How to Be a Man or Woman of God in an Ungodly World – part 2

Saturday September 27, 2014

The Word is able to pierce down to the center of your being. It is able to change you from the inside out. The Word is something we have to give our time to so it can penetrate into your soul (Hebrews 4:12). God wants us to know our heart so we can know His heart. We must make room for God in our heart. The Word will let you know what the intents are of your heart. If you reflect on the Word, it is like a mirror that reflects back to you who you are and who God wants you to be. Then you can discern what is of you and what is of God. There has been a long season of dryness spiritually in our country. We have to watch that we are not dry because we are in a dry season. God is going to rain on the church again, but He is asking, “Who wants to be ready?” We are walking in the shadow of the Almighty. We are not from here. Do not mistake your conditions for God’s intentions. Give the Word place in your hearts to move deep inside you. Bring a heart of humility to the Lord. I need You. Let Him and make you “wet” on the inside, so you can help bring rain on the outside to those who are needy. The “mother” of forty parables (pictures of the kingdom) is the parable of the sower and seed. God is in charge. He knows what He is doing. Do we want to know? God sows the Word. God wants to make something out of you and out of the church. First of all, you have to be kingdom-minded. Jesus said the kingdom is at hand. John the Baptist came to prepare people for the coming of the kingdom. Where he was, was in the wilderness. It was a journey to get there. That is what it is like sometimes: you have to go through some things that make you think that it cannot be the kingdom. Sometimes we get into dry spells, and we ask if God is there. Is this religion or reality? Many of us have not seen God radically come to His church and do a work that the world cannot overlook. The seed is in the ground and needs to be grounded. God is working underground. There is a process of the seed-shell to be broken. You need to willingly go. God wants to use you to be something you cannot believe God would use you to do. Let God be God, but some of that process is underground. We are going to bring the war to the terrorists. When the church rises up, it shifts things in the Spirit. The spirit-realm activates what is planted in the ground and says, “Come alive!” The process of what is happening in you will start to work through you. The Word of God penetrates. God knows how to save the world today. He knows how to make the church ready and different. God is the only One who can make you radical. In 1 Timothy 6:11-12 Paul called Timothy, who he was training, “O man of God”. He told him to fight the good fight of faith. We, too, are to lay hold on eternal life. You are called. Many are called, but few are chosen. God wants you to be chosen. You are called to be conformed to His image. We are to enforce the victory that God has won. To get to the end God wants, we have to go through growth. We have to want God. In 2 Timothy 3, Paul again says, “Man of God”. He again told him to fight the good fight of faith. Do not neglect the gift, but stir up the gift. We have neglected some things. Repent and move on past those neglected things. Let the fire of God fall on you. Let the Word have free course through you and this church that men may recognize that God is true. (He prophesied that there is a revival work underground, but it is coming up.) (Rocky shared a dream from the early 2000s. God is seeking out the church in the last day. (There was a word of encouragement about using the gifts God has given each one, followed by the ministry to those who want God’s gifts in them released.) Learn to recognize patterns of what God is doing.

Word given on September 27, 2014 by Larry Hostetter after Rocky Veach preached on “How to Be a Man or Woman of God in an Ungodly World”

You know, I created each one of you. Each one of you is special in My sight, and I put things deep down in your heart, and maybe you think, “I can’t do it! I don’t have the talents and abilities to do it! I’m afraid to do it! I may have the gift in me, but I’m afraid to step out and do it!”

I’m with you. Those giftings which I have placed within you are real. You have them all bottled-up in that seed, but I want to water it. I want to get rid of all the weeds. I want to get rid of everything that would hold you back to be what I want you to be, because those giftings I placed in you, even in your mother’s womb, and I planned them to bring life. I planned them to touch peoples’ lives, but if you don’t allow Me to water you, if you don’t step out in faith and trust in Me to be and do all I’ve called you to do, it’s never going to happen. It breaks My heart, because I created each one of you to be a part of My church, whether it’s to go to your next door neighbor, or it’s to witness at work. When you work in your job, you work for Me first. Oh, indeed you have bosses and indeed you better work properly and well, but I’ll tell you, if you’re working for Me, you’re going to be the best that you can be. That’s what I’ve called you to be. I want you to be the best you can be. This is a tough world, but it’s going to get tougher, and there is so much to do, so I’m asking you, let Me water you. Step out in faith. Take those weeds out of your life, because it’s your job. Those things that don’t belong in your life, I haven’t placed them there. The devil did and he’s out to kill, steal, and destroy, so weed your gardens. Weed your lives. Rid yourself of those things that don’t belong there, and grow in Me. Grow  in My Word. Grow in My understanding, My revelation. I’ve given you the Holy Spirit to help you in that. He is so real. You need to learn to  hear Him, and then you need to learn to be obedient. He’s your best friend. How do you those voices? By the Word of God. The devil whispers in your ears, but you need to know the Word of God. You need to place it in your heart. Then you listen to that voice, that still small voice, and the more you hear it, the more you train your ears by the Word of God, the more you’ll know His voice, and the easier it is to obey. So I’m calling you. Weed your gardens. Get in those showers of blessings, and break open that seed. Break it open so that He can use you. He wants to use you. The Lord wants to use you.

So be faithful, My children. Be faithful because I love you. I died for you, and I have plans for you. Every one of you.