. If we mess up and ask forgiveness, God has no remembrance of it. His righteousness is on you and fills you. A king reigns through his words. On Christ, the rock, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:13-19). Because you know the Word, you may think you are doing it, but you must act on it by speaking and believing it. Speak the Word to your problems. Speak the way it is going to be. Jesus became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). He sees me like Jesus, without sin. He says, “That’s My son, in whom I am well pleased.” Do not allow condemnation and Satan to beat you up. We can have boldness in the day of judgment, because of God’s love (1 John 4:16, 17). There is no fear in love. Jesus always lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:24, 25). We need a consciousness of righteousness. Jesus is our defense attorney and our judge. Tell the devil how it is going to be. There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:10). God is for us (Romans 8:31). He will grant us what we need to walk in victory (Romans8:32). If God gave His all to buy you, He will do all to keep you. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:33-39).

Rwanda and Namibia on Assignment from God

Sunday May 8, 2016

Gene English showed pictures and shared about his recent mission trip to Rwanda and Namibia, Africa. As part of the trip, he attended a Global Teen Challenge Conference in Rwanda. He also was looking for properties that could possibly be used for future Teen Challenge sites. While he was in Rwanda, he visited the Genocide Memorial, commemorating the death of the over one million people of the Tutu tribe, who were killed by a rival Rwandan tribe. Namibia also suffered much slaughter, but theirs was due to apartheid. A fruitful harvest requires a fruitful witness. We need to get past being afraid of rejection when we talk to strangers about Jesus Christ. We get comfortable, but we need to know that God is going to give us the words to speak when we step out to share Christ. We need to think about the lost. How is God going to use me to reach the lost? Remember where you were before you came to Jesus. We can see the goodness of God. You begin with the Word of God. Then you see that you are the righteousness of God. Your mind gets renewed by the Word, and you begin believing and confessing the Word. Your thinking changes. We are commissioned to reach the lost. We need to be faithful witnesses. The process may be ugly, but the result is good. Matthew 9:38, 38 tell about praying for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest. Intercede for the lost (Psalm 2:8). Cry out for them. Gene told about Isaac Watts, who was an atheist at that time, confronting a Christian woman. She had three sons, and the first one heard from God to go to the mission field. He was killed, and her second son heard the same call to go. He went to complete the work the first one started, but he was killed. The third son also was called to complete his brothers’ work, but he, too, was killed. When Isaac Watts confronted her in the market place, he asked her, “How can you love that God? Don’t you regret it?” Her answer was, “Yes, I regret- that I don’t have another son to send to finish the work!” Ask God, “How can I be used by You today?” Let’s purpose to reach the lost for the kingdom of God. Pray that you may have a love for the lost. Are you casting out seeds? Are you multiplying? How can I build bridges? Ask God to stir up your gifts.

Honor God with the Truth

Sunday May 15, 2016

The church should communicate truth and be salt. Find out what your school’s policies are. Communicate with your representatives. Fight against unrighteousness. It took eighty years of preachers’ (The Black Regiment) preaching truth in the early colonies before it was put into effect when the Constitution was written. We need to apply the truth to our lives. God’s principles work even for the unsaved. We must live by His principles. Eli, the priest, displeased God by honoring his sons more than he did God (1 Samuel 2:29). Eli knew his sons were sinning against God and His temple, but he did not stop them. God said that He will honor those who honor Him. If you want to be honored, you must honor truth. Honor means “weighty, of value, of great importance.” How do we honor God? We honor Him by honoring what He honors. God cannot lie. There is power in His Word. God made everything. In Isaiah 66:1, 2 God said that He will look favorably on one who is humble and submissive and who trembles at His Word, a person who hurries to keep God’s commands (Psalm 119:57-60). God’s Word is truth. We can rejoice at His Word like one who has found a treasure (Psalm 119:162). The entrance of His Word gives light to those who are humble and open-minded (Psalm 119:130). Buy truth, and do not sell it (Proverbs 23:23). Do not let money pull you away from what is truth.  Bribes prevent justice. Do not allow money to buy and pervert justice and truth. How valuable is truth? Are you willing to stand alone for truth? As a church, we must be established on the truth. Truth will cost you something. You may have to choose between truth and family and your friends. How do we know if we have the truth? It is in the Word. If you find a verse, read the context of that verse and search for more than one witness in the rest of the Word. Make sure that what is being said is right in the Scriptures. Be a student of the Word. The deceived ones do not have the love of the truth in them.

Ministry of the Supernatural

Sunday May 22, 2016

Desire and expect the truth of God’s Word. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, that is worth selling everything else for (Matthew 13:44; Isaiah 55:1). Do not let go until you are satisfied. We want to be delivered. Bruce gave a word about CWI being like a fire truck slowly going up a hill. The fire truck represents a vehicle of rescue, which accelerates once it gets to the flat area. He saw CWI as having a ministry of rescue for this region. It is about salvation, demonstration, and orchestration. Throughout the service, Bruce operated in the prophetic and had words of encouragement and words of knowledge for people needing healing. God wants to demonstrate Himself.

We are living in Acts 29, the chapter that is still being written. Be obedient and listen. Do what He tells you to do. Take it out of the church [walls]. Ephesians 4 says that the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints to do the work and ministry. Everyone has a God-cause. The only way to do that is to be obedient. Grace and favor reign through righteousness (Romans 5:21). Stay in a place of God’s presence. Go treasure-hunting. Find people and release what God has for them. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word with boldness (Acts 4:29). Have the courage to step forth. A small group can do the work of ministry. All of us are joined and knit together, each one fulfilling his or her God-cause with humility, dying to self, and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:11-16). God has a mission for you. He has miracles in your mouth and in your hands. Why don’t people operate in the supernatural and miraculous? Because they don’t! We are to go and lay hands on the sick. Get out beyond the comfort zone of the church. All things are possible to those who believe. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in you. Bruce told of a time he was ministering in Pakistan to twenty-five thousand people, and the prime minister’s brother was there. He spoke in boldness anyway and released God’s power. God can do miracles through you. Learn the Word. Faith begins where the will of God is known. What stops us? 1) Doubt and unbelief. 2) Tradition. 3) Hardness of heart. 4) Believing that the gifts and the Holy Spirit stopped working with the death of the last apostle (cessationism). 5) Lack of understanding of Biblical truth about healing and prosperity. 6) Undeveloped faith, little faith. 7) Experience or lack of experience. Do not build your belief by experience, but by the Word. The pathway to greater words and the miraculous is to believe in Him and the works that He did (John 14:12). The greatest issue is fear. If you have fear, you do not have love, because perfect love casts out fear. We have power, love, and a sound mind. It is lifestyle and power evangelism. Bruce shared his testimony of becoming angry and weary in ministry to a place where he was thinking carnally instead of blessing his enemies. In Matthew 14:13 the word “ask” means to put a demand on or to command. It is taking authority over the enemy. Religion is wimpy. Jesus gave us the keys and authority. We should be the most joyful people in the world. In His presence there is fullness of joy. We are examples of Jesus Christ. When we get words of knowledge, it is God talking to us. We have all the tools. The devil is under our feet (Ephesians 1:19-22). We are more than conquerors. That means that Jesus fought for us, and we get the prize. You will not be afraid if you are in the will of God. Find God’s will through prayer and the Word of God. There must be a rising up of end-time warriors, who will walk in God’s grace, mercy, and ability. What stops us is unforgiveness (Mark 11:25), the root of bitterness, compromise, and anger.


Sunday May 22, 2016

Apostle Bruce is an adventurer. He rescues children and adults from slavery. He is currently working on his own TV series and a documentary. Dead people and dead churches need revival in America. Charles Finney said that revival is a new beginning of obedience. He encouraged us to be like his one daughter who is instantly obedient. One act of obedience can change lives and nations. He shared about his obedience to give over his network to God. In seven days it took off like it had not before. He went to Liberia to help a tribe get out of poverty. He discovered that their land has gold and diamonds, which can be used to help them and to advance the kingdom of God. How often do we say “no” to God? He rescues kids in Kenya. It is all about obedience. Go to your neighbors. Give money to someone in need. Disobedience puts us behind where we should be. We need preachers who speak truth. One act of obedience can take you on a journey. Apostle Dale and Bruce went to Ukraine years ago when they did not know the language well, so they prayed for direction, because the only map they had was a prophecy map from Jack van Impe. As a result of that trip, Bruce became Gloria Copeland’s personal protection. Do not be afraid to be obedient. Bruce’s life was changed by a slave boy at a crusade where there were twenty-five thousand people coming to the Lord a day. Because he rescued that boy, he is today rescuing and helping hundreds of others, and Bruce stopped doing crusade and went into rescuing slaves. In 2 Corinthians, we read that we have treasures to be released and revealed. We need to embrace  the discomfort zone. God wants to speak through us. The act of obedience is to get the treasure out of us. God wants to use the treasure in you. Obey means to listen attentively and submit, to yield. Yield to God and listen attentively to Him. Do not substitute praying for obedience. The Bible is full of ways to obey, such as love your enemies, do good to those who use you, and bless those who curse you. Revival is renewed conviction of sin and repentance followed by an intense desire to live for God. We repeated a confession of faith.

Honor the Lord by Loving Truth

Sunday May 29, 2016

Pray for those who are affected by their loved ones who gave their lives for our freedom. In 1 Samuel 2:30, God says that He will honor those who honor Him. We can know what we honor by what we spend our time and money on. If you honor the Lord, you will honor His Word. If you honor His Word, you honor truth. The Word is the Book of Life. There are 1500 verses about civil government. Public schools were started so people could read the Bible. Children were taught from the Bible. The Word tells us how to handle things. We should go to the Bible to get truth rather than trying to prove that what we believe is truth. The Word of the Lord was rare because the people did not honor the truth (1 Samuel 3:1). We should honor and look favorably on the Word (Isaiah 66:2; Psalm 119:161, 162).  We should not compromise the truth (Proverbs 23:23). What truth are you willing to die for? Truth will cost you something. You are compromising when you do not believe the whole truth of God’s Word. Other Scriptures that show the Word is to be valued are: Matthew 13:44; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. We are warned of a time when people will not look for truth but only for what they desire (1 Timothy 4:3). A Christian should not be a conspiracy theorist. Be wiser than children of darkness and do not be gullible. Think of truth. If people turn away from truth, they turn to myths. John 8:31, 32 tell us that the truth that we know shall make us free. What does the Word say? You must put the Word in you. Luke 8:4-8, 11-15 is the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. The seed is the truth. You may hear it and immediately reject it. You may get excited about it but then backslide. The seed may sprout but other things grow up and choke it out. Or the seed may fall on a good, honest heart which holds on to the truth and bears fruit. The one who endures bears fruit (1 John 2:3-6). Those who abide in Him ought to walk as Jesus did. He loved truth, and He gave His life for truth.

Loving the Truth

Sunday June 5, 2016

We should value and apply truth and let go of what is not truth. What we believe must come from the Word of God. You have to answer for yourself. Am I grounded in the Word of God? There will be deceptive signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:10-13). People will perish because they do not receive the truth and are sold over to deception. How do we guard our hearts? God gives more grace (James 4:6). The more I put the Word in my mind, the more I have God’s pictures and thoughts. That is the natural way to renew our minds. However, it is by faith that the things that were not possible before, become possible. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). We are in pride when we exalt ourselves above God’s truth. Go to the Word to get your belief. How can you keep yourself from being deceived? Be humble. Be willing to change. Be willing to repent. People who reject God’s truth should weep and mourn in repentance. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. Psalm 51 is David’s showing his heart of humility and repentance, allowing God to move through him. The Lord can use anyone. Pastor Syd, Jon Fike, and Herb Baughman shared testimonies of God’s goodness in financial blessings.

Trust in the Lord, Lean Not on Your Own Ways, and Acknowledge Him

Sunday June 12, 2016

Text: Proverbs 3:4-10. When you give, let people know it is from God. Honor the Lord with what you have, not just with your salary. It does not matter how poor or rich you are. Tithe on what you have. Apostle Dale told about a pastor who tithed to Armada. Someone gave the pastor a check to pay off the church building. The Lord told Dale that the pastor was not going to tithe on the increase he had received. We are to tithe on all the increase. We are to trust in the Lord with all our heart (Proverbs 3:5). The problem is in any area where we are holding back and not letting go and letting God take it. We need to diagnose ourselves and our lives. Where am I holding back? First, we should get rid of the plank in our own eyes. Do not lean on your own understanding. Do not put any faith in your own perspectives. Find out how to get rid of things. Stop the “whys.” In everything you do, acknowledge God (Proverbs 3:6). Keep the connection of divine guidance. If you do not boldly tell the truth, you are denying the truth. (Dale told about a meeting with an important person. He did not care what the man thought of him, so he told him about the Lord, and the man shared that he understood because he had experienced God’s protection in an international connection.) God will direct your path when you acknowledge Him in all your ways. God has you on His path. (Dale told of an unusual experience on an elevator in Washington, D. C.) Get alone with God and say, “I quit.” Write down all the roles you have, and tell God that you will only pick up the ones He tells you to pick up. Write down what God has done in your life. Count your blessings. Name them. You will see how God has been working and how He gets us to the path we are on now. DO NOT BE WISE IN YOUR OWN EYES. Pride is worse than the devil. The more I acknowledge God, the freer I become. Jacob went to Laban and labored fourteen years for the wife he wanted. When he left with his posterity and prosperity, Jacob talked to Laban about his past, how he worked for all he had. He ended by saying to Laban, “and the Lord prospered me.” Whatever you do, acknowledge the Lord in it. Look for the Lord in everything you do. Fear the Lord in your business, relationships, and just walking down the street. (Dale shared how he asked the Lord to remove the people from in front of the monuments he wanted to photograph in Washington.) Acknowledge the Lord.

Work With the Lord

Sunday June 19, 2016

Our fathers are symbolic of God, the Father. God is the example of a father. Be an example of the Father’s heart. The mark of ministry is working with God (2 Corinthians 6:1, 2). We are not to receive God’s grace in vain. Look, now is the acceptable time. Now is the season. Are you working together with Him? Are you on the job? We do not receive the ministry in vain when we work with Him. We are God’s co-workers (1 Corinthians 3:9). If you do not show up, it slows down what needs to be done, and it affects others. Be faithful. Faithfulness to God is huge to Him. Do as unto the Lord, and value what the Lord values. Work with the Lord. Concerning the gifts of the Spirit, we speak under the inspiration of God. There are different gifts, different administrations, and different activities. Desire the gifts of the Spirit. It is how we work with Him. The Spirit gives the gifts. Jesus administrates them. God brings about the results. God works it. Some Biblical examples of men working with God: Elijah had to go to the brook to be where he would be fed and get water (1 Kings 17). Philip worked with the Lord by obeying to go over to the Ethiopian eunuch’s chariot (Acts 8:26). We work together with God by being obedient. If you need a miracle, there is an act of obedience that goes with it. We have to be listening and acting when He prompts us. Let God bring the result. Cornelius and Peter worked with God to bring about salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:1-48). We must work with the Lord. Mark 16 tells us to go, preach, teach, and baptize. That is working with the Lord.


Sunday June 26, 2016

Text: Proverbs 4:1-13. Proverbs four tells us to not forget the Father’s words, which means to meditate on them. Wisdom is the principal thing. Get wisdom and in getting wisdom, get understanding. Receive wisdom and live long. Wisdom and knowledge are the stability. Satan tries to distract Christians. Do not let him distract you from what is important. What is the most important thing? The wisdom of God is the most important thing. It is our responsibility to get wisdom. Wisdom is not intelligence. We are not limited if we are not intelligent. Spirituality by wisdom is attainable. In all your wisdom, get understanding. When you do something in obedience you do not understand, understanding will come. Apostle Dale told of an older mentor who went through five beach-heads in World War II. As a new recruit, he was desperate and thought it was wisdom to watch and do what the man did who had already gone through a beach-head before. The man said, “Somebody’s gonna make it, and it’s gonna be me!” He went to the front of the boat and carried his knife when they hit the beach. Then he used the knife to cut off the backpack. Walk by God’s wisdom, not your own intelligence. Find wisdom from somebody who has been there. Build on the rock foundation (Matthew 7:24-29). Be like a wise man and follow what a wise man is doing. Following the Word of God, works. Hear and implement the Word, because that is wisdom. Act on God’s Word, and understanding will come. Pride of being right is pride in making others wrong. You can be right but not be wise. Wisdom is how you apply knowledge and make it effective. Whatever the cost- time, money, or whatever- get wisdom. There is a cost to wisdom. Wisdom is hard work. It is not intellectualism. Before wisdom comes desire (Proverbs 2:1). Wisdom is available to you if you desire it. Pray for wisdom. Copy Jesus.


Sunday July 3, 2016

Offering sermon: Pastor Syd shared the testimony of giving his firstfruit and reaping a blessing for a new vehicle, and his children sowing a hamster and being given a puppy. God will do what He said He would do. God wants to be the central theme of your day. (There was a word given about coming back to the true and living God, seeking Him, praying for Donald Trump, repentance, revival, and a move of God.) Sermon: Schools in America were started to teach people how to read the Bible, and then the Bible was used to teach other subjects. We have let drop the responsibility for education and government. We must bring change from the inside. Pastor Syd read the Declaration of Independence. Many of the fifty-six signers were Christians. Now the agenda is to remove the how and why of whom we are. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, according to the Declaration of Independence, but that right is falling away. What rights does the baby in the womb have against abortion? Although the main concern was taxation without representation, there were other abuses that the signers had concerns with, such as religion. For them to stand up and to think they would win against England was like Hawaii taking on a war against all of the U. S. government. How did the colonists do it? There was no way other than by divine help! They were willing to fight for something they believed in. Be thankful for the freedoms we have. Our nation was founded on the rock, but it is now in the sand. We need to pray for and act on what we have been entrusted with. Talk to your representatives and Senators and encourage them. Pastor Syd shared about swimming in the Green River in Utah where there was quicksand in the bottom. If he would have stayed in the quicksand, he would have sunk into death. Our nation is now in quicksand. The time and season we are in is one of praying and acting. Be a person of prayer. Ask God what we are to do, and be willing to obey. Focus and desire God above everything else. Make God the central part of your day. Be the church outside these walls. Meditate on Colossians 3:1-4, setting your mind on things above, on those things that have eternal impact. Set your mind of His thoughts. Be moldable to His desires, and then He will give you the desires of your heart. Ask God what is important to Him.

End Time Prophecy

Sunday July 10, 2016

Pastor Syd read through the book of Zephaniah and Haggai. The book of Zephaniah is about the day of the Lord, a call to repentance, judgment on the nations that do not wholeheartedly worship the Lord God, and the faithful remnant. Haggai is also about the shaking of the earth and the glory of God’s house. Zephaniah got a word from the Lord. The day of the Lord is about the destruction and gloom against the nations that worship false gods. It will be a day of great shaking. Hebrews 12:25-29 warns us to not refuse God and Jesus, and that there will be a shaking. What cannot be shaken will remain. What cannot be shaken? It is God’s kingdom. We are to have grace, so that we may serve God with godly fear. God is a consuming fire. Other Scriptures referring to the shaking and day of the Lord are found in: Isaiah 13:13; Haggai 2:6, 7; Matthew 24:35; 2 Peter 3:10-13. The believer will not be caught unaware (1 Thessalonians 5:2-5). We are to earnestly desire the coming day of the Lord. We wait for the new heaven and earth. Therefore, we are to be in peace, bring salvation to the lost, be on your guard, and grow in grace and the knowledge of God. The day of eternity begins on the great day of the Lord. The books of Revelation and Isaiah are books of prophecy, but the events are not written in chronological order. To better understand this period of prophecy, read what Jesus taught about end times, because His teaching is more in chronological order, and then go to the other books of Isaiah and Revelation. The earth will burn and melt away. There is a call to repentance. Bend yourselves together. Yield to the Lord. We still have time at this moment. Seek the Lord, righteousness, and humility. Perhaps you will be concealed on the day of the Lord. Seek God. Ask God what He wants you to do each day. Seek righteousness. Seek to help people to be right with the Lord. Repent for yourself, your church, the universal church, and the nation. Pride and arrogance bring woe to the cities. Think carefully about your ways. God said His house was in ruins, while the people were living in finished houses. The temple was not being rebuilt. We need to honor God with our finances. They should be for God’s purposes. Check yourself. Think about your ways. Am I honoring Him with my time and things? The people obeyed God’s instructions and feared Him. We must hear and do the Word. We cannot walk in our own ways and expect God to bless us. Be strong. Work. Do not quit now. Do not be afraid. God will shake the nations. The gold belongs to Him. In Habakkuk 3:16-19, Habakkuk expresses his confidence in God. Yet will I praise and triumph in the Lord even in the worst of times. I will rejoice in the promises of God. He enables me. Set your mind of things above.

Fasting and Prayer for Change

Monday July 18, 2016

God wants the Body of Christ to be in unity. We need to be built up by reading the Word and Christian books and listening to teachings and sermons. Chapter two of Zephaniah is a call to repentance, seeking God, seeking righteousness, and seeking humility. It may be that we will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger. [We watched Kenneth Copeland ministering at the 2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention. He spoke about a great outpouring, great reconciliation between God’s people and between nations, a great move of God, and great change coming to North America. There will be changes in the people and in the mechanical structure of this planet. God has heard the heartfelt prayers of His people. We are to rest in Him, pray, hold fast before Him, pay attention to the Spirit, and pray in the Spirit. God is moving now, and things will not look like it looks now. The awakening is here. There will be change between now and the political conventions. God’s people who harken and follow Him can walk in the most prosperous times. For those who refuse Him, it will get worse and worse. More is coming that is disastrous. Walk by faith and the disaster will go around and over you. Stay in the Word. Stay in love. Stay in faith. He loves us. Walk in His love. Do not allow strife in your house. It is the most dangerous serpent. Serve God with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things, and you will walk free. The angels get excited when they can work for the Creator, but they only do what we have faith for. Stay in the love of God. Prayer changes things.] The United States is the only country started by people who loved God. Pastor Syd read Isaiah 58-60:5, which tells about the restorer of the wall and building up foundations and fasting and praying. We should be fasting for our nation, for the church, and for the unbelief to be driven out. Be real in your fasting and do it without strife. Prayer and fasting is for today. Paul told the Gentile churches to do it. Joel said that the result of prayer and fasting would be His pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. It was what was happening in the upper room before Pentecost. It is a time of putting God before yourself.


Wednesday July 20, 2016


Pre-sermon notes: There is a spirit of man, and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding. We have authority to bind and loose and have the spirit of seeing and of knowledge. Why was it necessary for not one bone of Jesus’ body to be broken? 1) Jesus had to be fully dead when the Roman soldiers checked Him. 2) It would have violated the Word. 3) The Word had to be fully fulfilled.

Sermon: Contentment in the Spirit is not wanting anything but God. Seek God first, and then other things will be added to you. The lack of contentment in the body of Christ gives Satan a great opening into our lives. God wants our lives full and joyful. Unforgiveness and sin are other doors for Satan, but discontentment is a big one. Discontentment is unrest, apathy, a loss of passion for God, an unbalanced focus, and a critical, judgmental, and fault-finding spirit. Let God inspire (being God-breathed) and teach you. Enjoy Him. Proverbs 11:1 tells about the abomination of false balances. Contentment affects everything in you, such as your attitude. Do not look to the world for confirmation. Balance is very important. Learn how to combine the spiritual and the natural. Adam was operating in both the spiritual and natural realms simultaneously. There is redemption for animals. They were innocent in the curse brought on by Adam. Jesus is the last Adam, and He will redeem the creatures. Discontentment comes through people and situations to show you what you do not have. Contentment shows you what you do have. There is no such thing as blind faith. Walk by faith, seeing faith. Discontentment is a task-master and is ungrateful. It makes you a slave. Contentment is grateful and appreciative. Be spiritually-minded. Would to God that we had been content (Joshua 7:7). Possessions do not make you godly. Gaining is not godliness. Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:1-6). Paul said that whatever state he was in, he was content (Philippians 4:11). It is not the things that you have that produce contentment. Possessions do not equal contentment. God is the source of our joy, not possessions. To be content is to be satisfied- sufficient, raise a barrier (archeo). Put up a barrier of contentment. Discontentment is self-serving and is about me. Our joy is because of God, and then we bring it to other people. Joy is spiritual. We cannot expect others to make us happy. Godly contentment serves God and others and brings you into the rest of God. Prepare your life for God. Jesus is your source (Philippians 4:19). Discontentment drives you to long for something else. Contentment keeps you on course and will ensure the growth and maturity of the fruit of the Spirit. God is our Shepherd, and He has already supplied all things. He daily loads us with good things (Psalm 68:19). He took the weight of sin, guilt, and darkness off of us. Now we can carry the weights of the benefits of God that lift us up. There is no lack in heaven. He is our provider (Matthew 6:9).

Desire Spiritual Gifts

Monday July 25, 2016

Texts: Colossians 3:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12. Seek and set your minds on what is above. You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Keep the perspective of what is important. The heavenly things are the real things. Do not be unaware of spiritual gifts. Speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, no one can call Jesus Christ accursed. The Holy Spirit gives the gift, the person ministers it, and the Lord completes the work. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one to produce what is beneficial to all. We are to earnestly desire the best gifts. The Holy Spirit comes in you when you receive Jesus as your Lord. The Holy Spirit comes upon you for you to minister to others. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is for you to minister to others and for you to be a witness. The word of wisdom is for the future. The Holy Spirit tells you something you do not know in the natural when He operates the word of knowledge. The gift of special faith, God’s faith, goes beyond your own faith, which you have by the hearing of the Word. There are the gift of healings, workings of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues (not the same as your prayer tongues), and interpretation of tongues. The gifts of the Spirit are not activated by peoples’ wills but by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. Other than different tongues and interpretation of tongues, the other seven gifts operated in the Old Testament. The gifts of the Spirit are grouped into the revelation gifts, the power gifts, and the speaking gifts.

Foundations of a Godly Nation

Sunday July 31, 2016

Psalm 127:1 tells us that unless the Lord builds the house, they who build it labor in vain. The same principles for a godly government apply to a godly individual, home, family, and business. People must ask for God’s aid. It is both an individual and corporate choosing God’s help and doing His will (Joshua 24:15). Those who were composing the constitution could not agree on it until Ben Franklin reminded them that they depended on prayer to God to give them the Declaration of Independence and to win the war. After praying, the Constitution was written. Apostle Dale is working right now on helping the Ukrainian government draft a constitution based on Biblical principles. Our nation’s government was founded on Biblical principles. William Penn, for whom Pennsylvania is named, had a frame of government. A government of integrity is one that is whole and morally complete. Only a small percentage of pastors preach and actually believe the Word. People have to want a government of integrity. The essential first steps are to establish the vision (a nation that looks like what wants it to be), the goal (a self-government requires that people live by God’s ways), and the authority. We answer as individuals, families, civil governments, and church governments. The existence of government is God’s idea and plan. God works through nations. The empowerment of government is from and of God through Jesus Christ. The effectiveness of government and the blessings of the nation are linked to the degree of our obedience to God’s commands. We understand the nature and role of God from Revelation 21:6; Colossians 1:16; Psalm 103:19. The nature of God is that He is sovereign, the Creator of all things, the sustainer of all life, and the supreme authority. He has created and delegated man’s authority over the earth and equipped man with skills. The nature of man is that he is sinful from birth, depraved, and does not naturally do what is right, except the Spirit of God moves in him. The purpose of government is to enact justice, to praise those who do good, and to punish those who do evil. The purpose of the law (1 Timothy 1:9) is to establish the framework for those things having to do with justice and was made for law-breakers, those who think they are above God’s law. The natural tendency of government is to consolidate control and power to violate God’s purpose (Genesis 9:1; 11:1-9) and to replace God. The components of Biblical justice (Isaiah 59:14) are truth and mercy. The requirements for maintaining a republic are responsible citizens and integrity in office. There is a need to build in safeguards (Isaiah 33:22) because the nature of man is selfish and greedy and because of the concept of accountability is God’s idea. There is a need to biblically educate (Proverbs 22:6; Joshua 4:19-24). Parents must biblically train up their children, and fathers must continually affirm God’s blessing and His role in their lives. We must understand the need for prayer (Psalm 127:1; 1 Kings 8:54-60; 2 Chronicles 7:14). It is the Lord who raises up a nation, a family, a business, and an individual. The building and maintaining of a government of integrity is spiritually-achieved. How intently do we desire a government of integrity? It is all about the focus on the souls of men. Satan tries to get us away from doing the work of God. Change can come when we repent of and confess our sins. Then we can have lives of integrity.

A Biblical Perspective on Racism (full service)

Sunday August 7, 2016

(Tongues and an interpretation were given: God’s heart is for us. He raised us up to be His warriors. Will you take up the challenge to do His Word? Will you take up the challenge to speak to others about Him?) (Levi Lapp shared about an upcoming mission trip to Guatemala in December.) Sermon: There is really one race, the human race, but there are many ethnicities. The problem of racism cannot be fixed by government or other natural means. There is currently more focus on racism, which brings fear and makes it more of an issue. [What you fear, you empower.] Racism is a sin issue. People need the love of Christ. We are made new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God set apart the race of Jews to be priests, but Jesus made us one in Him. Galatians 3:28 says that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, or male nor female. All have equal rights to the kingdom of God. Prejudice can be based on ethnicity, race, or income. The problem is based on sin. It must be addressed at the root. Jesus died for each person. We need to focus on bringing the Word. See people as God sees them. Our instruction on how to walk in these times is found in Philippians 2:3,4 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.God is not a respecter of persons but a respecter of faith. Prejudice is also a result of selfishness. We are to honor everyone (1 Peter 2:17), forgive those who have wronged us with words and attitudes of prejudice, love others without hypocrisy, detest evil, cling to what is good, look for truth, serve the Lord, and overcome evil with good (Romans 12:9-21).

A Biblical Perspective on Racism

Sunday August 7, 2016

There is really one race, the human race, but there are many ethnicities. The problem of racism cannot be fixed by government or other natural means. There is currently more focus on racism, which brings fear and makes it more of an issue. [What you fear, you empower.] Racism is a sin issue. People need the love of Christ. We are made new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God set apart the race of Jews to be priests, but Jesus made us one in Him. Galatians 3:28 says that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, or male nor female. All have equal rights to the kingdom of God. Prejudice can be based on ethnicity, race, or income. The problem is based on sin. It must be addressed at the root. Jesus died for each person. We need to focus on bringing the Word. See people as God sees them. Our instruction on how to walk in these times is found in Philippians 2:3,4 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.God is not a respecter of persons but a respecter of faith. Prejudice is also a result of selfishness. We are to honor everyone (1 Peter 2:17), forgive those who have wronged us with words and attitudes of prejudice, love others without hypocrisy, detest evil, cling to what is good, look for truth, serve the Lord, and overcome evil with good (Romans 12:9-21).

Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, and Revival

Sunday August 14, 2016

Text: Joel 1:14; 2:1-3:21. What was for the Jews is for us, since we are grafted in. We are to call for repentance. Pray for the bigger picture, God’s picture, to be developed. Real change comes when it comes to our hearts. Even though we have sinned, the Lord restores us. Keep a long-term perspective. Pastor Syd and Jen had missionaries from Ephesus, Turkey visiting them this week. They shared about the many Muslims who experienced dreams of Jesus appearing to them, and then they, the missionaries, lead them to Jesus. A neighboring land-and-shop-owner had a dream of Jesus ten years ago, and he gave his life to Jesus through the missionaries. A student at the university in the city got saved, and when the missionaries asked what his father would do when he told his about his conversion, the student said he did not know. In the meantime, the father had a dream about Jesus’ saying to him, “Follow Me.” He said he would, but that He had to tell his wife. The same night his wife had a dream about Jesus’ saying to her, “Follow Me.” She said she would, but that He had to tell her husband. In the morning they struggled with how they were going to tell the other, and after doing so, they prayed, “You will have to tell our son.” God is so good! Pray for your neighbors to have dreams of Jesus. The Lord told Pastor Syd in June that in three months he would be going to Ephesus at the end of September. Pray for hearts to be prepared. We are to be witnesses here at home, in our region, in similar cultures, AND to the uttermost places in the earth. (We spent time in corporate prayer.)


Saturday August 20, 2016

Our challenge is to see beyond what we can see, do, and understand. The body of Christ goes through seasons. We know about sowing and reaping, but it is in the in-between seasons that we can get hit with all kinds of things that could bring on fear. There are other seasons: preparation for sowing, the season between the sowing and the harvesting, the time after the reaping that requires dealing with the harvest so it does not go bad. Prophet Tim prophesied over the CWI congregation, Pastor Syd and Jen Ropp and various other church members. He prophesied a re-awakening and a remnant of those who fear God’s name. He spoke that we are to go after those no one wants and that CWI is going to be a drawing place of needy people. It is going to be a house of healing, mercy, and love.

Prophecy: Get Ready for the Coming Harvest

Sunday August 21, 2016

Prophet Tim Byler prophesied in song and taught prophetically to the CWI congregation about the coming harvest. We are responsible for the atmosphere for the coming harvest. When Joshua went to Jericho, as the first conquest after the years in the wilderness, God told the Israelites to burn everything but to take the metals that were the gods of the people of Jericho and to spare the household of the harlot, Rahab. The metals were consecrated for the tabernacle, and Rahab let go of her past life. The way we used to reach people does not work now. We need to not touch their sin, but love the people, and let God bring the conviction. We cannot treat the coming harvest by “burning their houses” and “confiscating their idols.” We need to see what God sees in the people who will be coming. The enemy will try to use what we see, so we must see what God sees and values in them. There is a caution: Because we judge what we see, our atmosphere internally goes to warfare against what is not to our standard. Harvesting and working with the people who are coming will be hard work. Sinners see the church as their opposition. We are not going to address their sin, but to love them, love justice, and walk humbly before our God. We need to open our hearts. Most have been abused at a very young age. We need to see God in the situation, rather than just seeing the situation. We can be the church that loves the unloved. Oswald Smith said that no one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has heard it once. Tim shared how he just talks to people and shows love. Twelve guys came to Jesus as a result of his talking to one man. Do not let someone’s sin offend you. We are commanded to love. Let God work out the requirements. God is putting in front of us people no one wants. Everyday you can change the atmosphere for those unloved people. Ask for compassion for the lost and to see the beauty inside each person. God will send the desperate, hurting, and unloved. We will show them who God is and the value, hope, and beauty in them. Show mercy and grace. You have no right to a harvest that you have judged. There was a time of repentance and commitment to see the people who are coming as Jesus sees them. Let us hear the cry of the hurting, sense their desperation, and move with compassion. God, set us free so we can set others free. The spirit of the evangelist is rising in us. He had prophetic words for Pastor Demeke and Pastor Syd and Jen. Count the ones who walk in. Do not judge when someone shifts. Some will not be able to walk with the pastor through this.


Sunday August 21, 2016

Prophet Tim ministered prophetically in song. There are many seasons that we go through. We need to understand the season we are in. In the times of expectancy, between the sowing and the reaping, there is a time when fear tries to arise, like a couple right before they are getting married. Tim shared about the seasons in the church his parents pastored and then he pastored. There were waves of people coming and going. In the new season that we are in, we need to walk through with the same trust in God that got us to where we are. Using a box of tissues, Tim demonstrated how he took the prophetic words given to him and allowed himself to package the picture of his life, which was not really God’s package. Because of it, he missed God’s desire for him. Decide to align with His desire for the next season. We are here with purpose. Can I go forward in the purposes of God? May we not get weary.

Trust and Desire

Sunday August 28, 2016

Psalm 1:2 tells of a person who delights in the law of the Lord. Look at the Word, and you will delight in it. If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). God gives you desires in your heart. Sometimes desire comes masked as anger at injustice. Anger at a situation is actually a desire for justice. The Lord told Apostle Dale, “I have called you to be Harry Hopkins.” Harry Hopkins saved western civilization and England by stopping Hitler. He was a failed social worker, went through a divorce, and was literally homeless when Roosevelt took him into the White House. Kennedy was ambassador to England and was trying to sabotage the communication between Churchill and Roosevelt, because he believed Hitler was going to win. Roosevelt became suspicious that he was not being told the truth, so he sent Harry Hopkins to Churchill and asked him to accommodate Harry. Harry responded to Roosevelt that Churchill had the situation handled and that we should fight this war and maintain a trusting relationship between Churchill and the United States. Harry had trust. The Lord said that Apostle Dale is Harry Hopkins. Do not ever underestimate what God will do in your life, the value of a child, or the investment of your time and tears. Have fun with God. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act to bring it to pass. Andrew Wommack came to their church in Corey, Pennsylvania in 1993. Andrew told Dale that he needs to dream bigger. Apostle Dale thought that what their church did by having Andrew there was big. Now, if he could change anything, he would dream bigger. When he was dreaming about playing football, it did not seem like a sacrifice to run his trap-line in heavy leather boots or to lift weights. He was obsessed with football and winning. It is not wrong to dream bigger. Of course, we are talking about righteous things. Dream bigger about your business, children, or vacation. The things that perk in you are there because God put them there. Many millionaires did wonderful things with their money. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams. When Proverbs 18:1 is translated rightly, desire is a positive thing. Desire allows you to make choices of priority so you end up with what you desire. Apostle Dale shared about his desire to play football and his focused work to fulfill that dream, even though he had obstacles. Desire takes over and will purify your intentions and priorities. Let God’s desires grow in you. You get rid of the impediments, and you find yourself with people of similar dreams and read books about your desire. Offering:  God is a giver. We give from a heart of love. Austin and Cathy Ginder shared about becoming involved in foster care – what it entails, why it is needed, how it works, and how you can help.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Praying in the Spirit

Sunday September 4, 2016

Offering message: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Our souls should be prospering (3 John 2). Be cheerful when you give. Grace is God’s ability and empowerment on your behalf. God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work. God want to bless you so you can excel in every good work. He will supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruit of your righteousness. Generosity causes thanksgiving through us to God. Sermon: 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14. Praying in the Spirit is not the same as the gift of tongues. The Corinthians were using the spiritual gifts. You cannot say and mean, “Jesus is Lord!” except by the Spirit of God. We need to desire the gifts of the Spirit coming through us. God works it, we do not. It is as He wills, supernaturally, to minister to someone. People, who are ministered to by the gifts of the Spirit, will magnify and glorify God. We allow our comfort zone and fear to stop us from operating in the gifts of the Spirit. Do not discount that God can use you. Earnestly desire the best gifts, which are the ones that are needed at the time. You do not get the gift if you do not earnestly desire it. The better way of walking in the gifts is love. Faith works through love. Perfect love casts out all fear. It takes courage to stand out and use the gift, when you might possibly miss it. Paul exhorts us to desire spiritual gifts and above all that we may prophesy. We speak to God in an unknown (to us) language. He speaks mysteries in the Spirit. When we pray in the Spirit, it is in a tongue to the Lord, not for or to people. When a person prophesies, it is to edify, exhort, and comfort. Praying in tongues is prayer to God alone and edifies and builds up the praying individual. In a public setting, speaking out in tongues, which is for men to hear, must be interpreted and equals prophecy. The tongue may be interpreted by the same person or someone else. If you pray in tongues, not to be heard in a public setting, your spirit prays, but your understanding is unfruitful, so you can pray for the Spirit to give the understanding (in English). Praying in the Spirit means praying in tongues. When you do not know what to pray for, praying in the Spirit goes past your wisdom and understanding (1 Corinthians 2:6-12). The gift of tongues must be interpreted [not translated]. God may give several the interpretation for a given tongue. Jude 20 tells us to build our spirits up. How do you strengthen your spirit? You do not listen to the flesh. You get the Word into you, and you pray in tongues. Your soul follows after your spirit-man or your flesh. Which one are you going to feed? If you feed the Spirit, the soul follows. If you feed the flesh, the body follows. Attach a new habit, like praying in the Spirit, with an already established one. Pray in the Spirit often.

The First Principle of Faith

Sunday September 11, 2016

Mark 11:12-24. Jesus spoke to the fig tree and cursed it loudly enough His disciples heard it. They remembered what He had said the next day, when Peter noticed it was dead from its roots. Many translations say that we are to have faith in God, but the correct translation is that we are to have the faith of God, or more exactly, faith the way God has faith. God created by speaking words. It was not faith in God that had to do with the fig tree miracle. It does not say, “Believe in God.” It was faith in what He said. Jesus immediately increased the level of what to believe for from a fig tree to a mountain. What are we to believe in? We are to believe that those things that we say shall come to pass. Jesus responded to the fig tree. We are to answer circumstances that “talk” to us by speaking and believing what we speak. Romans 4:16 and 17 are about calling the things that be not as though they were. It is NOT calling things that are as though they are not. That is denial, not faith. Jesus taught by: 1) the examples in His life, 2) examples from circumstances in parable form, and 3) by His teaching. Jesus’ examples are: 1) SPEAK TO THE PROBLEM, even small things. 2) HE SPOKE THE END RESULT, the desired outcome. 3) THE ANSWER BEGINS IN THE UNSEEN REALM, the spiritual realm. Go to the roots. The words that you speak and that you believe in, make things happen, good or bad. 4) NEGATIVE WORDS ARE A CURSE. We do not want to curse ourselves. You have to believe what you say, mean what you say, and say what you mean. Jesus took a circumstance to teach a parable. He went from a fig tree to a mountain. He wanted Peter to see how faith in your words can move mountains. We can apply this principle of faith to our desires. There are no limits to your faith. Use your faith for everything you desire. You can only receive from faith for those things you desire that are scriptural. What you say shall come to pass, the result being either life or death, because both are in the power of your tongue. You will eat the benefit of it. James three calls the tongue a rudder. 5) EXPAND YOUR FAITH TO THE MOUNTAINS. Seven lessons from Jesus’ teachings: 1) WHOSOEVER WILL SAY CAN USE FAITH. 2) SPEAK TO THE PROBLEM. Use your words. Speak to your wallet, or whatever is lacking. 3) SPEAK THE END RESULT. Do not speak denial, but affirm the Word of God so faith can come. Confession unto faith comes before confession of faith. 4) DO NOT WAVER. Stay the course, without doubting. Apostle Dale told of how he used his words when he was poisoned by a chef in Armenia. After being violently sick and getting a terrible rash, he spoke to his body. Shortly afterward he ministered to a Muslim man in Turkey who was burned with boiling water on his chest. Apostle Dale slapped the man so hard he fell to the floor. When he got up, he was totally healed, twelve Muslims were born again, and later Apostle Dale realized that the rash all over his body was gone! 5) BELIEVE IT IN YOUR HEART. Faith is not a product of intellect. Reasoning is not faith because reasoning is not in a person’s heart. It must be heart faith. 6) BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY WILL COME TO PASS, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM. 7) DESIRE. When Apostle Dale wrote down his answered prayers, he saw that the common denominator was desire. 8) Recognize that when you pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE IT NOW, AND YOU WILL HAVE IT. Apostle Dale told of being in bed with severe asthma. He realized that healed people do what healed people do, so he shuffled out of bed and decided to go for a run, since football season was coming. He quoted the Word, gained strength and breath, and ran for eight miles! [He had a word for Kyle.]

Gifts of the Spirit

Sunday September 18, 2016

Sermon: The teaching on the gifts of the Spirit is found in 1 Corinthians 12. The gift of tongues is not the same as praying in tongues or praying in the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit benefit others. Praying in tongues or in the Spirit is your spirit praying to God. It spiritually builds up the person who is praying (1 Corinthians 14:2-4, 14; Jude 20). When you pray in the Spirit, you speak mysteries, because it is praying in the spirit realm, which affects the natural realm. Praying in tongues opens the gate to the gifts of the Spirit, and it helps you become more sensitive and built up in the Spirit of God. The gift of tongues is speaking to people and must be interpreted (1 Corinthians 14:6). We are to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts. Ask the Lord to use you in the spiritual gifts. All things are to be done for edification. Do not be afraid to step out in moving in the gifts of the Spirit. The Bible tells us to be eager to prophesy and not forbid speaking with tongues. The gifts have not passed away and neither have the five-fold ministry gifts (1 Corinthians 14:29-33, 39; 1 Corinthians 12:27-31). Prophecies, tongues, and knowledge will come to an end, when the “perfect” comes, meaning when we are face to face with Jesus (1 Corinthians 13:8-13). We are to all speak in tongues and prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:5). Offering message: Matthew 6:25-34 tells us to seek God first, and then the other things hinge on that. Ask Him for your needs. Pastor Syd testified about how the Lord provided great increase immediately after he and Jen prayed specifically this week. Rely on God.

To Know God

Sunday September 25, 2016

When God gives an assignment, it is not contingent on finances or natural conditions. Just be obedient. (Gene had a PowerPoint presentation of his trip to Siberia’s and Russia’s Teen Challenge Centers.) The authority of God must take a high priority in our lives. We need a submissive heart, approaching God with purity and a heart of humility and teachability. What is the most important thing in my life? Gene answered, “To know God.” Paul said that for him to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:20, 21). Where is your passion level for your relationship with God? Gene commented that his wife, Kathleen, gave her life to reflect God to reach him. The psalmist said in Psalm 73:25 that there is none he desired beside God. Desire to know Him more. Do you want to know Him or just to know about Him? We have a choice to serve God or Satan. Lucifer was once a beautiful praiser and worshiper, but he decided he did not need God, and in fact, wanted to be above Him. He got into pride. There are times in our lives when we walk in pride and other times we want to please God. Revival starts in our hearts as we desire God and to know Him. It takes our stepping toward Him. Luke 10:27 tells us to love Him with all our heart, strength, mind, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Deuteronomy 6:5, 6 is the Scripture that Luke’s word was taken from. The Jews wore on their foreheads and arms a reminder of their love for God. Do you yearn for God? See the world through the desire to know God more. We are to seek His face and turn from our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). Can we filter everything out of our lives, and just love Him?

Gifts of the Spirit: Prophecy

Sunday October 9, 2016

Sermon: 1 Corinthians 14:1-29; 1 Corinthians 12. We are to pursue love, which is the power of God, and earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit to minister to others. God watches over His Word to perform it. We want to see the work of Christ on the cross to come to pass. When people were baptized in the Holy Spirit, they received tongues. There are tongues and interpretation of tongues and there is a “sign tongue,” to show a miracle of the Holy Spirit, such as when the hearer hears the tongue in their own language. All gifts will glorify God. Prophecy is a supernatural gift all believers can receive by yielding to the Holy Spirit. We are to desire to prophesy. Prophecy builds up the church. It should edify, exhort, and comfort men. We should walk in a way that helps build up others. This gift does not foresee into the future. The office of a prophet may do that. Prophecy is for believers; tongues are a sign to unbelievers. All gifts are for edification. We are to judge or evaluate what the prophet speaks. It is your choice to yield to the Holy Spirit. We are not to quench the Spirit or despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21). Test all things; hold fast to what is good. There are two tests to receiving a prophetic word: 1) Does it line up with the Word of God? 2) Does it bear witness with my spirit? Some prophetic words that are given, you will need to shelve or discard. We are called to judge and evaluate prophecies, if they are from God. Revelation 19:10 says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Examples of prophetic words: Luke 1:39-55 (Mary and Elizabeth) and 1:67-79 (Zacharias). Prophecy is speaking edification, exhortation, and comfort. It is divinely inspired. Speaking Scriptures can be prophecy. Offering message: Psalm 60:1-5. Sow for the wealth of the nations to come to us as the Body of Christ. Do not think of just your personal needs. God cares about all of our needs. Pastor Syd told of how the Holy Spirit divinely gave him the sim card numbers that were needed for him to access his phone in Ephesus, Turkey, so he could take pictures. Keep a big picture of what God is doing. Increase your vision, expand your heart for the world. Do according to His Word. May everyone in CWI be blessed with abundance to share.

Prophetic Word for This Season

Sunday October 23, 2016

Pastor Syd: Studies done by Harvard and Yale showed that without a divine move of the Lord this nation will sink. Isaiah 60:1-5. The light is shining even in the darkness. Raise your eyes. Look at what is eternal. Be full of faith. Second Chronicles 7:14 is a promise, regardless of who is elected to be president. Stand in faith and take authority. If My people … then the last part will come. The lies are: if so and so gets elected, we’re through; only so and so can save us now. We aren’t done, regardless of who is elected. We walk by faith. Our country began with a covenant in 1607 at Jamestown, between Reverend Hunt and the people of the ship. They prayed and dedicated the land to reach the people of the new land with the gospel. They prayed for the people to be used to evangelize the world, so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled.

The second part is a prophetic word given in Oregon for the congregation there and for our congregation here and now. Pastor Syd and Jen heard the word as though it was spoken to us here. Keep praying. Keep hope alive. Don’t give up. It is a new season. What you prayed for is being released. I will not relent. The greatest push of My kingdom is coming quickly. What’s coming we’ve never seen before. It is the third great awakening. It is the season of My surge. It will be like the book of Acts on steroids! There is a new breed of remnant warriors for this hour. They have the countenance of Daniel and Esther and the heart of David and the wisdom of Solomon. They won’t be bought and won’t compromise. They are humble. They determine culture and turn the world upside down. The regulators of the culture are coming to their posts. You will know angels are helping you. There will be revelation from messenger angels. Signs and wonders will be breaking out because of angelic activity and the Holy Spirit. He is going to move into the world where life happens. Students will stand up in the classroom, and they will have angelic support and evident support. Focus on Jesus and partner with His angels. The remnant will pray and resist and stand for truth. I will battle for My people. I will not be indifferent. I will thunder against unrighteous roots. I will not be mocked. You are warriors of purpose. I will reveal revival fire engines, places emanating with Holy Spirit fire. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the tangible presence of God will turn this nation. Vortexes of “tornadic” fire will spin through regions. Lay hold by faith. The Holy Spirit winds are fanned. Consume with Holy Spirit fire. It must be supernatural. Remnant warriors burn with My presence. People will come to watch us burn. Messengers of faith will be Holy Spirit-possessed reformers. They will release My power. There will be creative miracles. When the miracles start, everything will change. I am bringing forth a new Pentecost. You will war differently. Breathe deeper. Dominate hell’s kingdom. Push the gates of hell. You shall be more than conquerors, so shift. Change. Think differently. Pray differently. He is coming for a glorious church, His bride. We are on the winning side. Shift into the new season that He has ordained. It is the season of My awakening, the harvest. Rise with Me and move into destiny. Rise and receive your Pentecost. The prophetic speaker then prayed for passion, humility, desperation, prayer, worship, and for that church (and ours) to be one of the fire engine places, the firstfruits of this awakening. God will speak in new ways and on new levels with His thoughts. There will be a marriage between the generations. An army of young warriors will be sent around the world. Get out of every box and take off the lid. Inwardly, let My wild nature come. Let your worship be radical and your faith strong and radical. I will cause the gift of faith to come on you. Come into your apostolic calling. Holy Spirit fire be released. Let the leaders drink of this fullness. Let the angelic host be released and My mercy be released so schools, homes, and churches burn. May people be dissatisfied with religion and seek the anointing.

The Gifts of the Spirit

Sunday October 30, 2016

Sermon notes: First Corinthians 12:31 and 1 Corinthians 14:1, 39 tell us to earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit. We want to see God’s presence, so we can minister to others. God loves people. Do not put Him in a box, thinking that the only place the gifts can work is in the church service. Pastor Syd read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 in the Amplified Bible. There are three groupings of spiritual gifts. There are the gifts of utterance, namely the speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. Tongues and interpretation are prophecy. The revelation gifts are words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and the discerning of spirits, whether they are evil or from God. The power gifts are the working of miracles, the gift or grace of healings, and special faith. The best gift is the gift that is needed at the time. First Corinthians 14:5 says that the greatest gift is prophecy. The revelation gifts are to reveal and uncover something that is hidden. This is a supernatural happening, not by education or worldly knowledge, but by the Spirit. A word of knowledge tells of something that has happened, and a word of wisdom is about future events and the will of God to come. You should ask God to show you specifically for what you need. Jesus operated in the word of knowledge when He spoke to the woman at the well (John 4:7-19). Be careful that you never take credit for what the Lord shows you. Jesus only said and did what He saw the Father do and said what He heard the Father say. The Holy Spirit revealed the heart of Ananias and Sapphira and brought judgment on them.   (There was a word given: I haven’t changed. You’ve been healed: Isaiah 53:4, 5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24. Jesus has never changed. His blood and His healing power are still working. Trust in His Word. His power is unlimited except by our faith. Jesus’ name is above every sickness and disease. Can we believe that He is still real today? It is time for an awakening. He is our Provider.) There were two testimonies of healing, one of which took place in the service time. (There was a word given: I haven’t changed. You’ve been healed: Isaiah 53:4, 5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24. Jesus has never changed. His blood and His healing power are still working. Trust in His Word. His power is unlimited except by our faith. Jesus’ name is above every sickness and disease. Can we believe that He is still real today? It is time for an awakening. He is our Provider.)

The Gifts of the Spirit: Revelation Gifts

Sunday November 6, 2016

Pastor Syd told of an experience he had recently when the Spirit of God warned him to not speak when a certain man got on the bus. Pastor’s interpreter was not a believer, so if he would have said something to Pastor Syd in English, it could have been a problem. Praise God, the interpreter just held up two fingers, which Syd knew meant that they would get off in two stops. We need to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Pastor prayed for the USA and for us to know what the Spirit is saying and for Him to guide us, protect us (Psalm 91), and for fear to have no access. We take authority and declare that attacks against us are null and void. We pray for God’s wisdom and guidance over the police, security, government, and us. We ask our Father to guide and direct us and that may we act accordingly. Sermon: 1 Corinthians 12:31; 14:1, 39. Earnestly desire spiritual gifts. A young Spirit-filled man was confused when he was told that prophecy is not for today. He asked the Lord for truth. That Sunday, he was in Chicago, but his girlfriend was in the CWI service, face-timing the service in which Pastor Syd taught on prophecy. Although Syd thought it seemed dry, the sermon ministered truth to the young man in Chicago. Sometimes we “spectacularize” the gifts. We may have a word of wisdom or knowledge and not even recognize it for what it is. God cares about the little daily things in our lives, even toilet paper in the bathroom stall. When He gives you something, then act on it. Syd told of watching the Super Bowl. God asked him what he would like to know. God told him that the Broncos were going to win. He did not tell anyone, but his family wondered why he was so calm. We shrink back because we do not want to be called false prophets. We need to give God the glory. The revelation gifts are: word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits. The best speaking gift is prophecy, although tongues and interpretation of tongues is equal to prophecy. The best revelation gift is word of wisdom, because it tells you what action to take. The account of King Hezekiah is an example of a word of knowledge and a word of wisdom working together. In Acts 9:1-19 there was discerning of spirits (1), word of wisdom (6), word of knowledge and wisdom (11-19). In Acts 10 Cornelius saw a vision and angel of God (3- discerning of spirits), word of knowledge (4), and word of wisdom (5). Because of the way God set it up, Cornelius’ whole household was saved. Another example of word of knowledge and wisdom working together was when the Lord told Pastor Syd to move here from Colorado, and then He told him three things he was to do. Ask the Lord what you are to do when you get a word of knowledge. When He gives you just part of it, do not cut it off because you did not get the whole thing. Be led by the Spirit of God. The Spirit’s gift comes through you for someone else. Sometimes He shows you something to encourage you or someone else. He told of a time in Titusville when he knew a person’s name as the man was coming into the lobby. The Lord later gave him a word for that person. Apostle Dale paused when he started to speak and gave almost the exact message to the man. Pastor Syd was watching a championship baseball game with the Cardinals. It was the last of the Cardinal games that season. The Lord gave him a word that it was the last for that batter, Oscar Taveras, and last for him at bat. Syd pointed at the TV to break every plan of the enemy over that man’s life. On October 26 Oscar Taveras and his girlfriend died in a car accident because of drunkenness. Syd found out that a friend tried to talk Oscar out of going, but he would not listen. Pray for the person to escape the strategies of the enemy. Even though you pray, everyone has a choice.

Prayer – It Is Essential

Sunday November 13, 2016

Sermon: Apostle David is from Liberia, Africa, where he is a pastor, church planter, and apostle. Presently his ministry is rescuing children from the street and putting them in families. They have a temporary school. They are investing in the future, in children, raising them up to become missionaries. The majority religion in Liberia is Islam. If the devil stops you from praying, he will take full control of you as an individual. He is interested in your prayer life. Lots of people put demands on Jesus to meet their needs, so Jesus had to leave comforts and people to spend time praying. Prayer time needs to be intentional. Prayer is real business. Jesus said that His house was to be a house of prayer. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so our bodies are also to be houses of prayer. When we get together to have corporate prayer, there is a corporate anointing. Jesus spent time in the Presence of God, and so should we. God is powerful. He has chosen to do what we ask Him to do. He wants us to desire and seek Him. The earth has been given to the sons of man. We should establish areas of dominion, but we must pray. Men ought to pray always and not grow weary. Pray without ceasing. Mighty people were people of prayer. We should have altars in our homes. Your children and grandchildren will learn from your example. Jesus prayed through the night. Prayer is the lifeline of the Church. The secrets belong to God, and we can get them by praying. We can have spiritual sensitivity, because the Holy Spirit is in us. When you pray, you make yourself available to be a blessing. That is why the devil makes it impossible to pray. Pastor David shared a testimony of wanting land to build a church. They prayed, impacted the spiritual atmosphere, and claimed the land. The neighbor gave the land to them as a result of their praying. You receive when you pray. Praying is a sacrifice. Jesus’ praying was serious and intentional. He wanted the heart of God, and He wanted to know what to do. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Disciples submit to God in prayer and to the Word. Want miracles in your life? Pray. It is because of the lack of prayer that the power of God is not manifesting in the church today. Keep the fire of God burning. There has been a shift in the spirit realm. It is time to pray. Apostle David shared about how his church prayed and fasted because of the ebola epidemic. Potentially millions were predicted to die in that part of Africa (Liberia?), but because of prayer and fasting the number who died in Liberia was greatly reduced, and no one from his church who anointed their homes was effected by ebola. Praise God! God has called us to a life of prayer. (Word and song given by Kevin Burrows, calling us to come back into God’s fold today. He has called us out of the world and is drawing us back into His presence. He desires to pour out His love.)

Passion for God

Wednesday November 16, 2016

If you want to hear from God, be willing to listen and be willing to record what He tells you. Ron Cohn share several incidences of dreams of or finding coins and how God told him the meanings. The government follows the church. Righteousness exalts a nation. Brother Ron talked about the super-moon which appeared around the time of the election. The last one was in 1948, when Israel was given its statehood. He said that the Lord told him that there are some conditions that are the beginning of the third great awakening. Genesis 1:14 God said that the sun, moon, and stars are signs for the seasons and days and nights. He shared how the sun, moon, eclipses, and stars are signs pointing to God. John Bevere said that passion and an eternal perspective are needed in the Body of Christ. Revelation 3:15, 16 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. God does want us to be lukewarm! You can not know where lukewarm people stand. If you are hot or cold, everyone knows where you stand. Daniel had passion for God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego had passion for God (Daniel 3:8-30). When you are put in the fire, God is with you. God had someone in the fire before they were thrown in. Jesus’ disciples had passion for Jesus (Acts 1-3). Jim Elliot was passionate for God as he ministered to the headhunter pygmies. He asked God, “Am I ignitable? Oh Lord, deliver me from the asbestos of other things.” What you do with the cross determines where you will spend eternity. Obedience or disobedience, the way you live as a believer, will determine how you will spend eternity. The church has been praying for eighteen months. A country wakes up when the church wakes up. The sin that is in the world is the same corruption that is in the church. The church is the gatekeeper to righteous living. The church is poised for revival. Praying earnestly is a protest against the devil. Jesus lived in the passion of God. Gethsemane means “oil press,” and that is where Jesus sweat like drops of blood. The blood of God came out of Him. Jesus took the sins on Him when He was in the garden. Other passionate men were: David, Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Stephen, and Paul. America has not known persecution, only disagreement and strife. ISIL stands for I’m Satan, I Lie; ISIS – I’m Satan, I Steal. SIGN – Secrets Indicating God’s News. It is important how we treat Israel. Martyrdom is coming to America. There is only one Body. Those who are being martyred are part of us. We are not so special in America. We are part of the Body. Donald Trump’s middle name is John. John was a forerunner. Trump is a forerunner of the re-establishing of a constitutional democracy. Luke 22:32 (I pray that your faith will fail you not.) We will have tribulation and persecution. Be willing to die for what you believe. Ron had a dream of a parking lot where all kinds of demonic activities were going on. He came and all the people were set free. Sick men were healed. Then he consecrated the land, and it disappeared. He had a dream of a white cloud and out of it poured blood, spraying blood over everything. Do not be afraid of dying. Be afraid of not pleasing God. Passionate living is powerful living. Between ordinary and extraordinary is passion. Deny the ordinary. Passion is the fuel to dream, the dare to believe, and goes where too many are afraid to go. Desire an understanding heart. A martyr is one who brings a witness. We think of being a martyr as being someone who dies for their faith. Live in faith, not in fear.

Thanksgiving – Be Thankful

Sunday November 20, 2016

There are three main things Jesus did for us: 1) He wiped out our debt of sin; 2) He credited us with His righteousness; and 3) He intercedes for us. Scriptures on thankfulness: Deuteronomy 28:46, 47 (curses because you did not serve the Lord with joy and gladness of heart); Philippians 4:4-9; 1 Thessalonians 5:16; 1 Chronicles 16:34 ; Colossians 3:17; 1 Timothy 4:4; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 95:2; 1 Corinthians 15:56, 57. Rejoicing in the Lord strengthens you. Pastor Syd told of the history of the Pilgrims and how we have come to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The Pilgrims wanted to separate from the state church, so they went to Holland, but their children were losing their English culture, so they decided to go to the new world. After much difficulty from both humans and nature, they arrived at Plymouth Rock. The ones who made the voyage signed a written agreement when they arrived. It was at Plymouth that they found houses and corn buried in sand, and since there was no one there to pay for it, they ate the corn and lived in the houses. Later they paid the Indians back. Their first completed building was a meetinghouse that was finished on December 25, 1620. It was a terrible winter, and many of the people died. In the spring Samoset, an Indian, walked in the settlement and spoke English to them, and they fed him. He came back the next day, which was a Sunday and wanted to trade with them, but they wouldn’t, because it was a Sunday. Squanto came with Samoset, and they showed the settlers how to plant and harvest food. It was a great harvest in 1621, so they wanted to thank God for His blessings and for the Indians. There were thirty Pilgrims, only four white women, and ninety Indians who gathered for a three day feast. They found out that the reason there were provisions there when they landed was because the tribe of Indians who had lived there had died from an epidemic. There had been a prophecy warning that tribe. Concerning Pennsylvania, when William Penn’s father died, the king could not pay back his debt to him, so he gave him the land of Penn’s Woods. Penn bought it from the Indians, but because multiple tribes said they owned the land, Penn paid for it multiple times. Pastor Syd told of the many proclamations for days of thanksgiving. In 1863 President Lincoln issued a thanksgiving proclamation at a time of great division and death. It was after he saw the 60,000 dead at Gettysburg that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. Be grateful to God.

In the Spirit, Not in the Flesh

Sunday December 4, 2016

Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. The condition of not having any condemnation is that we walk according to the Spirit. We need to respond to the voice of God without looking backwards. We are to take the territory, and as a church, we should be sending people out. In creation, God said, and it was. God did not speak man into existence, but formed him and breathed into him. When we are in Jesus Christ, His breath and Spirit are in us, leading us and telling us what to do. We are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if we are led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:2-17). We present ourselves as living sacrifices to God (Romans 12:1). God inhabits our praise. Praise opens the doors to the fullness of His power. Enter into the House of God with thanksgiving and praise. The pastor confirms what God has already been speaking to you. We have a lazy form of worship and praise. The church has reacted to what the devil has done. God has equipped us with a preemptive strike. That strike is prayer. We all know 2 Chronicles 7:14, but before that statement, Solomon had asked for wisdom. He asked for God to restore the Israelite people for when they fall away from Him. Praying is a two-sided conversation. We need to be quiet and listen to Him and not be distracted. Praying in the Spirit is a preemptive strike. We have one mortal lifetime to change our eternity. Be what you were created to be. Do not try to fix the problem, but after you have prayed, be quiet with the person you are praying for and trust God to do what you have prayed. Do not make so much noise that someone else’s voice cannot be heard. The Word does not return void. Sometimes it takes another person’s voice for the person to actually “hear” what you had been repetitively saying. We are beings of the Spirit. Do not be conformed to this world, but allow the Spirit to transform your mind (Romans 12:2). Conformity is giving into outside pressure, whereas transformation is an inward change. God breathed life into you so you can live where He is. Worship is going up to where God is. The more we change on the inside, the more the outside will change.

Swift Kick and Taking Dominion

Sunday December 11, 2016

Sermon: Acts 12:6-10. Peter was in prison with not much hope. His hands were chained to two guards, and there were guards at the door. Like Jesus in the boat on the stormy sea, Peter was sleeping. An angel gave him a “swift kick,” telling him to arise quickly, and his chains fell off his hands. He told him to get dressed and to follow him. Peter did what he was told to do. When they got to the city gate, it opened for them, and the angel departed. God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. God will do what you cannot do. God did for Peter what Peter could not do, but Peter had to do what he could do. Sometimes we need a “swift kick.” Apostle Dale told of a salesman he discipled who was miraculously delivered from cocaine, but because he could not get delivered from cigarettes, he thought it was all a waste. Remember, your problems are not unique, and you are not special. We are all King’s kids. Understand Jesus more than your problems. Worship Him and not your problems. Do not worship your suffering. Bring your problems to Jesus, because He is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to handle. If the chains do not fall off, you can make it on your own. Baby chicks must peck through their egg shells in order to strengthen their neck muscles. Otherwise, they will die. You will come out better when you come through a struggle. God gives you to the problem to teach the problem. Are you bringing peace to the storm? You are a product of what you do when things happen to you. Change the environment and take dominion (Genesis 1:26). Be diligent. God never blesses lazy people. Be diligent. Prosperity is connected to diligence. There are things to be acted on today. The blessing is in Genesis 1:28. Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion. Say no to circumstances and weak areas. Take what belongs to you. Being a Christian means taking dominion, changing things, saying no, and taking a bold stand. Sometimes we just need a “swift kick.” Offering message: Be quick to obey a word from the Lord. It will quicken the reaping of what you sow. God wants to use what you have for His ministry. Simon Peter, in Luke 5:1-8, repented to Jesus when he saw the miracle He did when Peter obeyed, even though it would have been easy not to obey. Your efforts are not good enough. If God directs you to do something with your finances, obey.

Spiritual Gifts – Discerning of Spirits

Sunday December 18, 2016

A word was given about CWI being a special church, a church after God’s own heart, one that teaches the Word. Keep on keeping on. Seek His face. Know the Holy Spirit and trust God. Sermon: 1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:1, 39; 12:1-11. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one as the Spirit wills, wherever you may be. It is a knowing of something. There are three speaking, three revelation, and three power gifts. There may be several gifts working together at one time. To reveal means to uncover what is hidden. To discern means to detect with the eyes or other senses; to identify or separate or make distinction; to know or recognize; discovering, being sharp sighted. To discern the spirits is a supernatural ability, [not one seen or sensed by the natural senses]. We must be aware of the spiritual realm in order to be used in the spiritual gifts. Discerning of spirits means to see angels or evil spirits. Pastor Syd used wearing a glove to explain that what we see is the physical covering for the spirit of a person. The real person is a spirit, who is wearing an earth suit. Become aware of the unseen realm, so the gifts can come through you. Praying in tongues makes you more sensitive to the spiritual realm. We need to be able to discern the spirit in order to perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation, whether God, Satan, or man. It is important for us to realize our authority in Jesus Christ. There were testimonies: Paul Burkholder (supernatural healing from prostate cancer), the team who went to Guatemala; prayer for the security team.

Christ In You

Saturday December 24, 2016

Colossians 1:26 tells us that the mystery is Christ in me. Am I acting like I believe that Christ is in me? How much different would we live if we really believed and acted like we believe that Christ is in us? Would we expect people to be healed when we lay hands on them? We do not go by our feelings but by faith. Hope is confident expectation. Christ in you is the confident expectation of glory. What brings glory? It is when the Body of Christ defeats the enemy, such as sickness. Mark 16 says that we shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Christ is in me. He hears my prayer. God shares His glory with you. Other Scriptures about Christ being in us: John 17:2; Romans 5:2; 9:23; 8:9-11; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 2:20; 4:4-7; Ephesians 3:16-20. Do we act on what we say we believe? God dwells in our hearts. We receive Jesus Christ into our hearts by saying, acting, and believing in our hearts that Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Romans 10:9-13). Pastor Syd read a children’s story