Giving to God is an act of worship and submission. James 4:6-8 gives strong advice: don’t be proud; submit to God; draw near to Him; purify your hearts; submit to Him; then resist the devil, and he will flee. God is good (James 1:16-17), so if there is stealing, killing, and destruction in your life, it’s of the devil. Gen. 1:26 God created man (Adam and Eve) to rule and have dominion (prevail against, tread over, take). We, too, are to rule and reign in life by Christ Jesus. The god of this world is Satan. Why? Adam chose to submit to the devil and to give his authority to Satan. When he tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 4:5-8), he had the authority to do so, because he held the authority. The devil is a master of shortcuts and leads to bondage to whomever will follow him. Temptation is not sin, but if you don’t make the thoughts of it come into obedience of Jesus Christ, the result is sin and death. BUT God raised Jesus from the dead, seated Him above all authority, put all things under His feet, and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church (Eph. 1:20-23). The one sacrifice for sin was offered forever. People get the wrong idea when they hear certain Bible terms, such as deliverance, prosperity, and submission. Find out who God is and who you are (Gal. 2:20). FIRST Submit to God- YOU DO IT! God doesn’t make us do it. Then resist the devil. Rom. 13:1 Authorities are instituted by God. There’s rank in demons, heaven, earth, the church. Keep rank (1 Chron. 12:3-38). There will be people over and under us. There’s freedom in submission. There is grace for your place. Study: 1 Cor. 15:23-28; Matt. 8:5-13.
Submission to Authority Part 1 – You Submit to God’s Authority
Sunday February 17, 2013
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