Prayer is communion with God, a relationship with Him, and being mindful of His presence. In Eph. 6:10- tells us about the whole armor of God and that we are to pray always with all kinds of prayer and supplication. James 5:13-18 reveals how to pray effectively and how to pray for healing. Prayer can be unfruitful: praying according to your lusts, praying against God’s will, praying religious, mindless, repetitive prayers. Prayer is not rebuking the devil, because that’s taking authority over the enemy. Don’t disconnect from communion with God. We know we are to pray to God, the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ (John 16:23). You can talk to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit, but prayer is to God. How do you know if your prayer is effective? When you are in good communion with God. Adam and Eve had good communion with God before the Fall, and Enoch’s communion was so good, he was taken up. Luke 18:10-14 mentions the prayer of humility (knowing who you are with God and knowing who you are without Him) compared to the one who speaks the “prayer” of self-justification. Is. 56:7 tells about God’s saying that His house should be a house of prayer. The congregation spent time praying in the Spirit.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM