Sydney shares during the offering. Dale than introduces the special guest. Ethan Armstrong – Texts: Matt. 6:22-24 and Heb. 12:1-3. Checking out the meaning of “light” and “eye” and “full of light” in Matthew’s text, Ethen gained the understanding that the light is the spirit of the person, the eye means focus, and to be full of light signifies the knowledge and power of God. Don’t let go of your focus on Jesus. If you do, it affects you and the whole Body of Christ. Consider what Jesus did for you. He kept His eye single. Ethen exhorted us to connect with the vision of the church. Your focus changes your life. He shared his life’s testimony and what happened when his focus got off of Jesus. To run this race, it’s up to you as an individual to set aside your sins. You are the righteousness of Jesus, no matter how often you fall. Look to Jesus and the Word. Follow Him! Do what He says to do! Joy disappears when you get your focus off of Him. Are you connected to the church? Allow God access to your life. Is my focus where God wants it? Have I been personally serving God and the church?
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Service Times
Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM