Romans – part 3

Saturday August 6, 2022

After a brief review of Romans 1-4, Pastor Syd starts with Romans 4:13-25. God has the power to do what He says He will do. Context and the witness of two or three are important in establishing doctrine. Chapter five starts with peace with God through faith. Death happened because of Adam, and life came because of Christ. We, as believers, can have peace, but all are not walking in it. Being in peace is an individual choice. In Mark 4:35-40 Jesus was sleeping in a violent storm. He spoke “Silence! Be still!” to the sea. “Silence” means to be muzzled. A mark of peace is hope. It is not being resigned to a situation or the absence of conflict. Hope is a confident expectation and is part of peace. Romans 8:6 mentions the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace. Isaiah 32:17 says that the work of righteousness is peace. Romans 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy. God’s covenant of peace will not be shaken (Isaiah 54:10). Jesus would be called Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:7). Be rooted in grace (Romans 5:3). God is glorified when the enemy is put down. We boast in the pressure, because it produces cheerful constancy and proven character (approved in a test), which produces hope. God’s love has been distributed to our hearts. Love overcomes the world. God’s DNA is in us. (Communion was served based on 1 Corinthians 11:23-32.)