Chester shared videos and testimonies from his recent trip to Haiti, where medical teams and a ministry under his direction were serving. (Sam Zook also shared testimonies.) He also preached on God’s divine healing through Jesus Christ. It is God’s will to heal everyone. Using Scriptures, he affirms that God has provided for our healing, and it’s up to us to access it. Why don’t people receive healing? Lack of knowledge of God’s promises; failing to ask God; questioning God’s will; sin, which separates us from God; failure to act on God’s Word; thinking it’s not God’s time to heal; misunderstanding Paul’s thorn in the flesh; misunderstanding Job. How can a person overcome? Stand on the Scriptures; know you have authority over the devil and sickness; focus and saturate yourself on Scriptures; examine your heart; know you’re delivered from curses, such as sickness; establish a point of contact for your healing; confess the Word; hold fast to the promises and do not waver. We pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and in heaven there is no sickness or disease. We are healed, and we are to lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
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Service Times
Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM