This is a time when we need to be powerful. Luke 18:1-8 exhorts (commands) us to pray and not get weary. Do the Gospel; share it; lay hands on the sick; pray for people. The heart-confession connection causes change in your life. We must be full of faith in order to fight. What is God doing in you? God will speedily avenge His own who cry out day and night. Heb. 11:1 Faith is a now, quick-work. Situations are subject to change in Jesus’ name. What controls you: what you hear, see, and feel or what the Word of God says? Ps. 103 tells us to bless the Lord with all that is within us and to bless His holy name and to not forget His benefits. Don’t tolerate what you shouldn’t. Don’t let your faith fade and faint. Sharon Hawk shares how she prayed about seed and received a harvest to plant the seed, when Bob’s faith was faint, and he didn’t even think to pray about it. Luke 18:1 There should be constant prayer in the CWI body. We’re connected like a husband and wife. Do we let things slip? Don’t faint. If your faith slips, recognize it, and repent (turn around). There are many demonic forces blocking people, and then people make decisions out of the will of God. Stay in the Word and the Holy Spirit. When we get blessed, God’s kingdom is increase. Awake! Stir yourself up! Repent! Change!
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM