When you use the name of Jesus, you invoke His presence. Don’t live without the presence of God in and on your life. Jesus is alive, seated in heaven, ruling this world. Jesus Christ always causes you to triumph (2 Cor. 2:14). You don’t know how anointed you are, because when you conduct the anointing, you don’t feel it. When you walk in the light, people in the dark see you glow. There should be a savor of victory around us. Liberty is an unveiling and being in the presence of God in mercy and truth. His presence is not a place. We should praise God for what He has done in the past, as well as for things more recent. David praised God for what He did for Moses. You become what you worship. Heb.4:14 tells us to hold fast our profession. A profession or confession is positive if it’s based on the presence of the living Christ. He is easily touched with the feelings of our infirmities (Heb. 4:15). People run and hide from His presence because of sin and condemnation, but we should come boldly (freedom of access) before the throne of grace, not crying and hiding (Heb. 4:16). Boldness comes before grace. The main point is that we have a High Priest (Heb. 8:1). We must offer something to Him. What is that? Heb. 13:15 tells us that we are to offer the sacrifices of praise to God continually, giving thanks to Him who always causes us to triumph… who redeems us… who sets us on a firm foundation. Hosea 14:1 notes prophetically that our sins are taken away when we repent and sacrifice praise.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM