Pray in Jesus Name

Wednesday July 13, 2011

There is power in praying in Jesus’ name. We represent God and His authority. Ps. 9:10; Ps. 44:4, 5; John 14:13. If we ask anything in Jesus’ name, He will do it, so the Jesus can bring glory to God the Father. There are many names for Jesus: Prince of Peace, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Lifter of heads, Light, Almighty, Scepter, Lord of lords… Art tells of a man who was called to a very dangerous area of China. Everyone feared to go with him, but he went, and many people were healed and saved. When he returned, everyone was shocked that he was not attacked by thieves, but the reports came in that eleven soldiers were seen with the man. Eleven people from the church that supported him were praying for his safety at that date and time. God was a Wall of Fire for the missionary as in Zech. 2:1-5. In Gethsemane Jesus asked His disciples to pray with Him for one hour. Art had a video clip of a five-year old boy declaring, decreeing, and interceding for babies being dedicated in a church service. There was a period of prayer, supplication, and intercession, and we were encouraged to do this on our own at home.