Romans – part 1

Saturday June 25, 2022

Paul wrote the letter to the Romans on his third missionary trip. He was on
his way to Jerusalem and wanted to be there by Pentecost. It addresses the
Jewish and Gentile believers, first telling the guilt of the Jews and then the
Gentiles and finally, of everyone. He preached the gospel to believers. He
told them to tell the good news. God communicates with our spirits. We are
spirit beings having a soul (the mind, will, emotions) and living in a body. (1
Thessalonians 5:23; 2:18) Paul wanted to impart something to the Romans
in person. The theme of Romans is found in 1:16-17. The gospel is the
power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. He states that the just
shall live by faith. What God said by faith gives us faith. God's wrath is
against ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth. No
one has an excuse to not believe in God as evidenced in His creation.
Romans 1:24-25 is about exalting science and dulling a person's spirit.
Verses 26-27 is about pride, which is Satan's main attribute. There are
different consequences of sin. You can repent of sin, but there are sins unto
death, and there are sins you cannot undo. The wages of sin are death.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality and
because they did not show mercy to the poor. Chapter two addresses
judging others and practicing what you preach. Circumcision is of the heart
and is covenant. Chapter three tells us that all have sinned. The law shows
your sin and your need for the Lord, but it cannot save you. The
righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ. We are justified in
Christ. The angels cannot repent. We uphold the law by love.