(Marie shared her testimony.) Fathers, do not take the fight out of your strong-willed boys but direct them. We need men and boys with backbone. Have we forgotten what men are? Text: Revelation 12:7-11. Fight the right thing. God wants us to overcome – by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, loving not ours lives unto death. Know what you are fighting for and against. The Ukrainians do not what they are fighting for, because they have not experienced it. They understand family, but they do not understand freedom. The fight needs to come back into the church. (Apostle Dale shared about a leader in the Armenian church who was killed in Syria a couple days ago.) What really matters? Revival will come when what is not important and is not of content goes. Catch the spirit to fight and go. Be tough. What is your concept of overcoming? Pray for all in authority. There is purpose in overcoming. Get rid of the apathy. A rebuke is spoken. The illegitimate child does not receive chastisement from the Lord, because He is not their Father. Overcoming is based on Jesus’ blood and by our using our mouths to say something. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. When we praise God, we set the stage for God to do it again.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM