John 4:24 tells us to worship God in spirit and truth. When we become new creations, that means we are made out of nothing. Paul could say things Saul could not. Worship (serve) is presenting your body to the Lord. The believer is created to worship God. Eph. 5:18, 19 and Col. 3:16 speak of allowing the Spirit and the Word to dwell in us and then to sing in the Spirit and in the Word. Rom. 1:9 and Phil. 3:3 tell us that we should worship God with our spirit. I Cor. 14:12-14 reminds us to be zealous for spiritual gifts, but that it should be for the edification of the church, and that we operate in love, wanting the person to be free. You can pray in tongues, sing in tongues, and pray with the understanding (interpretation; English). There were Words to the church and to individuals.
Praise and Worship Part 4
Sunday December 27, 2009
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM