The blessing of Abraham was sealed at the cross. What are the promises of Abram/Abraham? How does the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross bless and benefit those who are of faith?
The Cross & The Blessing of Abraham
Authority of the Believer
The Authority of the Believer. We have the power of God in us and God loves us as much He loves Jesus. We are sent out to represent Jesus. We have been given authority to perfect the love of God. Find out why God made man, how to use His authority, what authority commands, and much more.
How To Hear Accurately From God
To hear accurately from God (Jesus), you need to develop a relationship of intimacy with Him. Then you can hear Him anywhere, anytime, on anything, because of intimacy. You can know God’s will for your life. Quit arguing with Him and listen to Him.
How To Hear Accurately From God – part 3
Psalm 32:8 tells us that God will instruct and teach us in the way we should go, and He will guide us with His eye. He shows us His will. What if we make a mistake of determining His will? Keep your conscience turned on, and do not turn your hearing from God over to someone else. Shut up your will, so you can hear God’s will.
A Perfect Heart
Isaiah 1:18-19 says that the willing and obedient will eat the good of the land. Pastor Syd explains being willing, obedient, and submissive. Listen as he tells of a former Hell’s Angel, Samuel and Saul, and David and Bathsheba. You can be wholehearted, but be wrong, or you can do the right thing, but do it half-heartedly. God looks at the heart. What areas of my heart need to change? Our goodness is nothing apart from God.
Godly or Devilish Heart?
Pastor Syd preached a powerful sermon concerning having a heart after God, a heart of humility, being willing and obedient. He contrasted Satan and Jesus.
Intimacy With The Lord – part 1
Teresa shared her testimony briefly about how a word from the Lord changed her life. The importance is living in an intimate relationship with God. The treasure is not the benefits, but living with God. The second part of her story is revelation- keeping your eyes on following Jesus.
Intimacy With The Lord – part 2
Patrick shared about the mission field to the 10/40 window. Teresa preached on how to keep the fire burning of seeking God by prayer and praising Him. Revelation is in you. Desire His revelation. She explained how to get revelation from your heart to your head.
Sincerity & Truth
Worship is submission to God. We are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. The western culture has gotten into the Church. Jesus talked about leaven spoiling the believing Church. Listen to find out what “leaven” is. Three people shared encouragement at the end of the sermon.
Intimacy – Love
Steven Mirabella taught on “Intimacy and Love with the Father,” and Donna shared stories of their interactions with the peoples of Tanzania.
Stir Up The Gifts In You
Pastor Karen Burrows presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with a plethora of Scriptures. It is time when the Word of God must be our standard, not the world’s culture.
Our Mission With Ghana Testimonies
Using Matthew 4:23-25 as his basic Scripture, Troy Pfoutz expands on the plan, purpose, preparation, and prayer needed to proclaim the truth of the Gospel. Hearing comes before healing. Jesus used His authority and power to put faith into action, which is what we are commanded to do. Listen as Troy shares testimony after testimony of miracles Jesus did in Ghana as he and his team taught the truth and laid hands on and prayed for needy people.
Keeping Watch – Being Found Faithful
Pastor Jen preached on end times from the perspective of keeping watch and being faithful. She based her sermon on Matthew 24:42-25:28. Faithful people are prepared, promoted, honest, and don’t walk in fear of failure.
Wealth & Riches – part 1
Pastor Syd shared about his ministry trip. He taught that God wants you blessed. Money reveals your heart, because where your treasure is , there will be your heart, also. Be Spirit-led, not money driven, and be a giver.
Resurrection Weekend- 2024
Pastor Syd started the sermon with a series of questions for the congregation to answer. He then substantiated the way Jesus satisfied the debt for your and my sin.
Wealth & Riches – Part 2
God wants us to be blessed financially. We need to be Spirit-led in the way we spend our money, rather than being flesh or money-led. Do not worry how others are spending their money. That is covetousness, if it is not your money they are spending.
Wealth & Riches – Part 3
We can be wholehearted after God by doing His will. God wants us to prosper in our finances and not to lack anything. Trusting God is different from believing Him. Trust God and not wealth. Obey Him, and don’t judge others for the way they spend their money. Glorify God in your finances, be generous, and share. Be willing and obey God.
You Are Not The Holy Spirit
Apostle Dale Armstrong taught on holiness. Holiness is the Holy Spirit’s job. It is about the heart and seeking the Lord. Walk in the light of what you know, and let God deal with you. Take dominion over sin and the power of it in your life. The power of God to convict you is stronger than the power of Satan to tempt you.
Who You Are – Your Identity
We are living in a time when Christians must break off sin and walk in the Spirit. Apostle Dale taught on how to grow in Christ and not confuse the spirit, soul, and body. All have a voice. Enforce what Jesus did.
The Reality of Hell- part 1
We should all be evangelists. Every second two people die. God is a God of love and justice. He doesn’t send anyone to hell, but each one chooses to believe and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, or they reject Him. We have to share the good news, but also relate the other scenario, because judgment is final.
Waiting On The Lord
The Holy Spirit led prayer and waiting on the Lord, followed by Words: God is able and willing. What are you waiting for? Be intentional for God. What’s your attitude? Promotion comes from the Lord. There is potential in the seed. Pastor Syd shared about his and Apostle Dale’s trip to Virginia and Florida, and their ministry to ministry friends. Pay attention to “hunches.”
The Reality of Hell- part 2
Pastor Syd gave lots of Scriptures on hell and what it’s like. He also shared the Good News of heaven and the holy city. Pray for people to receive the revelation of the Gospel, and that the Holy Spirit leads you to the right people. Pray that there would be an open door for you to share the Gospel. Use covenant language in your speech and be gracious, seasoned with salt.
Empowered To Be A Witness
God’s Word is the power of salvation. Are you being a mouthpiece to share the gospel? God depends on you to share the Gospel. Testify to what He has done in your life and in the Word. Signs and wonders follow the preaching of the Word.
Grace – Mercy – Holiness
Apostle Dale defines the difference between mercy and grace, especially as it relates to holiness. Don’t “crash and burn,” or receive grace in vain. Pay attention to the small wrongs. If you live under sin, judgment will come. Sin hurts and kills people. Love is the commandment.
The Importance of Prayer
Pastor Syd taught on prayer, defining it, how it works, what happened while people prayed, and instructions to and prayers for the early church. He then led the congregation in a time of prayer for each other.
The Call of God #1
The Call of God #2
The Call of God #3
The Call of God #4
The Call of God #5
The Call of God #6
The Call of God #7
The Call of God #8
The Call of God #9
The Call of God #10
The Call of God #11
The Call of God #12
The Call of God #13
The Call of God #14
LTS graduates and Armada new members
The Call of God #15
The Call of God #16
The Call of God #17
The Call of God #18
The Call of God #19
The Call of God #20
The Call of God #21
The Call of God #22
The Call of God #23
The Call of God #24
The Call of God #25
Priests Unto God
Text: First Peter 2:3-5, 9. Pastor Syd highlights our offering spiritual sacrifices to God by using Scriptures that tell what a priest does and what makes a gift acceptable to God.
God’s Mountain
Pastor Jonathan preached on the counsel of God and approaching the throne of God and His glory. He defines “prophets.”
Tithes – part 1
Pastor Syd explains what’s our job as priests, what’s an acceptable offering to God, why Cain’s offering was unacceptable, and is the tithe for today? The tithe belongs to the Lord. It’s based on covenant.
Tithes – part 2
Returning the tithe is a covenant thing, which came before the law. It, and giving offerings, are a heart matter, and giving must be done in faith in order to please God. Returning the tithe is a “now” thing. Don’t tithe, and you will miss out on the blessings.
Honoring The Lord
There was a period of consecration to the Lord, receiving the “reign.” Don’t quit in the dry times. Giving of offerings is a way of honoring God and others. If you honor Him, you will give Him something valuable. Honor the position of authority; don’t dishonor the leaders. Honor doesn’t mean obey.
First Fruits – part 1
God blesses the firstfruits of your harvest, and if the first is blessed and holy, the rest is blessed and holy. Pastor Syd gave many Old and New Testament Scriptures and personal experiences about the importance of the giving the firstfruits. Christ was the firstfruit. Be desperate for the Lord and partner with Him.
Its Time To Push The Basket
Andrew Taylor taught on the important influence of a mother on her child in very difficult circumstances. Jochebed, Moses’ mother, was an ordinary, but courageous woman of God, who trusted God, made the most of her time with Moses, and took seriously the mission of motherhood. Be a Jochebed in someone’s life.
Pro Life & Abortion
Life and Death
Pastor Sydney preached on life and death, mainly the value that God puts on human life. God is pro-life and pro-choice. He gives everyone a choice to choose life or death and tells us to choose life (Deut. 30:19). He talked about forgiveness for having an abortion and ways to be salt and light. Sarah gave a presentation representing Love Life and how the church members can become activated in the move to help people choosing an abortion.
First Fruits – part 2
Pastor Syd taught on: where to put your tithes and firstfruits, the purpose of them, and the New Covenant Scriptures about them.
Pastor Syd taught on the guidelines of doing alms and the blessings of giving them.
What Are You Looking At?
Pastor Syd asked us: What are you looking at? How important is what you are looking at? Have a divine vision. Meditate and see yourself doing what you are to be doing. How does God see me?
Expand The Kingdom – Preserve The Kingdom
Jacob Makris preached about the Kingdom of God. We are citizens, colonizers for and owned by, King Jesus and Father God. We tell the Gospel to others, and we preserve the Kingdom by being His ambassadors of the great mandate.