Offering message: God meets all your needs. You get to choose what is your need. II Cor. 9:6 and 7 teaches us about the generous and the cheerful sower. The offering went to Alexy’s ministry and orphanage in Ukraine. Several pictures from his orphanage were shown during the offering. SERMON- Do you need more faith? Start with the Word of God. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus includes a powerful prayer that we should pray, too (Ephesians 1: 12-19). Pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. We need to be dissatisfied with where we are. Is knowing God a priority in your life? We’re called to know God and to grow in the knowledge of Him. God raised Gideon up to be who God said he was. God loves us and the sinner. This world needs the power of God, and we need to be His mouthpieces for the Gospel. The riches of the glory of His inheritance is for when we go to heaven, but it is also for now. Pray for more than what you have presently.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM