Acts 2:1-4, 14-18 tells the account of Pentecost. It was a suddenly. Jesus’ followers were in one accord in one place and the Holy Spirit’s presence filled the building. The years 2011 will be and has already been a year of suddenlies- both good and bad. It’s an important choice of how we handle these suddenlies. We must be filled continuously with the Holy Spirit and receive all God has for us. We are in the last days, and according to Joel, He will pour out of His Spirit on all flesh. Expect to receive and deliver prophetic utterance from the Holy Spirit. Expect God to give you visions and dreams. There was a time of ministry to those whose hearts are broken. Bob also ministered a prophetic song about God’s desire, His calling you by name, His delight; about being counted, called, chosen; being in the place in Him; about change and revealing His delight and desire. He said that He requires what He has invested in you. We are carriers of His Spirit, and we should reveal His desire. He has opened doors and given us His favor, presence, desire. He wants us to come under His covering and into His fold. He desires for us to be His mouthpiece, hands, and feet to go out and bring the lost to Him. That is His desire. The congregation responded with “I will come for You. I will go for You.” A prophetic word was ministered to Bob at the end of the service.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM