Using texts of Eph. 4:11-12 and Acts 26:13-16 Pastor Dale preaches about the promises of the Bible that are for the body of Christ corporately. Each church body has its own personality traits; they are not right or wrong necessarily, but just different. What has God called us (CWI) to be and do? Transform Equip And Mobilize. We are after transformation, not reformation. What’s the difference? Transformation changes the nature of a person through God’s power and compassion. Pastor Dale shares various examples he has seen of peoples’ lives being transformed. God can change people. Paul’s encounter with God transformed his life. Transformation is happening in our times of worship, in our children’s ministry, etc. What is a change of the nature in a person? It’s a heart of stone becoming a heart of flesh beating with God’s compassion. If we stop seeing transformation in peoples’ lives, we will lose compassion, and we need to question what we are doing. Believe in God’s power of transformation. Also in this service: A video was shown about Global Media Outreach and Dwight Miller and Miriam Remington explained how GMO works. Pastor Dale gave the offering message: Isaac and Jesus both had to cooperate with the sacrifices made by Abraham and God, respectively. Phil. 4:19 reminds us that God is “MY” God who will supply all your needs.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM