Testimony to Transform the Church to a House of Matthew

Sunday January 30, 2011

Offering and communion: Pastor Dale reminds us that we can do all through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:13) and that we should see a need as an opportunity to touch others. He ministered communion using I Cor. 11:23-26. Pastor Mats Ola Ishoel, a Norwegian who pastors the vibrant Word of Life Church in Moscow, Russia, inspires the church to be Jesus to the unsaved and unbelievers. It is harvest time, and it is for a season. We should be attracting unbelievers to the church and to Jesus. How do we do that? It is the life and love of God and Jesus Christ in us! The house of Matthew (Matt. 9:9-13) was attractive to unbelievers with Jesus in the middle. There was no compromise, but there was fellowship and then life-changing salvations. Jesus was open and friendly. BE LIKE HIM! We should fear becoming cold and indifferent. Do we care about the fate of others around us? Be alive- from the inside out and care for others as Jesus does. Luke 6:36 tells us to be merciful. Our church should have new people all the time. We need to be interested in people and get to know them and take the initiative and be inclusive in our attitude. James 2:15-17 says clearly that our faith is dead without works. It’s the works and action that make our faith and love come alive. Invite and bring people to church. Connect with people. Do we love our church? Then we’ll talk about it to everyone we come in contact with. Ask God for wisdom and creativity to reach out to unbelievers, our neighbors, and co-workers. Matt. 9:36-38 Jesus was moved with compassion. The harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few. Always be looking for people to attract to Jesus and the church. Care and be genuinely interested in them.