Trust and Desire

Sunday August 28, 2016

Psalm 1:2 tells of a person who delights in the law of the Lord. Look at the Word, and you will delight in it. If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). God gives you desires in your heart. Sometimes desire comes masked as anger at injustice. Anger at a situation is actually a desire for justice. The Lord told Apostle Dale, “I have called you to be Harry Hopkins.” Harry Hopkins saved western civilization and England by stopping Hitler. He was a failed social worker, went through a divorce, and was literally homeless when Roosevelt took him into the White House. Kennedy was ambassador to England and was trying to sabotage the communication between Churchill and Roosevelt, because he believed Hitler was going to win. Roosevelt became suspicious that he was not being told the truth, so he sent Harry Hopkins to Churchill and asked him to accommodate Harry. Harry responded to Roosevelt that Churchill had the situation handled and that we should fight this war and maintain a trusting relationship between Churchill and the United States. Harry had trust. The Lord said that Apostle Dale is Harry Hopkins. Do not ever underestimate what God will do in your life, the value of a child, or the investment of your time and tears. Have fun with God. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act to bring it to pass. Andrew Wommack came to their church in Corey, Pennsylvania in 1993. Andrew told Dale that he needs to dream bigger. Apostle Dale thought that what their church did by having Andrew there was big. Now, if he could change anything, he would dream bigger. When he was dreaming about playing football, it did not seem like a sacrifice to run his trap-line in heavy leather boots or to lift weights. He was obsessed with football and winning. It is not wrong to dream bigger. Of course, we are talking about righteous things. Dream bigger about your business, children, or vacation. The things that perk in you are there because God put them there. Many millionaires did wonderful things with their money. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams. When Proverbs 18:1 is translated rightly, desire is a positive thing. Desire allows you to make choices of priority so you end up with what you desire. Apostle Dale shared about his desire to play football and his focused work to fulfill that dream, even though he had obstacles. Desire takes over and will purify your intentions and priorities. Let God’s desires grow in you. You get rid of the impediments, and you find yourself with people of similar dreams and read books about your desire. Offering:  God is a giver. We give from a heart of love. Austin and Cathy Ginder shared about becoming involved in foster care – what it entails, why it is needed, how it works, and how you can help.