Dr. Kandole shares what happened during his time in Portugal and Kenya. He charged us with working together under Apostle/Pastor Dale’s vision. We will see the miraculous, like in Mark 2:1 with the paralytic man, when we use our callings and abilities under the faith and vision of the man of God. Honor the man of God; he is NOT a hired man. When we honor and receive the apostle, pastor, teacher, evangelist, and prophet, then the people will be perfected. If we do not, then we short-circuit the miraculous. There are lots of preachers, but few men of God. Even Jesus could not do mighty works because He was not honored in His hometown. Once your leader has heard from God, you do not need a confirmation. (He also ministered a Word from the Lord for Ethan Armstrong.)
Corporate Faith for Corporate Anointing to Fulfill Our Corporate Destiny
Wednesday September 9, 2009