(A word was given after praise and worship.) There is spiritual gravitation. Before a plane can take off, there is preparation, such as acceleration and an increase of pressure under the small wings to bring lift to the plane. 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 says about turning from idols to serve God and to wait for His Son from heaven. Find your place where you can minister to God, and then wait for God. Waiting for God is like expecting and preparing for a guest. You do what you can to make it possible for him to come. You should be in expectation of heaven. There is a way to take off. We don’t know how long we will have to wait. Heaven is drawing us. Col. 3:1-4 reminds us to set our minds on things above. When Jesus appears, then we will appear with Him in glory. Our actions should keep in mind that one day we will be with God. Seek Him and keep your focus on heaven. Phil. 3:18-20 tells of people who think about earthly things, whereas our citizenship is in heaven. What are you thinking about when you first awake? What do you think about most of the time? Where is your heart? Look to heaven. The disciples thought Jesus was bringing an earthly kingdom and responded that way on the Mount of Transfiguration. When we meet with God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we taste heaven. Jesus did everything for us to be able to take off. God increases the pressure “under our wings” so that we are pushed up. We don’t know how long our runway will be. Jesus will come for those who expect and have their focus on heaven. The Spirit and the Bride are calling us to come. We may have to suffer and pay a price, because earth pulls us down. Given thanks to God, stick together, and have fellowship with and help one another.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM