Text: John 7:14-17. God sent Jesus, and Jesus sent you. God wants you to live out your purpose. The issue is man’s willingness to obey God’s will. You will not know God’s will until you are willing to obey, so you must consecrate yourself to do His will first, and then He will reveal His will for you. God waits for your consecration first, and you must obey first. Once you are willing, He will give you His ability. Saul thought he was serving God, but Satan had deceived him by leading him in the opposite direction of God’s will. (Caution: Satan tries to do that to us, too.) When Saul met Jesus in Acts 9:3-5, he recognized Jesus as his Lord, his King, his Ruler. We are God’s slaves, and He is our Lord. God wants people’s eyes to be open to Him and to their purpose in Him (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). You are saved when you confess Jesus is Lord in your life and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Jesus is alive. Are you willing to obey Him, or are you afraid to step into His plan for you? The issue is that He is Lord. Lordship is salvation.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM