It All Comes Back To The Table

Sunday October 31, 2010

Communion: Pastor Armstrong shares on “It all comes back to the table; what happened on the cross”. Jesus knew what He was doing when He laid down His life. He was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. God said….over and over that the Word became dlesh. The example walked on earth so we’d know how to walk. The Seed was sown. Everytime we remember His body being sown, we put pressure on the covenant. When His power moves through us, it’s Him. The Word cannot be stopped. What happened on the cross was death-dealing. Following the “Great Exchange” (His Righteousness for our sin), punishment was involved, And Jesus took the full punishment. Ephesions 1:7, Galatians 1:4 Special bonus: Offering messsage by Pat Murphy, and portions of a Children’s ministry presentation.