Series ‘Safe & Secure’

Safe and Secure

Saturday October 4, 2014

Karen Burrows: God gives us so much including eternal life. Our response to Him should be worship with thanksgiving and in giving. God created us to worship. Sermon: Use the news as prayer requests. Pray and trust the Lord and declare that those evil things that are happening may not enter your house in the name of Jesus. Learn to know when the Holy Spirit is alerting you to pray. It may mean safety and protection for someone. 2 Timothy 3:1, 10-11 says that there will be perilous, fierce times in the last days. God delivered Paul out of them all in his day. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 tells of the blessings of the Lord under the law, if you faithfully obey His voice. Deuteronomy 28:15-61 expounds on the curses if you do not obey His voice. Every plague is part of the curse. Poverty is part of the curse. We are not under the law because Jesus redeemed us from the curse, having been made a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). Jesus took the curse for us! You can walk in divine health. Believe you have been redeemed. Psalm 4:8 tells us that we can lie down and sleep in peace for God makes you dwell in safety. Psalm 91 applies to those who dwell, live, sit, and abide under the protection of the Most High God. It is important what you say. Say, “In my God I will trust!” Because I said that with authority, He will deliver me from the hidden dangers. Be willing to take refuge under His wings, just like a chicken protecting her peeps from a hawk. Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. He will protect, and He will save, even in these perilous times.

Safe and Secure – Protection Promises

Saturday October 11, 2014

Offering message: God so loved you, He have His only begotten Son, so that you would be in the family of God. Try to outgive God. God wants us prosperous (3 John 2). Why does God want you to be prosperous? 1) (Deuteronomy 8:18) He gives you power to get wealth so that you will establish the Kingdom and covenant of God on earth. 2) (Ephesians 4:28) We work with our hands so that we may have to give to others in need. Jesus was wealthy. He had a treasurer. He was a giver and blesser. When we are blessed with our needs being met, then we meet the needs for others (Philippians 4:19). Be anxious for nothing. Ask God for more so that you can bless others. Sermon message: God make me live securely (Psalm 4:8). The Lord shall preserve you (Psalm 112). Psalm 91 says that if you live under the protection of the Most High, you will dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. The three parts to living safely and securely are: (1) I willsay of the Lord that it is Him in whom I will trust. (Psalm 91:2) (2) Trust in the Lord. What do you trust in? Is it your job, money, gun, ability, preparedness? It is okay to be prepared, but do not trust in that (Psalm 120:7; 60:11-12). Samson could kill the lion easily because the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. (3) I will not fear (Psalm 91:5). You control whether you will yield to fear. You will be tempted to fear. I will fear no evil in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4). What is God’s part of keeping you safe and secure? He covers you with His feathers. The enemy is setting traps for you. You do not have to walk into the trap if you listen to the Spirit of God (Psalm 91:3). He knows how to protect you. GOD IS GOOD. THE DEVIL IS BAD. Take authority over what the devil is doing to you. Is everything that happens God’s will? We are to know the will of God. God did not give you sickness or disease. Pastor Syd related an experience in hearing the Spirit of the Lord. He was helping someone build a house. One morning the Holy Spirit warned him, “Watch where you step, or you’ll be crushed.” He needed to help loading logs for the crane operator. He was reminded about what the Lord told him and stepped away from where he was standing. The logs broke loose and fell right where Pastor Syd had been standing. When the enemy has a plan of destruction, the Holy Spirit will warn you. Satan will say things to you to get you into fear. Does what you hear inspire fear or unrest? Are you covered and in the secret place (Psalm 91:4)? Jesus lamented because the people of Jerusalem were not covered, so He could not protect them (Matthew 23:37-39). We are to be alert because our adversary (the devil) prowls seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). (1) Satan roars to inspire fear, giving him access to the person. (2) He has to seek for you, because he cannot find you, unless you open the door through fear. (3) He is looking for someone he may devour. He does not have the power and authority to devour you. James 5:7 says to submit to God, rebuke the devil, and he must flee. What might look like God’s judgment is really the result of people being uncovered, without God’s protection. If there is judgment, God desires to delay it (Luke 13:1-8). Prayer can delay judgment. The prayers of others can spare a person’s life and judgment. Your part for others is to be praying. Pastor Syd read the rest of Psalm 91.

Safe and Secure

Saturday November 8, 2014

Psalm 91. God is your shield. Trust Him, and don’t fear. How do we get back after we have stepped out of the secret place? In Judges 6-7 the Israelites hid, the Midianites kept impoverishing them, and finally they cried out to the Lord, and He sent them a prophet. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said that the Lord was with him and called him a mighty man of valor. He offered the Angel a sacrifice, and he told Gideon not to fear. Gideon later built an altar and gathered all the people together. There was a huge army against them, but the Lord told him to send home those who were afraid. Twenty-two thousand went home, and then the Lord had him eliminate more until only three hundred men remained. He needed encouragement, so the Lord allowed him to hear the Midianites talking about a dream in which the Israelites won. Gideon divided the men up into three groups, told them to take trumpets and pitchers. With only three hundred, they defeated an innumerable amount. The Lord fought the battle for them because they obeyed. Obedience is the key to coming back to the secret place. He will give you step by step instructions. In 1 Samuel 30:3 David and his men’s wives had been captured. His men wanted to stone him. David strengthened himself in the Lord. You build yourself up by speaking to yourself. Speak out words of victory. Pastor Syd read confessions from Charles Capp’s book. He demonstrated how you can declare, pray, and confess the Word to build yourself up in the Lord. First Corinthians 16:13 says to watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. We are to act the way the Word says we are. The words of Psalm 31 are true for us, too. Speak the Word of God into your situation. This is my truth. Submit to His Word. Read the Psalms, such as 27 and 18, as confessions and declarations to strengthen yourself. Your fellowship time with the Lord is so important. Seek His face. Wait for the Lord. Be courageous. He will strengthen your heart. The body should build each other up. If you get out of the secret place, build yourself up in the Word and in the Lord and the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). What happens in the natural realm happens first in the spiritual realm.

Safe and Secure – His Angels – Nov 22

Saturday November 22, 2014

Psalm 91. Faith for protection comes from hearing the Word on it. Our part to protection is #1 Say God is my refuge and my fortress. #2 Have faith and trust. #3 Do not fear. God’s part in verse 3 is to care for us, deliver us, and cover us. The world is not a safe place to live, but you can be safe in it. Psalm 91:11 and 12 tell us that God has angels to protect us, and He will give them orders concerning us to protect us. Our part is to have faith. Psalm 34:7 says that the LORD encamps all around those who fear and honor Him, and He delivers them from danger. We have a personal angel. Matthew 18:10 says the little ones have angels, and they do not leave when the little ones grow up. Do not try to test your angel. Angels are created, whereas we are born. We are sons of the Most High; the angels are not. Angels are not feminine. Hebrews 13:2 relates that we can meet and interact with angels without knowing it, because they can take on human form. Do not look for angels, and do not worship them. Do not pray to or converse with angels. We can talk to God through the Holy Spirit. Make sure what they say lines up with the Word of God. If it does not, it might be an angel of light (of the devil). There are doctrines of devils. God’s angels are powerful. In 2 Kings 19:32-37 (and 2 Chronicles 32:21) the angel of the LORD struck down 185,000 people, who were like the special forces of that army. Psalm 68:17 tells us that there are thousands of thousands of angels. Elisha prayed that his servant would be able to see that there were more angelic forces than physical enemies. There is rank among angels, such as archangels. What is our part in working with angels? Psalm 103 notes that angels obey God’s Word, listening to the voice of His Word. Hebrews 1:13 and 14 say that ministering spirits are for those who will inherit salvation. Our part is to speak the Word of God. Acts 12:1-19 is about an angel freeing Peter from prison, while the church was praying. Sixteen lives were lost to save Peter, because the guards were executed for letting a prisoner “escape”. Angels assisted Lot and his family, the three men in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lions’ den, and Paul and Silas in prison. God respects (honors) faith, not people. How do we qualify for God’s protection? We must be in the secret place. We must be obedient – going and telling others about the Word and Jesus. The Lord has given His angels charge over you.

Safe and Secure – God’s Warnings Protect Us – Nov 29

Saturday November 29, 2014

Offering message: Three rules concerning your finances are: 1. Give your full tithe. 2. Do not complain about prices and your finances. 3. Thank God for His faithfulness in your income. Do not pull out your seed with negative words. Offering Scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:1, 8; 14:22,23; Proverbs 18:20, 21; John10:10; Romans 4:17; Acts 16. Sermon: Psalm 4 (especially verse 8); Psalm 91. You have to choose in faith to receive God’s protection like you choose His salvation. Your part is to make Him your God and to say that He is your God and that you trust in Him. Also, you must resist fear. God’s part is that He will deliver you, cover you, and shield you. God also protects us by His angels, which you must make sure you do not dismiss by your words. Psalm 31:1-4 shows another way God protects you- by warning you. He leads and guides us. Pay attention to His voice. Proverbs 27:17 tells about the sensible person seeing and hiding from evil, whereas the simple one goes ahead and gets punished. Ezekiel 3:17, 18 tell the watchman to give warnings so that lives are spared. We must listen to God’s leading. Matthew 2:12-22 tells about God warning the wise men and Joseph by an angel in a dream. His warnings are part of His protection. Do not blame God for what happens when you have been warned by Him to do or not to do something. Pastor Syd told powerful experiences of when he did not listen to God’s warning and when he did. His son, Carson, is alive because he listened and obeyed. Sometimes you will have to do something because of a dream, and other times you may have to pray about it to prevent it. Do not override God’s warnings. Noah was warned and it took over a hundred years for the fulfillment to come. It is never God’s will for someone to die in an accident. He warns people. Be faithful to His warnings.

Safe and Secure – Do Not Ignore God’s Warnings

Sunday December 7, 2014

We are self-deceived if we think we are doing our part of Psalm 91 and 4:8 just because we know that we should be trusting God, but we are not really doing it. There are hundreds of phobias. One spirit of fear invites in other spirits of fear. We can be self-deceived by fear. Fear paralyzes. Shut the door to fear by speaking to it with authority in the name of Jesus and rebuke it. It is NOT okay to let any fear in, because God cannot protect you if you do. Psalm 31:2 tells us that God leads and guides us. Pastor Syd told of the time that Jen’s father was piloting his plane with eight people on board. The front landing wheel was locked in at a 45 degree angle. He trusted God and saw His miraculous help. To not get in Satan’s net, be led by God. He warns us (Proverbs 27:12). Do not override or ignore His warnings. Pastor related about a time he did not heed the inward witness of the Holy Spirit and was in an accident. An accident does not always mean that someone is in disobedience or in sin. God will give warnings, so pay attention. In Acts 27:9-31 Paul perceived that the voyage he was going on was going to encounter disaster, but no one would heed his warnings. Sometimes you do not have any input into decisions that can lead to dangerous places. Even so, like Paul, if you walk with God through it, He will give favor to you and even to those with you. Jeroboam willfully ignored God’s warning, and the man who delivered the warning God clearly gave him also ignored God’s warning. The latter man trusted in man, overriding what God told him to do and ended up being killed by a lion. How do you know if you are in fear or if God is warning you? Pastor Syd shared an experience of sensing fear about boarding a plane. He went to a bathroom to get alone with God to ask Him about it. He started to have peace, so he knew it was okay to get on the plane. If you are not sure, get into God’s presence, because the spirit of fear will not be there. Train your spirit to be alert to God’s Spirit.

