Offering message: God so loved you, He have His only begotten Son, so that you would be in the family of God. Try to outgive God. God wants us prosperous (3 John 2). Why does God want you to be prosperous? 1) (Deuteronomy 8:18) He gives you power to get wealth so that you will establish the Kingdom and covenant of God on earth. 2) (Ephesians 4:28) We work with our hands so that we may have to give to others in need. Jesus was wealthy. He had a treasurer. He was a giver and blesser. When we are blessed with our needs being met, then we meet the needs for others (Philippians 4:19). Be anxious for nothing. Ask God for more so that you can bless others. Sermon message: God make me live securely (Psalm 4:8). The Lord shall preserve you (Psalm 112). Psalm 91 says that if you live under the protection of the Most High, you will dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. The three parts to living safely and securely are: (1) I willsay of the Lord that it is Him in whom I will trust. (Psalm 91:2) (2) Trust in the Lord. What do you trust in? Is it your job, money, gun, ability, preparedness? It is okay to be prepared, but do not trust in that (Psalm 120:7; 60:11-12). Samson could kill the lion easily because the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. (3) I will not fear (Psalm 91:5). You control whether you will yield to fear. You will be tempted to fear. I will fear no evil in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4). What is God’s part of keeping you safe and secure? He covers you with His feathers. The enemy is setting traps for you. You do not have to walk into the trap if you listen to the Spirit of God (Psalm 91:3). He knows how to protect you. GOD IS GOOD. THE DEVIL IS BAD. Take authority over what the devil is doing to you. Is everything that happens God’s will? We are to know the will of God. God did not give you sickness or disease. Pastor Syd related an experience in hearing the Spirit of the Lord. He was helping someone build a house. One morning the Holy Spirit warned him, “Watch where you step, or you’ll be crushed.” He needed to help loading logs for the crane operator. He was reminded about what the Lord told him and stepped away from where he was standing. The logs broke loose and fell right where Pastor Syd had been standing. When the enemy has a plan of destruction, the Holy Spirit will warn you. Satan will say things to you to get you into fear. Does what you hear inspire fear or unrest? Are you covered and in the secret place (Psalm 91:4)? Jesus lamented because the people of Jerusalem were not covered, so He could not protect them (Matthew 23:37-39). We are to be alert because our adversary (the devil) prowls seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). (1) Satan roars to inspire fear, giving him access to the person. (2) He has to seek for you, because he cannot find you, unless you open the door through fear. (3) He is looking for someone he may devour. He does not have the power and authority to devour you. James 5:7 says to submit to God, rebuke the devil, and he must flee. What might look like God’s judgment is really the result of people being uncovered, without God’s protection. If there is judgment, God desires to delay it (Luke 13:1-8). Prayer can delay judgment. The prayers of others can spare a person’s life and judgment. Your part for others is to be praying. Pastor Syd read the rest of Psalm 91.
Safe and Secure – Protection Promises
Saturday October 11, 2014
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM