Offering message: Text: Ps. 107:1, 20-21. Offerings are tied to worship. Our offerings are an expression of our love for God the Father and His Son, Jesus. In Mark 4 the seed is the Word in your heart. Everything we receive from God is from the seed of the Word. Sermon: Pastor Dale talked about the blessing of Ralph Wilkerson to the Body of Christ and to his family as they visited with Ralph and Aileen. In 2 Kings 2:7-9 it is recorded that fifty men were watching Elijah and Elisha, but only those two men went through the Jordan. The anointing is the power of God for ministry. What you do gets different results when the anointing is there. Pastor Dale shares about the anointing on him setting a co-worker free from demonic spirits and releasing the power for him to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. We need the anointing to minister. We should be more moved by the love of Jesus than our love for other people. Jesus never asked Peter if he loved people. He asked him if he loved Him. You need to ask for the anointing. Elisha asked for a double portion, which had a higher cost to go with it, but hardships can’t compare to the blessings. Pastor Dale tells about Brother Dresner being anointed to deliver healing to a family who sacrificed to have Dale and him stay with them. Expect God to provide the anointing for you, but ask for it. Ethen Armstrong was anointed and blessed at the end of the service.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM