Peace on Earth, Peace of Mind

Sunday December 22, 2013

Text: Philippians 4:6-8. How can the peace of God keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus? God is interested in you, spirit, soul, and body. Your physical body affects your mind and that affects your spirit. Your thought-life has a bearing on your spiritual life. The peace of God comes after you think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. You can filter the thoughts that you are meditating on. What is the priority in your thoughts? Is it going to benefit you? Apply the filter of Philippians 4:6-8 to what you are thinking. What is the pattern in your thought-life? If that pattern is negative, cut it out! Write down what you think about before you go to bed, and then write down what you think about when you wake up. Those are the thoughts you are meditating on. You can wake up with thoughts of peace, joy, holiness, victory, and prosperity. How? Your mouth controls what you think. Think on what is true, honest… In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 we are told to cast down imaginations and to bring into captivity every thought. Your thinking is not your identity; it’s an activity. Your filter is: #1 What is the priority in my thought-life? What is important for me to be thinking on now? The Word should be your importance. What does it say about my thoughts? #2 What is my focus? You can’t stop thinking about something by not thinking about it. You need to replace it with another positive thought- the Word of God. Focus with your mouth by speaking it aloud. #3 See what your patterns of thinking are. How do I interpret what I see? Tear down imaginations and strongholds in your life and think the Word and victory.