Bob Hawk preaches about the glory of the Lord and what needs to happen for us to enter into His glory and into revival. Is. 60:1-5 tells us that we are to arise and shine, that the glory of the Lord is risen upon us, and His glory is seen upon us. We are God’s representatives, His ambassadors. Be hungry for His presence. God is going to shake loose in us whatever doesn’t belong to Him. We need to deal with the heart issues and get rid of the sins and the “good” things that are not God’s best for us. When we stop holding back, increase can come. Rom. 6:4- we should walk in the newness of life, which is revival. Glory is God’s divine presence and His appearance commanding respect. We must respect God to go into His glory, and when we do, Satan will attack us. We can’t pet our sin, but we must take authority over it and be cleansed by Jesus Christ’s blood. Ps. 85:6 asks if God will revive us again. Revival means to return, to recover from death to life, to be refreshed in joy, and to be brought back again into notice. Ps. 138:1-8 God resists the proud. Even in the middle of trouble, He revives us. The Lord will complete what concerns us and His mercy endures forever. Eph. 5:14-21 tells the “sleepers” to awake, and be filled with the Spirit, and Christ will give us light. It is time for the church to arise and shine. Gal. 5:16. Open your heart so God can pour His Spirit into it, and you can have a life of constant fellowship with Him.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM