Offering message: 1 Peter 2:5; Phil. 4:16-18; Mal. 1:6-9. Don’t give because of compulsion or need, but give unto the Lord being led by the moving of the Holy Spirit. If your offering carries no value to you, it carries none to God. What you don’t value and give in faith doesn’t bless you. Sermon message: In John 7:37-39 Jesus said that the believers should receive the Holy Spirit. He was not yet glorified, so the Holy Spirit had not been sent to us on earth. When the Holy Spirit came, He came to reside in us, just as Jesus had resided on the earth before He sat down beside the Father. Most people don’t know what belongs to them and have false ideas about the Holy Spirit. (Pastor Dale compared hunger for the Holy Spirit to learning to eat and appreciate sushi.) The Holy Spirit gives you power (Acts 1:8). If you’ve been filled with the Holy Spirit, appreciate your victorious living. Luke 11:11-13 tells us to ask for the Holy Spirit (after you are born-again John 3:16) – the first infilling and then a refilling on a frequent basis. John 14:16-17 says that He is the Helper. To build yourself up, pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). The Spirit and the Word only help you when you apply them and put them to action. Discipline yourself in spiritual matters and pray in the Holy Spirit and with the understanding (1 Cor. 14:13-15; Acts 9; Acts 19; Acts 2:1). You have to turn on praying in tongues. Ask God for more and receive His power today.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM