Do what you know. If you have light presented to you and decline it, you could be blind. Make your self available to be able to be rescued. Where have I rejected light? Pastor Sydney talked about the time part of his life where he wasn’t right with God. Intentionally fake is a hypocrite. If You reject the light you become more dull. One of the ways to avoid becoming a hypocrite is to mind your own business. Purify yourself from anything dishonorable. If you don’t show mercy then no mercy will be given to you.
1 John 1:5-6 Matthew 5:14 Ephesians 5:8 James 1:22 Psalms 119:162 Psalms 119:130 James 4:17 John 12:36, vs. 42 Isaiah 6:10 Matthew 7:1-6 1 Corinthians 11:13 John 7:24 James 5:9 James 4:11 Romans 2:1-4 John 12:1-5 Romans 14:1-23 Romans 15:1-4 James 2:12-13