How Do We Live a Long Life

Sunday April 9, 2017

This is Victory Sunday. Everyday is a great day to praise the Lord. Let’s be worshipers in truth. God gives grace for finances (2 Corinthians 9:8), so that we can bless others. Pray for greater needs. Sermon: The spiritual side of living long is different from the world’s view. The question is how long is it before I die? People have used Genesis 6:3 which says that man will live 120 years, but that was how many years it was until the flood. Psalm 90:10, which is a prayer of Moses, says that we will live 70 years or if by reason of strength, 80 years. Eighty years is not really long. This was a complaint and was considered short because of a curse. Ask God if you are finished, or if you are short on vision. Some people put more faith in the latest supplement than they do on the Word. It is godly wisdom to take care of your body. Ask God what you are to do to take care of your body. Scriptures to increase your faith for long life are: Psalm 91:14-16; Proverbs 9:10-11; 3:13, 16-18; 4:10; 10:27; 28:16; Isaiah 65:20; 1 Peter 3:10-12; and Ephesians 6:2-3. There is not a set day or time for you to die. You can lengthen your days, so we can do things to shorten our days. Death is an upgrade. We are not afraid of dying. We want to live long to accomplish the most we can on this earth. You can ask God for something more to accomplish. Keep your tongue from evil. Honor your parents. Our faith is not in exercise or a supplement or pill. Charles Capps taught that you can have what you say. He had exactly what he said he would have. Your words will work for you.