Text: John 7:37-38. If you are thirsty, came to Jesus and drink. In 2 Chron. 17:1-6 and 18:1 we see that Jehoshaphat strengthened himself in the Lord, but after he prospered, he got into pride and allied himself with the evil king of Israel, Ahab. Don’t allow God’s blessings to cause you to disdain why you were blessed in the first place. Put yourself in remembrance and stir yourself up. (Pastor Dale shared how he was born-again, filled with the Spirit, and called to the ministry.) The Gospel changes lives. The people left Jesus, so He asked the disciples if they were going to leave, too. You will be tested when Satan brings accusations against you for receiving from God. But, when you are thirsty and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, rivers will flow through and out of you (John 7:38). God will work where hearts will receive Him. Eph. 5:18 tells us to not be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It means to keep being filled, and it’s a command. Being filled with the Holy Spirit will bring life to the Scriptures for you and is like being born-again all over again. Acts 19:2 Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Get in the river and be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in other tongues. (Pastor Dale and others ministered for those who were thirsty to receive the Holy Spirit.)
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM