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Highlights of the Guatemala Mission Trip
How To Pray – part 2
Pastor Syd continued his teaching on “How to Pray” by focusing on Matthew 6:5-15, the disciples’ (or Lord’s) prayer.
Clear Vision For Life
Dr. Charles Shaheen from Finland delivered a message from Isaiah about seeing, with clarity, God’s vision for you, the outward and the inward vision. We need personal vision for the world and our personal world. He shared his father’s testimony.
How To Pray – part 1
In his series, Draw Near in Prayer, Pastor Syd addressed how to pray, praying in the Spirit (in tongues), and whether all prayers are heard.
Christmas Eve service
Pastor Syd leads the communion service, the reading of the children’s Christmas story and the Biblical Scriptures of the Christmas happenings.
The children Christmas program
What Is Prayer
Pastor Syd gave a plethora of insights into prayer. Kevin Burrows ministered to the congregation concerning resistance to prayer and to those not knowing how to pray.
Purpose Why Jesus Came
Listen to learn about the three groups of people and how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
Why Pray – #2
Using Bible Scriptures, Pastor Syd, affirms that Jesus the Christ needed to pray, so how much more do we? He gave examples of how prayer saved his life and gave him wisdom.
Why Pray – #1
The Word In Season For CWI
Prophet/Pastor Bob gave a word about this season. He stressed pressing in, praying, being a watchman, more grace, being in His presence, being prepared for the spiritual babies coming in, … greater, enlarging, getting rid of distraction and being aware of deception.
I Hear The Sound Of Rain
Pastor Syd delivered a powerful sermon about warnings and expectations of the next four years. How do we prepare? What (Who) is your source? He shared the words, “Redemptive Instability.” We hear the sound of revival. Scripture: 1 Kings 17-19. Pastor Syd read a word the Lord gave him in 2021. Keep the faith until His word to you is fulfilled.
Are You Listening & Ghana Trip
Troy Pfoutz preached the sermon: Are You Listening? We are disciples in training and need to listen and do what God tells us individually. Thank Him and take authority by putting it into action. Troy shared stories of Ghana Initiative in Ghana and how to bless it.
Count It All Joy
Apostle Dale preached on joy from James 1:2-11 and Philippians 4:6-7. Joy is a spiritual attribute. He uses several stories to exemplify the importance of staying in joy. It is the indicator of strength in your life.
Break Up The Follow Ground
What is the fallow ground of my heart? How do I remove it? We want to be a live and producing branch.
Why Go To Church?
Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us to continue to assemble as the body of Christ. There is an importance to being faithful to your church.
Grace and The Gifts
As believers, we have received several of the gifts of the Spirit. Live the supernatural life as good stewards of the grace of God. Allow Him to use you by developing your faith. Use the proportion of faith. Faith joins with the Spirit and will prosper you.
Praise Him In The Storm
Pastor Syd presented Scriptures of encouragement and direction for the possible times ahead of us. Starting with Psalm 56, he stirred us to trust God and praise Him for who He is and for His promises, which give us strength, victory, and deliverance.
Unchanging Truths In A Changing World
Karen Burrows presents many Scriptures of truth of the Word of God with the main focus on prayer.
Lessons From The Flight Deck
Pastor Syd shares his personal lessons from the flight deck as a pilot as they relate to applying Christian faith to our daily life and sometimes its drama.