Our fathers are symbolic of God, the Father. God is the example of a father. Be an example of the Father’s heart. The mark of ministry is working with God (2 Corinthians 6:1, 2). We are not to receive God’s grace in vain. Look, now is the acceptable time. Now is the season. Are you working together with Him? Are you on the job? We do not receive the ministry in vain when we work with Him. We are God’s co-workers (1 Corinthians 3:9). If you do not show up, it slows down what needs to be done, and it affects others. Be faithful. Faithfulness to God is huge to Him. Do as unto the Lord, and value what the Lord values. Work with the Lord. Concerning the gifts of the Spirit, we speak under the inspiration of God. There are different gifts, different administrations, and different activities. Desire the gifts of the Spirit. It is how we work with Him. The Spirit gives the gifts. Jesus administrates them. God brings about the results. God works it. Some Biblical examples of men working with God: Elijah had to go to the brook to be where he would be fed and get water (1 Kings 17). Philip worked with the Lord by obeying to go over to the Ethiopian eunuch’s chariot (Acts 8:26). We work together with God by being obedient. If you need a miracle, there is an act of obedience that goes with it. We have to be listening and acting when He prompts us. Let God bring the result. Cornelius and Peter worked with God to bring about salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:1-48). We must work with the Lord. Mark 16 tells us to go, preach, teach, and baptize. That is working with the Lord.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM