Pastor Syd teaches on Romans 4. Abraham was justified by faith, not by what he did. Satan’s masterpiece is the Pharisee, the self-righteous one. Abram believed God, therefore God considered him right. It was credited (the right to get something; someone else does something for you in your place; it’s because God is right) to Abram for righteousness, while he was uncircumcised. The time of God’s giving Abram the promise of blessing through a son was about thirteen years before he was circumcised. Abraham was not a Jew. (Genesis 14:18-16:16; Genesis 12:1-3) As Abram came back from liberating Sodom and Gomorrah, he met Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest to the Lord. He said that God blessed Abram, and he gave Melchizedek a tithe of everything, because he was thankful for the victory. This was four hundred years before the law of tithing. Tithing did not change, and it results in His provision, His reward to you. (Malachi; Hebrews 7) Jesus taught New Covenant principles. Abram had a covenant with God (Genesis 15). He had Ishmael when he is eighty-six. In Genesis 17:1-12 when Abram was ninety-nine years old, his name was changed to Abraham, the father of many nations. (Genesis 21 is when Isaac is born.) The promises are by faith and operate by grace (Romans 4:13-25). His Word overcomes the world and gives grace to do what He says. Call things into existence that are not. Say that you can do all things. Hope against hope (confident expectation). Abraham kept his faith, was strengthened, and was fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform. Just like Paul on a ship destined for shipwreck, don’t be afraid. Take courage and believe God. You are credited as right when you believe God.
Pastor Syd explained the reason the Lord told him to get his pilot’s license.
Word Given in CWI service:
You know, My children, when you think of what’s going on in this world, and
most of you don’t even know what the enemy is doing, he is a defeated foe,
and I will have My way, and I will use you, things I have planted in your
hearts. It’s like Pastor Syd, things that he almost buried, but I’m not done.
I’m not done with you.
This church is a church after My own heart. It has been for a long time, and
I’m grooming people. I’m grooming people to do things they never thought
they would do.
Don’t cut Me short. I’m much bigger than you think, and I’ve called you to
do things you never dreamed of doing, or maybe only dreamed of doing.
The anointing power of the Holy Spirit is very real, very real, but you have to
get to know Him. You have to spend time in the Word. You have to spend
time with Me. You have to spend time on your knees, and these times will
take you to your knees. That’s a good place to be, because I honor that. I
honor that.
So as I speak to you in that still, small voice, don’t discount it, even though
you think it’s too big. Don’t discount it. Remember, I’m real. I am God. I
created heaven and earth. I created each of you to be and do and fulfill
great and mighty things in these days.
You’re My hands. You’re My feet. Be willing to do that. Be willing to follow
that still, small voice, because I love you. You’re My children. I’ve called you,
and I will call you for greater and mightier things than you ever dreamed of.
Be faithful. Be faithful. Be givers! As you give, I will give. It’s in the Word,
you know.