Be Transformed by Meditating in the Word of God – Aug 9

Sunday August 9, 2015

Second Timothy 3:12-17 begins by stating that all who live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. The world is getting darker with deception, but as the dark gets darker, the light gets brighter. Hard times can show you the true value of hope. People are realizing that society has failed. We need to go to the foundation of the Scriptures. Scripture is profitable. There is a profit factor in spending time in the Word: joy, victory, and blessings. It is profitable for doctrine (teaching which way to go), for reproof (when you get off the road), for correction (to get you back on the road), and for instruction in righteousness (to stay on the road). When you reach you destiny, you should be prepared for it (2 Timothy 3:17). The Bible is transformational. It will change who you are. Life may scar you, but there is something more transformational in your life than your experiences. The Word of God is personally transformational. Apostle Dale told of a man who broke his back, lost his job, had no insurance, and experienced his finance breaking up with him, but when the Word of God took root in him, he came into victory. Some people’s hearts have been scarred. They feel trapped and in fear. Even more powerful than negative experiences is the power of God’s Word and the New Birth. Apostle Dale also told of a former abused child who became a Hell’s Angel. He was gloriously saved, but he felt like something still needed to be fixed. His soul, his emotions and mind, needed to be renewed with the Word. Romans 12:1 and 2 tell about the renewing of the mind, which brings about a metamorphosis. People should not intimidate you. You are a child of the King. Joshua 1:5-8 tells us to be strong and of good courage. You will experience every promise that is coming to you. All the commandments are fulfilled in one word – love. Good success and prosperity come after meditating in the Word. Come face to face with God’s Word day and night. It will transform you. How you respond brings transformation. Be scarred the right way and do what is right. Meditate in the Word. Meditation comes before giving. Second Timothy3:17 says that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. First, become a man of God, and then you can experience success. Transformation is on a personal level before circumstances change. Meditate on the Word of God so it can transform you.