Safe And Secure – Faith or Presumption

Sunday December 14, 2014

Psalm 91. How do we abide in God? In 1 John 3:23, 24 we are told that whoever keeps God’s commandments abides in Him. What are His commandments? We are to believe on the name of Jesus Christ and to love one another. We are responsible for what we allow. The parent must not permit fear in his/her house. If you are dealing with an issue, keep fighting until you get rid of it. Do not give up and do not get into condemnation. Jesus was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:5-10), but He knew the Word. We must know the Word and rightly divide it. Do not tempt or test the Lord. Bringing something to your awareness is God’s protection. We must accept the protection that He gives in the form of a warning. There are many examples in the Bible of God’s giving a warning. In Matthew 12:14 Jesus became aware of the plot against Him and withdrew. In Acts 14:5, 6 the disciples knew violence was being attempted against them, and they fled. It is spiritual pride to think God will protect you when you know not to do what you are doing, and you do it anyway. Being made aware of something is a warning. There may be times when you are impressed to go somewhere, but the Lord may give you a word to tell you to stay (Acts 9:10-19). Ananias knew it was dangerous to go to Saul, but he had a word from the Lord to go. If there is a dangerous situation, you need a word from God to know what to do. Are we money-led, family-led, or Spirit-led? In Acts 9:23-30 Saul learned about a plot to kill him. Jehoshaphat had to prepare to fight, but the Lord told him He would be with him and that it was His battle. If a person would know that a thief was coming, he would have not allowed his house to be broken into (Matthew 24:43). Ask God what you need to do and then prepare. Faith without works is dead.

Safe and Secure – Power and Authroity – Dec 20

Saturday December 20, 2014

Texts: Psalm 4:8; Psalm 91. Even if your flesh is shaking when you are afraid, your heart should not be afraid (Psalm 27:1). We have spiritual authority over things that want to kill, steal, and destroy (Psalm 91:13). If you submit to God, you can resist the devil, and he will flee from you. We can stump on the enemy. In Luke 9:1 and 2 Jesus gave the disciples power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. In Luke 10: 1, 9, and 17 He sent out 70 disciples with authority over sickness, and they came back amazed that demons were subject to them because they had authority in Jesus’ name. Lions, serpents, and scorpions represent spiritual enemies. Jesus gave power in His name over things that are spiritual and natural (Mark 16:15-18). Satan tempted Jesus by using the Word that he knew Jesus knew (Luke 4). We must rightly divide the Word and ask how a verse matches with other Scriptures. Do not tempt God by putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Jesus’ word to the disciples was that they would go to the other side of the lake (Luke 8:22-25). If you are operating in the will of God, you can apply the power and authority of the name of Jesus Christ. It is only when you are submitted to Jesus that you have power and authority. You can be bold if you are where you are supposed to be. God will bring you the whole way (Psalm 91:13-16). If you are not where you need to be, repent. Then you will have long life. The Lord watches over His Word to perform it.

Safe and Secure – Power and Authority – Sunday Dec 21

Sunday December 21, 2014

Texts: Psalm 4:8; Psalm 91. Even if your flesh is shaking when you are afraid, your heart should not be afraid (Psalm 27:1). We have spiritual authority over things that want to kill, steal, and destroy (Psalm 91:13). If you submit to God, you can resist the devil, and he will flee from you. We can stump on the enemy. In Luke 9:1 and 2 Jesus gave the disciples power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. In Luke 10: 1, 9, and 17 He sent out 70 disciples with authority over sickness, and they came back amazed that demons were subject to them because they had authority in Jesus’ name. Lions, serpents, and scorpions represent spiritual enemies. Jesus gave power in His name over things that are spiritual and natural (Mark 16:15-18). Satan tempted Jesus by using the Word that he knew Jesus knew (Luke 4). We must rightly divide the Word and ask how a verse matches with other Scriptures. Do not tempt God by putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Jesus’ word to the disciples was that they would go to the other side of the lake (Luke 8:22-25). If you are operating in the will of God, you can apply the power and authority of the name of Jesus Christ. It is only when you are submitted to Jesus that you have power and authority. You can be bold if you are where you are supposed to be. God will bring you the whole way (Psalm 91:13-16). If you are not where you need to be, repent. Then you will have long life. The Lord watches over His Word to perform it.