Pastor Syd reviews and builds on last Wednesday’s message. God’s promises are for you. His plan for you is good. You have to choose God’s plan and to believe it. We are yoked with God, and His yoke is easy and His burden is light. If you believe His plan for you, you’ll be excited about it. Praising God is a two-edged sword. God laughs at the devil and his wicked schemes. Walk in faith. Speak in faith. God’s vision for you is a picture (Prov. 29:18). Get a picture in your mind of how God sees you. Write down the vision (Hab. 2:2). Which plan is playing in your mind? When you speak the Word of God, your ears hear it, and your mind shows you a picture of it. We focus and speak what is in the unseen and eternal. Abraham, Noah, Joseph, and Joshua had a picture of God’s plan that they held on to for years. Prov. 4:10, 18, and 20-22 tell us to listen and see and get God’s revelation. The result will be living many years and having health in your whole body. (Tom Fuss gave a word to Pastors Dale and Syd.)
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM