Safe and Secure – God’s Warnings Protect Us – Nov 29

Saturday November 29, 2014

Offering message: Three rules concerning your finances are: 1. Give your full tithe. 2. Do not complain about prices and your finances. 3. Thank God for His faithfulness in your income. Do not pull out your seed with negative words. Offering Scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:1, 8; 14:22,23; Proverbs 18:20, 21; John10:10; Romans 4:17; Acts 16. Sermon: Psalm 4 (especially verse 8); Psalm 91. You have to choose in faith to receive God’s protection like you choose His salvation. Your part is to make Him your God and to say that He is your God and that you trust in Him. Also, you must resist fear. God’s part is that He will deliver you, cover you, and shield you. God also protects us by His angels, which you must make sure you do not dismiss by your words. Psalm 31:1-4 shows another way God protects you- by warning you. He leads and guides us. Pay attention to His voice. Proverbs 27:17 tells about the sensible person seeing and hiding from evil, whereas the simple one goes ahead and gets punished. Ezekiel 3:17, 18 tell the watchman to give warnings so that lives are spared. We must listen to God’s leading. Matthew 2:12-22 tells about God warning the wise men and Joseph by an angel in a dream. His warnings are part of His protection. Do not blame God for what happens when you have been warned by Him to do or not to do something. Pastor Syd told powerful experiences of when he did not listen to God’s warning and when he did. His son, Carson, is alive because he listened and obeyed. Sometimes you will have to do something because of a dream, and other times you may have to pray about it to prevent it. Do not override God’s warnings. Noah was warned and it took over a hundred years for the fulfillment to come. It is never God’s will for someone to die in an accident. He warns people. Be faithful to His warnings.