Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of 1 Thessalonians 5:23, the three elements are Spirit, soul, and body in that sequence. Apostle Dale mentioned that God is a spirit. Luke 1:46 was read from, worship starts in the Spirit and then it effects your soul. Galatians 4:4-6, Apostle Dale mentioned that crying is not weeping. God has a loud voice. We tend to say we are waiting for God to speak to us, but the question is are we always listening? Apostle Dale mentioned that you cannot have crying without a loud voice, Romans 8:8. Apostle Dale mentioned that our body has its own voice. We don’t have to listen to that voice. The voice of our body is lust. We do not have a weight problem. It is a spiritual problem. It’s the product of you following and living by the Spirit. The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit. John 15:5, God needs us to get to the people. Deuteronomy 28:1, we shall learn to listen. Apostle Dale read out of 1 Kings 19 and talked about how every fresh revelation demands a fresh consecration. He also reads from Galatians 5:14-16 and mentions that success is by avoiding disaster. He also referenced Psalms 121. Apostle Dale mentions that most people got a problem with denying the flesh. No matter how bad the devil messed you up, if you had accepted Jesus into your heart, you are still a child of God and He still speaks to you!
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM